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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 246 KB, 2000x1333, 105218078-IMG_4121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9539755 No.9539755 [Reply] [Original]

I saw her in the image from the xmr post with fluffypony, so looked her up and she is hot shit.

Bitch if you out there, I'm a engineer in my late 20's. Own a house, almost no debt, am balls deep in crypto and want to be balls deep in you. I'd give my left nut to eat your ass. Hit me up.

>> No.9539777

100k Ethorse

>> No.9539790

she will be yours.

>> No.9539797

1 pound of makeup. More gum than a pack of Wrigley. Disgusting wrinkled eyes. Moles all over her face. Dyed Hair. Brown eyes.


>> No.9539805

One fat pig and her father will give her to you

>> No.9539808


>> No.9539816

Her neck screams eczema. Or the clap. Either way...RISKY

>> No.9539835

is it just me or does she have an enormous mouth?

>> No.9539867
File: 49 KB, 600x600, thot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro, she a thot

>> No.9539907
File: 11 KB, 183x275, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's good because I have an enormous cock.

Actually, I think she is one of few women that aren't obese in today's society, so her mouth looks big compared to her face because her neck and cheek fat aren't making it look smaller by comparison.

Tbh, I like women in power. She is not only hot, tatted, into crypto, but she was the executive director for JP Morgan's blockchain division.

Only downside is she is 35. I'm 28 and I usually fuck girls in their early 20's. She has a nicer body than most young women I know so I'd settle on the age thing because she looks like she could ride a cock.

>> No.9539946
File: 2.32 MB, 480x270, amber-baldet-of-jp-morgan-on-hyperledger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a very dominant dude and have never had a shortage of pussy but Jesus Christ this is love at first sight. I absolutely want this woman. Now I know why chicks "trap" guys. I'd fucking knock her up in a heartbeat. Gotcha bitch!

>> No.9539984

Independent and successful women dont trap men. Only gold digging roasties or crazies trap men

>> No.9540007


> brown eyes

kek you made my night Anon.

>> No.9540036

Wow what a charmer how could she possibly resist?
Jk stay lonely op you literal autist

>> No.9540039


I’m sorry but 18-29 y/o can’t fuck for shit, the minute they hit 30, their hormones start to get wild and they can really ride the D, like they actually like it not like hey are just trying to be sexy for you. You have never fucked until you GET fucked by a 30yo woman whose body is trying to tell her to get pregnant. Whew.

>> No.9540102

Lol I'm legit laying next to a sleeping woman I just fucked you retarded faggot. >>9540039
I agree. I once hooked up with some dupont executive when I was travelling for work. Definitely didn't use protection but I had been partying a lot and was really high on Adderall and Coke. She was maybe 42 and fucked me so good. Blew a load in her, that pretty much overflowed her entire pussy, took a break for a few mins, then she hopped back on, then we kept going until I came again.

10/10 would do again.

I've been staying away from the drugs but I definitely miss the coke and amphetamine fueled fuck fests.

>> No.9540120

I understand what you're saying. I was saying I'd trap her sexy ass. I'm ready to knock this bitch up like yesterday.

>> No.9540191

>tfw 23 and terrible with girls my age but hooking up with a fit 35 year old thicc milf

idk what it is but its hard to respect younger girls enough to talk to them.

The idea of an older woman that knows what she wants is much more exciting for me - but i cant help but feel im missing out

>> No.9540417

Young chicks have no clue what they want. Tbh, I just look for someone who knows how to fuck.

Young women are hard to respect, because most are idiots or are looking for a handout. I don't care how hot you are, it's hard to get turned on if you're a fucking idiot. I landed a date with a hot ass 23 year old bartender. Perfect body. Complete fucking idiot. actually had her psychology degree haha. Gj bitch, you now have 50k in student debt for a degree you'll never use working a job that requires zero skills except a pulse and you'd still make more if you just sucked two dicks a day.

Back to the main post, I know I'm gonna fuck this Amber chick til her face looks like this permanently. God I want that pussy. New lifegoal.

>> No.9540427

Forgot to include pic haha

>> No.9540435
File: 934 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20180521-035403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9540450

other than this being a poor larp, its not /biz/ related. take it to r9k ya autist

>> No.9540465

It's not a larp you fucking pussy and it is /biz related since she's into crypto, was the former executive of whatever that JP blockchain shit and she needs my cock.

>> No.9540476

you cant put up a r9k related thread and ham fist it with crypto and say its not breaking the rules. sage, hidden, reported. enjoy your ban

>> No.9540491

>1 remaining testicle
>purposefully ingesting feces
You're a catch, OP.

>> No.9540508
File: 381 KB, 902x1024, AmberBaldet-005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9540527

Enjoy being a cuck faggot while some nigger fucks your girl while you wageslave.

You can tell all the bois at McDonald's tomorrow that you were the internet hero of the night on fucking 4chan.

When you're 40 and homeless/friendless I'll know who to ask if I''m ever curious to hear what cum tastes like.

>> No.9540537

Eating ass does not mean to ingest feces. Have that bitch shower before you stick your tongue in her asshole.

>> No.9540576

Jesus Christ, you guys all want her for the money, right? She ugly as shit, but I guess if you wanna marry rich, she’ll do

>> No.9540587

You're a fucking faggot.

I just want to fuck her, I have my own money.

A woman in a powerful position career wise submitting to me sexually is close to the ultimate fantasy.

>> No.9540700


>> No.9540771

why eat ass then? The point of eating ass is because it's dirty, otherwise it's just a random body part

>> No.9540963

>looks like a retarded lady gaga combined with a psychotic hair dresser

>> No.9541185

>he's not too depressed to even think of women outside the scope of immediate sexual gratification

out normie

>> No.9541246

Checked and kekked

>> No.9541629
File: 825 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180520-131550_Photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's worth 100k link. Basically nothing.

>> No.9541633

Have any of you autists dated a woman with more power than you before? Sure it looks fine from the outside but soon you realize that their career and aspirations are more important than a faggot like you. Enjoy being cucked

>> No.9541656


I’ll be damned if this isn’t the most “Reddit” thread I’ve seen on biz in a long time.

Thirsting after some filthy kike roastie: Check
Like tats and coloured hair and thinking your edgy because you talk about your enormous cock and eating ass: Check

OP is definitely a basedboy. 9/10 odds he counters by calling me a NEET or uncle. Honestly wtf has happened to /biz/