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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9537388 No.9537388 [Reply] [Original]

OK /biz/ shill me your short term moon mission.

>> No.9537411

Gcc, the good one

>> No.9537500

can confirm. it's a piece of shit but it'll x10

>> No.9537504



>> No.9537506
File: 471 KB, 1280x1707, 1524450926096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the gains I made this morning

>> No.9537519

Fabric Token - 3M hard cap, working product.

>> No.9537520

DERO, of course

>> No.9537529


>> No.9537560

REQ, crowdfunding app releasing very soon. Quick pump before it dumps hard as it tends to do.

>> No.9537597

+10% overnight, but sell out before morning.

>> No.9537625

WTIP on tradeogre sitting at 1 sat trading 1st day with over $100k volume.

easy x5 in the next few days

>> No.9537750

unironcially crypto eth snail game or whatever you call it. Look how much it moves, this game solves the over inaflation problem, as well as has long term advantages such as rapid deflation whenever there is a sail, same with long term eth shrimp farm was fucking huge, but there was no incentive to sell, thats why eggs hyper inflated relatve to eth.

The option that the top player gets that 100,000 bonus, is a huge plus. Will lead to bulls piliing it up hard as fuck. getting 100,000 of somthing then getting an automatic 100,000 bonus will inspire more people to buy this up, reallly really hardly

>> No.9537757


>> No.9537766

How much you want? 10%? 20? 50? 200?

>> No.9537854
File: 15 KB, 225x225, 99EA8528-F545-4F3C-8F17-A8B88720BB60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has already worked with multiple reputable companies and already has and instagram like all for Asian market. ICO was recently and just go listed on KuCoin

>> No.9537984

QLC, it's about to pump and it will be insane when it does. A bot has been manipulating the price, but the buy pressure is starting to be too much for it to keep the price under control. Look at the charts. When it finishes breaking free, it will 2x in a day and that will just be the beginning. I haven't been this bullish on anything else yet.

>> No.9538005

TRX obviously... easy gain

>> No.9538019

Why should I invest in a compiler?

>> No.9538124


>> No.9538148

GCC is The Billion Coin lite. It's a boomer scam in the most ridiculous way possible.

>> No.9538235
File: 4 KB, 102x85, phantasma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's gonna 2-3x after hitting switcheo (it will guarantee 8x if you got in ICO)

it got Fabio from NEON/NEX from CoZ as advisor,

Moral faggots are mad the Shillina just got added as an advisor too. I don't give a shit, he's gonna pump these bags hard.

>> No.9538283

Just started trading on Bibox and Gate and is trading at half the ICO price. Has been getting steady gains and volume is through the roof.

>> No.9538286


and shit like this is why i'm bullish on SWTH. it's going to be the best place for new NEP5 tokens both shitcoins and solid projects alike. NEX too but i always root for the underdog, more money to be made that way.

>> No.9538349


1. It just werks.
2. Many wallets across all platforms.
3. Rebranding soon.
4. Low market cap.

Im not saying hodl till the end of time. But if you're looking for nice gains this summer. Buy NOW.

>> No.9538431


>> No.9538434

same here, especially once more places start pulling KYC bullshit, my bags of SWTH will fucking moon too

>> No.9538439

The fuck. Is there some kind of wiki for these

>> No.9538464

Whats the rebrand? Always thought the name was garbage

>> No.9538588
File: 153 KB, 1412x941, raodhog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take a look at ZIPT and PAL anon, DYOR then thank me later

>> No.9538607
File: 94 KB, 1110x555, Screen Shot 2018-05-20 at 12.15.57 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One coming right up!

Aphelion New coin only a few weeks old 38mil circulating 70 mill max supply currently trading at .42c so there is massive room for growth.

Currently has the Best NEP5 wallet in crypto blows NEON out of the water. They are launching Mobile wallet in under 2 weeks then a DEX is being Launched a few weeks after that with trading straight from the wallets. Mobile Wallet - https://imgur.com/gallery/kEe52X4

The APH token is used as fees on the DEX platform with 80% of fees paid back to those that hold APH like compounding interest.