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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 259x194, ford_mustang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9521556 No.9521556 [Reply] [Original]

>24 years old
>Condominium unit fully paid
>Other car fully paid
>No other liabilities

I really want to buy the Ford Mustang GT but it costs $60k in my fucking country. How much cash and crypto should i have before i should even consider buying the fucking thing?

>> No.9521566

I live in south east asia if that counts in the computation

>> No.9521571


>> No.9521577

3M at least so you don’t spend more than 2% on a depreciating asset

>> No.9521578
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yeah, sure

>> No.9521581

1.5M at least

>> No.9521598

Thats fucking stupid lol


What the fuck its not a porsche ffs.

>> No.9521604


If you have to ask how much you need then you don't have enough cash. Also, if you spend 60k on a car you are either retarded or rich and it doesn't seem like you are rich so that leaves us with...?

>> No.9521611

at least 60 M in bank and 100k / month passive income

>> No.9521648

honestly I will never understand car fags

$60,000 on something that produces nothing and will only go down in value is a terrible financial decision. The correct advice is that you should at least be a millionaire but you'll probably buy the car as soon as you can.

>> No.9521649

spending more than 1% of your wealth in a car is a mistake

>> No.9521652

>$60k is stupid
>$1.5m and $3m are too
Seems like you already decided upon an answer.

>> No.9521665

>If you have to ask how much you need then you don't have enough cash.

But I'm young and have no liabilities w/ 217k usd in cash and crypto in total. I mean dont people normally take car loans for this and just pay them off during their lifetime? I mean im going to make money wagecucking during my lifetime after all.

Is this a bad idea? I mean its not like i'm 50 years old with retirement coming up

>> No.9521673

tfw you will not have your dream car before 30 :(

>> No.9521694

>spending more than 1% of your wealth in a car is a mistake

This is what i dont understand if spending more than 1% of your wealth in a car is a mistake doesnt that mean majority of car owners are making a mistake? There is a ton of traffic in the USA and even people below 30 years old have cars. The cheapest car there is what? $20,000? That means a net worth of $2 million for a 20k car based on your standards.

There is no way in hell the average person has a $2 million net worth and thats in the US. Im guessing other countries are worse.

>> No.9521705

its called enjoying something you humorless pencilneck waste of skin

>> No.9521718

>tfw you will not have your dream car before 30 :(

Lmao he said 1% of your networth and this guy >>9521577 says more than 2%.

The cheapest car for a cheap brand like hyundai is $10,690 in the USA. He is basically saying you need to have $500,000 before you buy the cheapest hyundai while the other guy says $1,000,000 before you buy the cheapest hyundai

>> No.9521729

I’m in a similar boat to u. I got 230k all in crypto and want the Shelby mustang gt 350 which costs around 70k. I will only buy it once I hit atleast 1 mill in crypto. (Max I’d ever put into a car I really want is 10% of my net worth

>> No.9521731

Mate if buying a car will genuinely bring you happiness then go ahead as long as you don’t put yourself in debt.
I’m not sure what kind of response you were looking for on a financial board, I think most people here would want to spend as little money as possible on something that will only lose value as time goes on

>> No.9521754

>I’m not sure what kind of response you were looking for on a financial board, I think most people here would want to spend as little money as possible on something that will only lose value as time goes on

I mean doesnt anyone here have gains that they used to buy a car? I was just wondering what their networth was when they bought it. I mean obviously im not looking for retarded answers like 1% of your networth lol.

Thats asking a person with $1 million to buy a $10k car. Thats warren buffet cheapness level.

>> No.9521776

#1: You must be able to pay the car in cash.
#2: The car must not exceed 50% of your early income
#3: The msrp of the car must not exceed 5% of your net worth

If you fail any of the three you can't afford the car

>> No.9521796

>The cheapest car there is what? $20,000?
Most people don't buy new cars. Can easily get one in perfect condition for like $5k. Can even go as low as $1k if you're willing to put some elbow grease into it.

>> No.9521799


People buy things to enjoy life you fucking brainless depressed miserable loser.

>> No.9521809

>Most people don't buy new cars
I call bullshit lol, pretty sure most buy brand new

>> No.9521811

All this means shit when u have several hundred thousand saved up. Ur criteria is for fuckers living paycheck to paycheck

>> No.9521819

>doesnt that mean majority of car owners are making a mistake?

>> No.9521822

Is #2 really necessary? That cuts the pool of people that can buy a lot

>> No.9521826
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I would say liquid assets for 1 000 000 and over at minimum. You gonna lose 30k on that easily but then selling get 30k back

>> No.9521831

>rich people are this out of touch with reality

>> No.9521844

>rich people are this out of touch with reality
Its based on observation. Most of them pick cheap models and use car loans. If most people buy used cars then car manufacturers should be losing a ton of money right now.

>> No.9521845

you do whatever the fuck you want to do anon. it's not like as soon as you buy the car you lose 60k.
check the used car market, if you're able to sell it for 45-50k, it's not a big spending considering you will use the car for at least 3 years.

