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File: 84 KB, 1419x781, wedgetheory-ADA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9527432 No.9527432 [Reply] [Original]

I plotted some more wedges on a number of shitcoins, spoiler alert LTC is the worst one of them all

>> No.9527456
File: 81 KB, 1419x781, wedgetheory-EOS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EOS looks like it's about to take a mssive dump after a very short pump

>> No.9527474
File: 71 KB, 1419x781, wedgetheory-LTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LTC will just die off in a couple months, I'd be very surprised if this shit ever goes up again

>> No.9527515
File: 97 KB, 1419x781, wedgetheory-cash4betas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BCH looks to be on an upswing but will probably shit the bed and end up bellow 0.1 in a few months

My original plot (green) looked iffy but if the downtrend sticks the red wedge will come true

>> No.9527534
File: 67 KB, 1419x781, wedgetheory-nano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to wedgemagic, NANO will reach the end of its wedge sooner than all other coins and tokens.

It should go up from there, but been burned by nano in the past so I'm fearful of putting some weight on it.

Whatever it's going to do it will definitely be sooner than the rest of the market tho

>> No.9527569
File: 190 KB, 1385x1332, REQLINKendofJUNE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My original wedge theory post, near identical wedges for LINK and REQ

>> No.9527615



>> No.9527675

you fucking nigger if you're going to TA at least make it look credible

>> No.9527677
File: 59 KB, 703x702, WET-btc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, BTC wedge ending also very soon

>> No.9527713

How about no.

This isn't TA anyway, it's a general observation that prices not only aren't organic, but the bots have been moving prices to a very specific pattern, about to be completed in June 2018 and started exactly a year ago

The whole entire market has been pre-planned for a year, wake the fuck up

>> No.9527733
File: 550 KB, 888x1025, nc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm rock hard with this wedge

>> No.9527744


do you really believe that could happen? seems farfetched I like the wedge theory though. this volume dropping is the last scare tactic before bullrun?

>> No.9527781

It's not even a scare tactic, the bots were programmed to reach a certain point and now it's reached.

They don't need any more volume to reach the prices they were aiming at

nice dub dubs x2, should I go into NANO? I've been burned but it looks a month closer to breakout than the rest of the plots

>> No.9527796


I made the thread in the link below.
so unironically, yes.
What are the reasons for reaching this point? What's it all mean?


>> No.9527845

This is the same bear market that started after BTC reached $1k the first time, only shorter in duration.

It puts people to sleep with a fake sense of security, nothing will happen, forget about bitcorns... then BOOM too late for low prices, fomo in at $16k, next stop the moon

And then it crashes back down after people take profits off of FOMOers. Next bullrun will be close to 50-100k or some crazy shit like that, it's probably about to start after a final flash crash... I think?

>> No.9527859


that final flash crash fucks me up a bit.
I could see it
I hope it's just to lull us to sleep though yeah
hopefully bull market by end of May?

>> No.9528020

By mid June it'll be a whole new ballgame

>> No.9528072



>> No.9528147

100k is delusional as niggers saying 2-4k

>> No.9528282

Actually, it's as delusional as $1k btc going to $20k in half a year, and a bit modest, actually. 50k is almost a certainty by December, the real question is "will it go higher than 50k?"

Probably, 100k is far fetched obviously, but it will be within the range. 70k is certainly possible, just a 10x

>> No.9528315


I think this bull market brings it to $36. Correct to $15-19