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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 69 KB, 1200x674, 70-Vitalik_Buterin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9525213 No.9525213 [Reply] [Original]

He asked if he should drop Eth and work for Google (then deleted the tweet)


I used to work with people with autism. You guys dont understand; the autistic mind is like a F1 race car engine. It is extremely fast, 100% logical, lacking any form of humanity and 100% focused on self-service.

So dont be surprised if one fine morning you wake up and your $200k of ETH is worth $0; as long as Vitalik earns $5000 a month at Google it's all good in his mind.

And guess what? you would deserve it. This is not investing, this is gambling

Boomer out

>> No.9525242
File: 53 KB, 750x692, 1526498326379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the autistic mind is like a F1 race car engine.

>> No.9525254

Vitalik's autism is terminal in my opinion. I can judge degrees of autism by speed of speech and eye movement

>> No.9525257

Where's the archive link, Pajeet?

>> No.9525274

If Ethereum can't function without vitalik then it's literally pointless brainlet

>> No.9525323

why the fuck would he care about earning $5000 a month at google

>> No.9525364

daily reminder; good luck cashing out

if you own 1000ETH you still own $0 in real life until you manage to cash out

>> No.9525389


> real life

He doesn't understand the Saroshi's Vision, kek.

>> No.9525401

>the Saroshi's Vision

pick one

a crypto coin is simply an unstable cash coupon

>> No.9525442
File: 243 KB, 1469x840, 1510642948047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahaha vitalik nuthuggers deserve to get dumped on after defending a pedophile

>> No.9525450


Vitalik needs to distance himself from ETH anyway. It's meant to be decentralised, however Vitalik behaves like a benevolent dictator.


>> No.9525457

>He doesn’t understand what fiat money is

>> No.9525460

Wow is this real? That's it I'm selling.

>> No.9525501

Dont belive this shit mate haha

>> No.9525517

you guys ever heard of google? its like a digital Guru/oracle/lamp genie

>> No.9525592
File: 140 KB, 1200x700, academia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got enough crypto to live for a decade, and I do smart contract programming and could also make a lot more money from home than any "real job", but I still choose to wage at a tech company 40h a week because if I'm not surrounded by experts all day, who know more than me and from which I can learn from, what's the point anyway? I fuck new girls off tinder each month and if I want to I can travel anywhere I want for 3 weeks on vacation and sit on a beach. Buy why - live's completely pointless.
I think people my age 33 just get children because they have no better plans or it just happens by accident. But - at least if you have some expertise - NEET live sounds horrible.
Personally, working remote and pushing to github and communicating over the internet for a project is exhausting and there are so many shitheads in the crypto space - yes, if I were Vitalik I'd also go to a big company that sucks up all the other brains in the world, because then you do something impactful where you're not the lonely head spear.
tl;dr it doesn't have to do with muh wage money.

>> No.9525601


>> No.9525608

so basically you choose to be a sheep instead of the shepherd. What is your test level? also are you classified as alpha or beta? (no need to answer, we all know the answer)

end it

>> No.9525618
File: 18 KB, 200x226, 1524856829562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think people my age 33 just get children because they have no better plans

>> No.9525626

Clearly, Vitalik's sense of humor is beyond the krug neanderthals of /biz/.

>> No.9525630

I do agree with him though. Normies are the ones in charge of degeneracy.

>> No.9525636
File: 93 KB, 600x600, user_experience_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure Vitalik would lead a crypto related project at google, I don't know what you're saying.

As for me, leaning back and being a NEET is pretty far from being a shepherd. How does your shepherd situation look like? Honest question. Doing an ICO for the sake of leading a project is not worth it for me. You have to spend weeks upon weeks on bureaucracy, taxes, marketing, etc. So yes, I'm rather third in command and learn shit from experts than slacking on my $ or doing some scam. I'm just genuine here, I'm not gonna reply to your unnecessary >end it

>> No.9525642

do you want to leave a legacy to the world? or just be known as your street's cuckold

>> No.9525655


OP is an idiot and doesn't realize that Vitalik stepping away from Ethereum would actually be beneficial to the price.

>> No.9525661

Autists are more likely to stick around their failed projects.
I think he will deliver sharding and a higher degree of decentralisation before going his autist way.

