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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 18 KB, 601x600, Masari-Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9534101 No.9534101 [Reply] [Original]

Just gonna leave it here, you either do your due diligence and do it fucking hard and not get pajeeted, or not.

>> No.9534425

Jokes on you I actually did fag. It's a shit Monero fork with 4000 blocks that have been premined. The dev is getting ripped to shreds in his own Bitcointalk thread. Thanks OP

>> No.9534442

some low quality effort fud, probably by monero original or monero classic fag. People do your research first.

>> No.9534451

https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoMoonShots/comments/8ktsit/masari_moneros_little_brother_this_is_a_gem/ you can start here

>> No.9534453
File: 4 KB, 279x181, cagelaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy being poor friendo

>> No.9534466

uh oh I'm being attacked by the discord

>> No.9534561

https:// bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2159114.0

If youre still convinced into buying this turd after browsing that thread I

>> No.9534596

What's wrong with the thread? The FUD was only in the first pages (along with some Fonero devs attacking it). Now, everything is going fine Stop trying to desperately FUD, anon.

>> No.9534626

Do they even have their own logo or is it still that awful Monero color swap?

>> No.9534645

Are you fucking blind mate, look at op's picture

>> No.9534692

so we're sticking with this bch tier logo, sounds great.

>> No.9534693

I lost my house to Masari
when we've panhandled for 10 consecutive hours,
just before we go to sleep under a bridge
my kids ask me :
"dad, why did you sell the house for fake pokeball internet money ?"
what should I tell them, /biz/ ?

>> No.9534720

definition of a shitcoin

>> No.9534764

uh oh for you my friend
things will go badly, not goodly

>> No.9534817

I'd never buy this

>> No.9535032

Well, there's the guy who didn't DYOR and will remain poor forever.

>> No.9535072


HAHAHAHA, you do, but it's year 2019 and masari is trading at $100 as a brother to monero like litecoin to bitcoin or zencash to zcash (or pivx to dash).

>> No.9535229


Not the masari shills again. tell me anon why should i buy this shit ?

>> No.9535242

we dont spoon feed people... this is not link.

>> No.9535274


lol. Masri is shit compared to sumo

>> No.9535316

nice low effort FUD, pajeet.

>> No.9535362

Ok no joke here
insider news
timing attack that has been running against several privacy coins hit masari hardest
they had over 15% of blocks hijacked
this news will come out in a few days

>> No.9535367

>10% premine


>> No.9535373

everyone knows about your "attack" already, dude... old news. no go to away pajeet and stay poor /biz/ brainlet.

>> No.9535386

>insider new

Weak FUD. Try harder.

>> No.9535403

it is news since its still ongoing
the devs havent resolved it yet
and the attackers are STILL getting 15% of all block every 24hr

>> No.9535419


low effort shill. you still haven't said why masari is better than sumo?

>> No.9535446


pre mine will be unlocked in 2020 ? is this the best you can do?

>> No.9535578

It's still premine. Coins that miners will never get.

>> No.9535647

it's basically the BCH bitmain version of Monero with limited dev support because they have a bunch of angry idiots who bought the cryptonight miners with nothing to mine now.

It'll use the same playbook as BCH, only they'll be hard pressed to find a cult leader like roger ver. or maybe they'll just use roger to simplify things, but that would be a long term strategic mistake.

in any case, i dont expect the dev(s?) to keep up with the coming upgrades. like ledger nano compatibility, kovri or bulletproofs.

plus, it had a pre-mine (how corrupt do you have to be)

itll get pumped for sure because it has everything going against it. guaranteed 2X. BUY NOW

>> No.9535648

Convince me to buy this shit

i have some eth to gamble with

>> No.9535665


And ? there was no ico. pre mine is what developed CN- Heavy. unlike all the CN coins which copied CN7, sumo is the only coin which made its own Algo.

>> No.9535733

not even trolling but what about SUMO? I've been mining that little faggot for weeks now and not doing half bad.

>> No.9536415

And MSR will develop some unique things without the need of permine.

>> No.9536448

When on tradesatoshi?