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953782 No.953782 [Reply] [Original]

So what was the point of Occupy Wall Street anyway?

>> No.953786

Proving that the unnecessary masses are exactly that.

>> No.953789

To express frustration of the false promises that having a degree grants people jobs post-graduation and that the debts would be relatively easy to dissolve once 'real' money started coming in.

I feel the frustration and understand where a minority of the protesters came from; they majored in a given science or business plan and didn't get enough out of networking or ended up competing for work in a saturated market. To the english majors, women's studies types and artists I feel a bit less bad because at least in interviews, their point of view was a bit more... shitty. Entitlement comes to mind and when majoring in arts or 'teaching degrees' if you don't market yourself, continue to blame others for your problems or just go to University strictly for getting grades, kinda studying and then going home or out on the weekends constantly not giving the future much attention, you're doomed to fail even with a 'good' degree (a term I don't like really using).

This is all opinion. I see some merits in the movement sure but by whining on television, not using the opportunity of having a plethora of like-minded individuals in the same area to attempt to make a group plan to search for work, market themselves and exchange advice with their peers you're an idiot. A stereotypical self-important millennial.

>> No.953816


This is the part of the movement that struck a nerve with me while it happened.

First, I was taught growing up that the world would beat a path to my door if I worked really hard. Get the As, do that activity, collect the recommendation letter, get the degree and complete the internship.

Second, I was told to go to college and borrow money against my future salary because "you need a degree to succeed" and "this is great debt, you'll pay it off when you graduate in no time."

But it turns out:
>there was no job waiting for me
>companies didn't care about grades/activities/degree or even the fucking internships
>that borrowing was suddenly a huge problem

>> No.953822

The government took it seriously enough to set up snipers at occupy rallies, then the movement was subverted by SJWs and it fizzled out

>> No.953823


>Major in Native American Art
>Surprised when no one is hiring for someone with a major in Native American Art

This is on you senpai

>> No.953853

Nice /STEM/ may may

>> No.953877

I dunno, something about income inequality. Although they did get a lot of young people to show up, I don't think it was planned out very well and the message fizzled out in the end.

You can thank poor message control for bringing us the "feminist" social justice and black lives matter movements. Both of which are drowning out the social democratic movement which they so desperately need.

The Occupy rallies backfired and ultimately pushed the progressive movement backwards.

>> No.953881


>Making smart decisions with your education and money is a meme

Being a poorfag must be a pretty fun meme for you

>> No.953885

>always two there are

Force Awakens
>Dark side and the light

>balancing the equation


Girl posting
>timestamp and tits

>> No.953925

I thunk it was to shut in the streets and do some urban camping

>> No.953946

Some rather naive people expected to change things by sitting around in public places with no set demands besides "down with this sort of thing".

>> No.953954

How did they subvert it, why and what can we learn from it?

>> No.953961

College kiddies who just found out the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows, and were pissed off that nobody was interested in hiring them with their African American Pansexual Studies degree. So they go on to blame muh rich eleetz for their own delusions they had during college.

>> No.953970


At first everyone was like:
>you need a degree, any degree, it doesn't matter what so long as it's a degree
>follow your heart and be true to yourself

But then suddenly
>what, you have a gender studies degree? What were you thinking?
> you should have looked at the markets and seen what was in demand, not what you wanted to do

>> No.954253

He's right though, I still remember as a child being told how college opens doors for anyone with a degree. People said that simple art degrees helped them in their careers and adults always encouraged children to seek college education. Unfortunately for the children who don't possess extraordinary critical thinking skills...almost all of the well taught, middle class, career seeking teenagers dumped themselves into college. Some are doing well, mostly due to factors outside of their control such as luck, parents or contacts. Others got completely shafted by a system that's been designed to trap them with permanent debt and a piece of paper worth no more than the other 2 million printed that year.

>> No.954275

"Muh free shit" VS capitalism.
Or at least that's how it started.
It spiraled into an unorganized mess. It was a mess almost from the start.
People protesting different things, at times even contradicting each other was an issue as well.
Once again, it proved that the government doesn't give a rats ass unless bullets start to fly or government buildings start to burn.

>> No.954285

general grumbling/discontent from the great unwashed + an excuse for various groups and causes to piggyback the movement to try and get some airtime for their own agendas

no real point to it - just people at the bottom expressing that they're butthurt, there will always be people at the bottom and lots of them will always be butthurt

>> No.954288

>Society lies to kids about the value of shitty degrees
>Society uses gubbmint to subsidize loans that can never be paid back
>Kids get shitty degrees with borrowed money
>Kids buy houses with borrowed money
>Kids get mad at FIRE sector because it asks for loans to be paid back
>Kids don't get mad at the people who lied to them
>Kids don't get mad at the gubbmint

>> No.954292

The entire protest was nothing more than whining about student loans for liberal arts degrees.

They made it out to be about political and banking corruption, but that's a null point, since all of them supported Obama.

>> No.954295


That the capital owners and managers were getting too big a cut of the American pie.

