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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9525259 No.9525259 [Reply] [Original]

Listen goys, The Jibrel Network is the cryptocurrency that will bring about mainstream adoption of blockchain in finance. The writing is on the wall, tokenization of assets is the next x1000 opportunity in this here game of crypto, and Jibrel is the best connected, the most professional and the smallest mcap project. Don't let racism and xenophobia stop you from getting rich boys. It eill be a seriously bitter pill to swallow when we hit 30 dollars in december and you remember your "scamelcoin" and "Jihadi Network Token" memes.

P.S. Talal was with Tapscott at his meeting with the Bank of England and numerous UK banks are beginning asset tokenization projects as we speak. Why do you think we pumped mainly due to the USDT/JNT pair on gate?

Ripple is about to be gutted by JNT. We are the finance industry's blockchain project of choice.

Get in now before you have to FOMO at over 2 dollars like a normie degenerate.

>> No.9525336

Let us hear your doubts. I want you boys to be rich as well.

>> No.9525347
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>> No.9525368
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>> No.9525463

People really only talk about Jibrel when it mooning. They forget about it the instant it stops. These threads are basically pointless

>> No.9525541

“They are only getting started”.

>> No.9525593

Welcome to crypto

>> No.9525595


I just saved everyone the time and got the whole thread out of the way.

>> No.9525605
File: 996 KB, 1244x706, 121F1FB2-3B8D-4027-9E07-3EAA3B6FA682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just broke up with my gf broskis. She lives in Japan and I live in the US. It was just too difficult trying to get her to trust me. She honest to God loved me and I couldn’t say it back to her.

>> No.9525666

this shit is a pnd

show me any proof that talal was with tapscott at the Bank of England? oh wait you can’t

>> No.9525672

Anyone know what's up with jibrel telegram? Seems to have disappeared

>> No.9525675

Get the away Satan.

>> No.9525696

sounds like you had the trust issues

>> No.9525723

How much is suicide insurance for JNT? 1K? Am poorfag

>> No.9525729

There was some guy with 16K JNT who threatened to kill himself if it didn't make him rich. Haven't heard from him in a few weeks so uh I guess it depends on your mental state.

>> No.9525753

I suggest going all in if you're a poorfag

>> No.9525755

Lul this is 100% accuracy for any crypto project out there.
>brah the shitcoins founder just said that theirr shit can solve Oracle problem do y this shit it mean Oracle is a partnership now.
>brah my shitcoins have some function like facebook here look at their code, facebook partnership confirmed.
> brah pls someone buy my shitcoins, my bags getting heavy

>> No.9525784

Really depends on his patience. Going all-in makes people very impatient because they see things mooning and think they are losing money by not chasing pumps.

80% in at most so they can lose that 20% and realize they are bad at trading.

>> No.9525830

Lame analogy.Don Tapscott is advisor for only icon and jibrel.Since icon have nothing to do with tokenizing assets then its reasonable to assume he was at the bank of england largely to shill jibrel.Its more than logical that talal was likely there with him, since he is one of the handful of pioneers in the field.


>> No.9525854

so no proof talal was there

I haven’t even clicked your link but I assume there’s no mention of jibrel at all either

>> No.9525864

dont buy jibrel its a fucking scam shilled by discord pajeets


>> No.9525874

Tappscott is an advisor who is on the payroll at jibrel.So yes jibrel were there.

>> No.9525918
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For the record there is only one instance that I know of implying it and it is this. Which by the way got zero confirmation.

It is possible Talal was there and probably was but there is no actual evidence of such which is probably by design.

>> No.9525937

Why so much uncertainty with this project? Couldn't they just be straight with us for once? Inb4 muh NDA

>> No.9525967

Think about it logically.The bank of england would want the best there to explain it to them and talal would jump at the chance to plug jibrel to them.Both sides would be eager as fuck for the other to be there.Chances that talal was there are very good imho.

>> No.9525983

Fuck I hope this goes down another 20 cents at least so I can grab more

>> No.9525994
File: 101 KB, 491x637, Face it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inb4 a perfectly valid and reasonable reason considering that we are dealing with financial institutions and banks
NDAs aren't bullshit and you can't just ignore they because you want information. The team has made it very clear their goal is not to satisfy internet autists. They do it out of professional courtesy and having looked at the telegram you should be happy that Talal response AT ALL to that fucking cancer pit.

You can talk to Talal and ask him question most days. That is a lot more visiblity and interactivity than most projects get and you are bitching that you don't get the information you want instantly.

>> No.9526137

An NDA isn't a legitimate reason not to reveal sensitive info?

>> No.9526234

do you think it will dip a bit? i need to buy more

>> No.9526247

Maybe? The price appears to be stable around 50 cents which is super odd but they might have tokenized some things so I don't know if it will have a significant dip if that is the case.

