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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9542474 No.9542474 [Reply] [Original]

Meanwhile on bizarro /biz/...

>> No.9542481

Buying Chainlink was the smartest thing I've done.

>> No.9542488

Buying Chainlink and REQ was the best decision in my life.

>> No.9542499

Why did they make a Bitcoin Cash fork with 1Mb blocks and dropped the word Cash?

>> No.9542524

I always do what /biz/ says.

>> No.9542559
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NANO is the best project in the cryptocurrency market - I can't believe Reddit thinks it's a shitcoin.

>> No.9542560

Man that singularity sure was something.
Hold up, Sergey is on the slack

>> No.9542586

OMG! Can't believe I won ! Thank you VeChain team ! keep doing the great work.

>> No.9542591

He's holding the weekly AMA

>> No.9542601
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REQ has strong support at 30 cents

>> No.9542625

Satoshi Nakamoto is holding a livestream today. Get in.

>> No.9542633

Link 1 sat EOY

>> No.9542648


>> No.9542655

Thank fuck I sold all my crypto in 2017.

>> No.9542660
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RLC -5$ EOY!

>> No.9542675

I really hope these institutional investors leave crypto. I am tired of a 5 trillion dollar marketcap

>> No.9542683
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Bitmain is #1 GPU maker in the world.

>> No.9542691

I enjoy going to work and I respect women

>> No.9542701

President Clooney is doing a good job

>> No.9542727

These shrimp farming dapps have made Ethereum transactions almost instant at a minimum gas price. Reddit is very thankful to 4chan for it.

>> No.9542754
File: 56 KB, 1000x500, 18af052b-2349-4e9e-83dd-18845fe83d0c_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why won't thot posting take off? I mean I realize we can all afford to fuck women like this any goddamn time we want but isn't it nice to enjoy these classy black and white photos of otherwise very obtainable women?

>> No.9542762

I bought low and sold high, guys.

>> No.9542800
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Guys I'm worried about Sergey's health. He's nothing but skin and bones.

>> No.9542816
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I made it guys, finally I can stop wagecucking!

>> No.9542836

Holochain has the strongest team I've ever seen

>> No.9542882

Which type of makeup do you use to attract the best males? I prefer the Avalon shiny burboun lipstick it really helps when I have to seduce one or another cryptonillionaire and get knocked up.

Btw do u girls know where those cryprodudes hang online?

>> No.9542895

Do any other wealthy Digimarines still come here?

>> No.9542902

I'm happy

>> No.9542912

im glad dad is still healthy and doesnt have dementia

>> No.9542918


What are some good degrees to ensure I get a great job, live frugally, and save most of my money to invest in a well-diversified portolio that includes stock, real estate, precious metals, and crypto?

>> No.9542925

ICX literally cannot stop mooning. The price never stays put.

>> No.9542932

I wish there were more Indians here to give me some ICO advice.

>> No.9542989

Delet this. I didn’t come here to feel.

>> No.9543110

I made money!

>> No.9543139

I'm rich and healthy!
Thank you FUN!

>> No.9543282
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why didn't I listen?
you warned me snailfarm was a ponzi
i went all in
now I have no money to pay rent
why is the world so cruel, dgbcat.jpg

>> No.9543905


>> No.9543921

link is good

>> No.9543959

Bcash is about to hit 100k!

>> No.9543990
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This is my favourite thread on 4chan.

>> No.9544014

I'm glad my dad's the same way. He just went out fishing with his buddies last week

>> No.9544061

Wow, I'm glad coins with workings products and partnerships moon while literal vapor wave is crashing.

>> No.9544081

Bitcoin is crashing when alts moon.

>> No.9544387

Don't kill yourself

>> No.9544670

Segwit 2X was an amazing upgrade for Bitcoin, I'm glad we all adopted it.

>> No.9544846
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Funds are safu.

>> No.9544972

U GUIZE !!!!!

Bizarro McAfee just tweeted that institutional money is about to drain billions from the crypto markets and that the alts will fall through the floor, followed by the top ten.