>> No.954306


It just amazes me that we have a system that doesn't let you drink until you're 21, but you're allowed to take out a loan for up to 120k at 17 years old

>> No.954336

I don't understand the cynicism from the murrikan. In the UK the banks got bailed out but the government took ownership. In the USA the government just bailed them out. You guys got raped. It's the banks that couldn't handle the capitalism

>> No.954482

>or 'teaching degrees'...
u wot m8?
Where I am a teaching degree is pretty hard, but at the end you get good compensation.

>> No.954489

>So what was the point of Occupy Wall Street anyway?

Economic inequality and the socioeconomic repercussions thereof.

>> No.954491

They couldn't articulate what they wanted, which meant that they didn't really want anything in particular.

>> No.954500

In a post-9/11 world armed police are standard at mass gatherings.

Recently there was an austerity protest in the UK, and some twats hot worked up that there were police snipers observing from rooftops. "Look, the fat cats are afraid of us / Those fascist pigs are itching for an excuse to gun down students". No, you cunts, they're watching for terrorists using the cover of bodies to plant or detonate bombs. Nobody's threatened by your gay little sign and your unwashed hair, well, apart from the people standing immediately downwind of you.

>> No.954506

Because murikans are still distracted by old Cold War narratives. For them, crony capitalism is okay.

>> No.954522

People should be aware that higher education is a business these days. It's run for profit, and the people telling you that its a great decision to get a degree in dance/ceramics/African studies are primarily after your money. It's also a bit of a dick move to expect 18 year old kids to be able to make informed decisions about their future to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars.

The flip side is, caveat fucking emptor. Live, learn, come out wiser. You're not entitled to a great job with your shitty degree, your shitty grades and your shitty attitude. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.954773

Protests against the corporate bailouts that happened just before then.

>> No.954778

There was also a pretty successful push to confuse the message as it was being put out. If you listen to actual interviews from that time, most were actually pretty consistent. The media coverage was pretty obviously hostile though.

>> No.954787

Poor organized movements that think leaders are useLess because "we da voice of americuh". So pretty much every failed movement since the civil rights movements

>> No.954974


In my case it was ba honors in econ with the minors. I had an it internship too.

Couldn't believe how useless it all was.

>> No.955057

The banks were committing the greatest fraud in american history. The issuance of mortgages to people WITHOUT INCOME, the collateralization and issuance of mortgage bonds that couldn't be paid back combined with A ratings by credit agencies should have landed thousands in prison. Everyone from the investment bank to your mortgage broker was committing fraud and they knew it. When the savings and loan crisis happened in the 1980s, the government actually convicted hundreds. Yet the 07 housing bubble was estimated to be 30x larger and...no one went to jail.

It wasn't capitalism and it's not that we're simply cynical, the truth is >You guys got raped.

Yeah that.

>> No.955176

This. Lots of people seem to forget the mess 2008 was, how people across the country were laid off and watched how the largest financial institutions in the U.S. fleeced them without consequence.
A couple weeks in and it got co opted hard by SJWs and othe radical activists who wanted to push their agenda. Mainstream media didn't do it any favors either, basically kept shoving the message that it was entitled college kids who didn't know what they wanted, nothing to see here goy, everything's fine!

>> No.955191
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I could be wrong, but didn't the government introduce a number of regulations that really fostered the kind of practices that led to the financial crisis?

>> No.955312

none of you are talking about the government subsidized gains that wall street insiders get, that is what it was about. not some socialst nonsense, but the fact that the government is owned by the finance/military/pharmacuetical fatcats. wall street socializes losses and privatizes gains, libertarians should have been the first to protest wall st.

>> No.956710

look him up

>> No.956968

That's because no one did anything expressly illegal in the 2008 financial crisis. The government made some stupid laws and rules and then banks followed them. You can't send people to jail for following stupid laws.

>> No.956984

yes 100%

Also if you don't give a house to a poor nigger then you're hurting society and possibly a racist.

if you do but you charge them a market rate and give them a market product ( baloon loans etc )

they get all mad at you when they cant pay for shit even though they signed for it.

also subprime paper is GOOD, except when the quality has been pushed to shit.

and a shit deal in florida still is shity even if you pair it with a shitty deal in CA

>> No.956994

>You can't send people to jail for following stupid laws.

This is what's wrong with deomcracy. Autocracy is the way to go.

>> No.957006


>> No.957175
File: 112 KB, 764x938, 1430895461416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OWS starts to protest how the job market is rigged against entry-level workers and how there are no entry-level jobs anymore
>Four years later
>There are still no entry-level jobs available



>> No.957178

You don't get a "turn" faggot. The world is not made so that everyone gets an equal opportunity to make their way. You will never have a job handed to you unless you have connections. Like the rest of us, you simply have to work for it. You will probably have to work harder than a lot of other people but you'll never have to work as hard as some people.

>> No.957182

To give a bunch of drugged up hippies the illusion they were finally fulfilling their pipe dream of doing something meaningful with their life's.

>> No.957635

>your own definition of stupid
>certainly wasnt stupid to those who wrote the law
>lawyers, judges, congress men
>surely am more intelligent than them
>I has IQ of 120 after a fat blunt. Dindo muffins. Capitalism is a lie. I dont trust banks