>> No.9526423


>> No.9526752

Source on numerous UK banks beginning asset tokenisation? Do you mean using Jibrel network or just in general? Also please can you not say Talal was with Tappscott, maybe he was but the only proof seems to be people with inside knowledge so it would be better not to state this as fact.

>> No.9526889

I swear to god your proof better not be that video tappscott made for Lloyds.

>> No.9527100

Fucking useless faggot you forgot

>I have X jibbies, will I make it
>how many to make it

>> No.9527111

I kind of feel bad for suicide anon, but at the same time he is a hypocritical filthy commie.

>> No.9527124

Iirc he said he wasn't a communist.

>> No.9527153

That's unironically what a commie would say.

>> No.9527890

Wallet anon here

>> No.9528022

2k enough for suicide insurance guys?

>> No.9528157
File: 32 KB, 100x100, jibrel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wa'alaykum as-salām infidels greetings, joyeus and prosperous ramazan to all. celebrate efendi dance the dance of the penitent and beat yourself. repent then gorge yourself on the testes of adolescent goat before sunrise. blessed are we jibrellites blessed to bathe in the afterglow of wealth and gains beyond measure as our coins rise like the lust in loins on sighting dancing desert chubby boy for first time or penetrating ripe melon after dusk. efendi buy buy special special price for you today only ilā al-liqā'

>> No.9528216
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>> No.9528383

Strange. I thought with the comics and shit he always posted that he was a commie.

>> No.9528447

I'm the guy from reddit who orginally shilled JNT to /biz/. 2k is definitely enough for suicide insurance but you'll be holding for a while.

>> No.9528498

2k USD or 2k JNT?
Asking for my poorfag friend

>> No.9528506

No I am the guy that shilled jibrel to 4chan

>> No.9528551

how much jibrel to buy a nice place to live in india sir, my family is waiting pls

>> No.9528783
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>Inb4 muh NDA

>> No.9528938


Why did they fork the bitcoin java library? What's their end goal?

>> No.9528975

Sirs buy my koyns sirs

>> No.9529023

Buying JNT is similar to supporting ISIS
stop funding the territosts

>> No.9529048

Happy with my 3k stack bought low.

>> No.9529117

BTC will be a part of the DAO, there will also be Bitcoin and Ethereum CryDRs.

>> No.9529138

Seems like I have impostors already, I'm the guy from reddit who originally shilled it btw guys. I can give you my ETH address so you can donate for my great shill back then.

>> No.9529161

So they are currently developing the DAO.... This means that the wallet, jNode and jSearch might be almost done

>> No.9529168

Can you explain that pic. Why is the TUSD at $1.27?

>> No.9529205

OK faggot what's your user name on reddit? I'm a mod of /r/jibrelnetwork and I'll fucking ban you faster than you can say 'tokenize'

>> No.9529239

Post your ETH adress along with your name, location and a timestamp with your face

>> No.9529246

Literally doxxing himself. I know who you are sir. My ancestors are smiling at me rn.

>> No.9529266

Btw, it's going to Binance in 60 days. Happy doubling jibbies.

>> No.9529271

Fuck you faggot if it wasn't for me nobody on /biz would even know about JNT and you'd all FOMO in at $10

>> No.9529342

Bibox wallet below 800k
Stop supporting Jihad in the you faggots

>> No.9529344

are we pumping again?

>> No.9529563

Oh yeah? Come at me you little faggot. I am better than you guys because I made a reddit post and I'll mention it in every single thread so you know.

>> No.9529631


>> No.9529641


>> No.9529719

sure hope not
I need to accumulate more

>> No.9529895

New floor 0.5 dollar

>> No.9530068

I NEED 0.30

>> No.9530204

He also advises metronome which will do its ICO pretty soon. If you want to diversify it's a good bet my fellow jibrel marine.

>> No.9530503

I didnt know that.thanks for the tip.

>> No.9530974

have you considered kys? kys is the #1 doctor recommended brand for those suffering from being a cuck faggot

>> No.9531251

I love this project, but please kill hans and stefan. I know they are trolling hard

But they are just too fucking good at that, they keep triggering me just ban them please

>> No.9531385

JNT is a fucking scam. Stop trying to get people to buy your bags. Over $2 my ass. Couldn't even go above 59 cents

>> No.9531496

It's going back down below 40 cents. Like it always does after a big pump. You're welcome

>> No.9531686

>t. retard who wants to accumulate
The price being as stable as it is means it was tokenization. It isn't dumping no matter how badly you want it to.

>> No.9531770

Don't listen to this guy, I'm the real OG that shilled JNT first

>> No.9531861

No sir, that would be me.