>> No.9525665

>hurr durr testosterone
>hur durr le false alpha/beta dichotomy
leave you fucking failed normalfag, your posts are low value here.

>> No.9525677

There are actual humans who dont think hormone levels determine dispositions and personality?

>> No.9525683

>boomer logic

>> No.9525692
File: 87 KB, 432x554, Kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd argue the Troy mentality of "leaving a legacy" is pretty spooky, but I get this perspective. But how to do that? Being a NEET won't leave a legacy (maybe if you're Dan Brazillian type or how his name is, okay). And adding to the 2000 ICO's last year won't either. I'm not a manager type and I don't wan't to start a tech business for the sake of it.
I don't think Vitalik staying at Etheruem now will necessarily raise his legacy status. He could also do a coherent blockchain project at a company not comprised or autists that started at volunteers. Being a leader or whatever you consider leading to a legacy isn't even in conflict to working with people in real life - and being an employee isn't the death of that. Again, you're not an employee for the money in this situation, you work there to create something live with others.

>> No.9525698

i worked with aspergers and adhd too. depends on the mental illness. but i can sense a flakey when i spot one. this Vitalik seems like one. also IMO he is not autistic only so he will abandon ship

>> No.9525700

Of course they do, but spouting

>hurrdurrr le alpha beta low test beta onions cuck
It's just low value noise at this point, doesn't add any real content to the discussion and might as well be spouting politically-correct platitudes.

>> No.9525708

OP here. are you autistic? Asperger?

>> No.9525721

>if you want people to stop posting low-value noise, you must be autistic
Fuck off failed normalfag.

>> No.9525745

you are a quality controller on a hentai self-purging forum for neckbeards

>> No.9525750

You're an idiot, OP.

>> No.9525756

If you want to know why this board is so shit, it's because of people like you. People who add value want nothing to do with you. I hope you are painfully aware of this.

>> No.9525932

Crypto shouldn't be dependent on one man working on some open source software, if it is then it deserves to fail

>> No.9525962

You’re either retarded or just dont get it, vitalik is 160+ iq easy working with 115 iq google fags who hire retards wont get him anywhere unless he works alongside Larry Page himself

>> No.9526007

Why would anyone want to work at google. Its quickly turning into IBM

>> No.9526126
File: 343 KB, 2082x1226, 1526749267882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy luxury watches with eth
>sell luxury watches abroad
>deposit money in offshore account
done, you've cashed out like a pimp

>> No.9526134

you're onto something anon

>> No.9526143
File: 50 KB, 402x627, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vitalik is an autist with a sense responsibility. He wants to save Google from turning into IBM. He feels he can finally seize this opportunity and do some good for the world.

>> No.9526156

holy shit the weakest eth fud ever.

t. miner who cashing out every month.

>> No.9526172

Let the man do what he wants, he owes you nothing. I doubt it's to go work at google like some wagecuck.
It's probably seek immortality. I know I am.

>> No.9526180

This. It's literally pointless.

>> No.9526195

>deposit money in offshore account
That no longer exists. The only remaining way to not pay taxes is to be an actual resident in a tax haven.
Google crs aoei. Usa has facta for longer. It's over.
Even bitfinex is going to send account balances to the government. Every fiat exchange is either going to do the same or already did that.

>> No.9526204

>no blue check

How new are you

>> No.9526267

It's likely realizing threads like this will be made made him delete what he thought was just a bit of humor. If you're actually reading into this and speculating on the meaning then you're probably more autistic than Vitalik

>> No.9526283

ETH has such a big developer base, Vitalik has become a bystander in his own project. Look at his commits: https://github.com/vbuterin, becoming less and less frequent. I guess he is more on the research side and would like a new challenge. More power to him

>> No.9526778

That's like saying Elon Musk is a bystander because he doesn't work the assembly line making Tesla's. Vitalik is the big picture design guy, obviously he's not gonna waste his time doing routine coding.

>> No.9526785

Vitalik is journalist

>> No.9527017

wagecuck coping lel

>> No.9527028

>Even bitfinex is going to send account balances to the government.

source on that exact event? also americans cant even use bitfinex

>> No.9527905


another FUD on ether today? thanks - just bought 100k, something big must be incoming

>> No.9528691

nice, just bought 100k