>> No.9531932

Hans must be a boomer.

Stefan is trolling in a very lame way, sometimes I wonder if he is not an autist like Hans.

>> No.9531976

you memeing but every jnt thread is full of fags who want to be id'd but don't know how to use a trip.

>reddit article fag
>300k+ jibros
>suicidal anon, RIP
>insider (guy who messages talal 10x a day for table scraps)
any of you reading this, please use a trip

>> No.9532003

top kek

>> No.9532078
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>mfw I said Hans had jAutism in the telegram and got b&

>> No.9532206

It's already down 13%. It clearly has downward momentum too. It's already down 30% from its recent high. JNT almost always has a big correction after it moons. It usually goes down a little lower than where it was previously stable which was about 34-36 cents so I'd guess it's going to hit 30 cents. I'm going to be Conservative and buy back in at 34 cents though.

>> No.9532293

>JNT has mooned before and has downward momentum
Bullshit. It has been around 50 cents for the past day.

>> No.9532297

Praise allah

>> No.9532313

You are the retard from yesterday who doesn't know how TA works aren't you.

>> No.9532417

If the tokenization of the 3.75mm in jBonds is the cause of this - what will happen when they tokenize the rest of the $200mm?
Bullish as fuck.

>> No.9532451

That's why TA is bullshit with JNT.

>> No.9532454

Only about 180M or so are going into jBonds but still. It really points out how thin the market is.

They appear to be buying large amounts of JNT and then pumping the price so that what they bought is worth 50% more and remaining solvent is easier. Which really is just market manipulation that you can't really plan around.

>> No.9532498

Yeah, you're right.
But they will also need a buffer of like 20% or whatever, I think.

>> No.9532568

That's actually p funny.

>> No.9532577

Maybe we ain't trying to be id'd, like how 4chan was meant to be used

>> No.9532597

You will see. You all called me an idiot when I sold 56 cents. Don't be dumb sell now and buy back in in a few days for much cheaper

>> No.9532632

You’ve been screencapd nigger.

>> No.9532645


>> No.9532647

I didn't call you anything. You clearly have some mental issues though as you sound like a teenager about to shoot up a school if the girl he likes turns him down.

>> No.9532665

We'll see dude. I'm betting that it's going to hit 30 cents

>> No.9532699

>Victim complex combined with not knowing that TA doesn't work on JNT
Wew lad. You keep on waiting for that dip as it keeps bouncing between 48 and 51 cents just like it did after the last pump in which it bounced between 32 and 37 for two weeks.

>> No.9532717

then crashed

>> No.9532731

Prove me wrong. Tell me why JNT will stabilize here and then moon? I could increase my stack if I bought in now. Tell me why I should do that.

>> No.9532732

Then mooned actually.

>> No.9532760

Do you actually understand how jBonds work and how the tokenization process works? They have already said they are in the process of tokenizing jBonds which is why there are sudden spikes in the USDT pairing on Gate.

In order for jBonds to remain solvent they need to have enough JNT to cover the value of whatever is being tokenized. Which means that if it crashes they need more JNT and as such will act as buy support to prevent any real crash. Why is it sticking around 50 cents and all the volume is still on Gate? Because they are keeping the price stable. It won't crash because that would make them insolvent.

>> No.9532774

0.59 to 0.51 is 30 percent? Fuck this board, srly

>> No.9532798

I meant in eth and it was lower when I posted that.
That's a better post. I dont think this is a huge pump from jbonds though. They'll probably do it much slower. If you want to accumalate you don't just buy buy buy all the way up. You do it slowly. This just seemed like another pnd.

>> No.9532811

I think suicide anon is dead. He used to check in at least once a day. He hasn't been around for at least a week...

>> No.9532821

You are full of shit and by pointing out your obvious lies and agenda, maybe some people will see through this FUD attempts.

>Another PnD


>> No.9532835


>> No.9532854

yes he sent me his jnt

>> No.9532878

as long as he took his private key to the grave it's all good to me

>> No.9532901

>They'll probably do it much slower. If you want to accumulate you don't just buy buy buy all the way up

Because you get what they are doing. USDT has been the highest volume pairing for a few weeks now. That was them accumulating. They then pushed the price up and are holding it stable so that the things they bought over the past few weeks are worth 50% more at least. All they have to do now is keep the price stable to remain solvent.

>> No.9533017

There's no proof for any of that. And would you buy in right now if you weren't already holding? Even though it was 0.0005 eth like a week ago?

>> No.9533110

>There is no proof
There is more proof of that than there is of a PnD. I would wait a week to see what the price did if I wasn't already holding and didn't understand how the product functioned. Green candles should make everyone nervous about buying in.