>> No.9521860

Most people get loans so they can pay for a used car. Pretty much every vehicle manufacturer is doing poorly because only a small percentage of people can get new cars.

>> No.9521861

>check the used car market

Is buying a used version of the $60,000 car a bad idea? You just gave me an idea lol why the fuck do i buy this shit brand new

>> No.9521869

>south east asia

So you're a gook living in australia?

>> No.9521900
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Most new cars are leased by companies for employees. If a job requires long distance driving it might be good deal to lease a brand new. For people who have millions to burn it might be smarter to buy 1 year old for example.

Not company cars is most bought for status. Porsches and such are sometimes purchased by car enthusiasts who simply drive or race for enjoyment tho

>> No.9521914

>So you're a gook living in australia?
No i live in the philippines

>> No.9521916


buying new. lmfao

>> No.9521921

Dude if u got lots of money why would u cheap out on a car and buy one used with peoples farts and odors. Not to mention a used mustang get was most
Likely drive by some young punk who abused it. If u got several Hundred thousand what’s the point in cheating out, enjoy life

>> No.9521935

Shit, it might be possible to buy one off an american expat lmao. You guys drive on the left side of the road, yeah?

>> No.9521948

>Importing an American car

please guys stop. ur killing me over here

>> No.9521959
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No, we drive on the correct side of the road.

>> No.9521965
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>> No.9521974

I'm pretty sure markets vary wildly by country, it might be true where you live. But I know it's not true where I live, and I dug up some links about US, where apparently used car sales outnumber new car sales 2 to 1.

>> No.9521977

it's personal choice brah. if you buy it used it might not even lose any value from the price you bought it.
you can have fun with it and sell it whenever you are getting bored from it.

>> No.9521979

yeah it is funny because the average people probably has at least 30% of nw in their car

>> No.9521996
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Majority of people stay in the highest income bracket for just one year. Only about 5% stays at top of the game for 10 years. Better use net wealth for measure.

>> No.9522006

This also skews income data, as high earners are much smaller group than thought. Most people only visit high earn bracket. These is also why enterpeneurs etc. are over represented in income data at top. They are theere for 1 year because of company sales / dividends

>> No.9522009

this list changes a lot when you consider taxes though. cars are cheap in the us.
in my country a continental gt sells for €650K

>> No.9522011

That’s the difference between people who are satisfied with their riches and people that want more out of their money.

>> No.9522013

>$150,000 to $200,000 ANNUAL income to buy a honda civic or a toyota corolla
Might as well save every cent you have and bury all your money with you in the grave. I would rather go all in some $100 daily volume shitcoin and possibly win than live a life as frugal like that.

For real though, i doubt anyone in biz follows that picture you posted.

>> No.9522017

"If you can't buy 5, you can't afford one"

>> No.9522026

lease it for a year or two. buying a car is fucking stupid

>> No.9522027
File: 102 KB, 1039x465, Patrician score.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spending $60k on a car that's a staple for white trash in the US

Pretty dumb imo. If you have the cash I guess do it but I couldn't justify spending $60k on a mustang.

>> No.9522029

nobody is forcing you to get a mortgage for a car that will lose you money every year in depreciation and maintenance while you live paycheck to paycheck. but go ahead.

>> No.9522037

Yes but car does not really bring much enjoyment unless you are racing with it or driving on a track.

It's just sitting in the carage, and then at retirement age people are too poor to do anything...

>> No.9522038

>"If you can't buy 5, you can't afford one"
Thats a pretty good metric. But i heard on the radio (or might have read somewhere) that if you can't buy 2 porsches then dont buy one because the repairs/maintenance will kill you

>> No.9522040

this list is absolutely fucking retarded

>> No.9522057

>while you live paycheck to paycheck
well I don't work at all, but I think I will get a job just so I can get the fucking car without feeling bad

>> No.9522060

>Yes but car does not really bring much enjoyment unless you are racing with it or driving on a track.
So in your opinion would you rather just save it to buy a really nice house in the future or is hookers and blow a better idea. I'm really trying to gauge what biz wants to do with money.

After all we are chasing mad gains in crypto, i thought a nice car is the first thing to enjoy your money with when you get lucky?

>> No.9522075

Lamboland is ironic. The point of getting mad crypto gainz is to live a normal life without having to work a job or put any effort into life whatsoever, just throw money at any problems that arise during your NEETdom.

>> No.9522078

Chasing mad gains is not same as "made mad gains"... if you made 10m in a recent rally, go ahead buy a lamborghini or lease a one. You will get bored quickly, so prolly better just lease :)

>> No.9522092

> if you made 10m in a recent rally, go ahead buy a lamborghini or lease a one.
A lambo isnt $60,000......

>> No.9522103

That's what I'm talking about.
repairs, etc. on top of all your regular spending that you have to do to not be homeless and starving. Can't tell you how many people I know who would have so much saved up if they didn't keep buying fucking cars they don't need.

>> No.9522109

You can lease a lambo very cheap. Aventador goes for 300k

>> No.9522125

2.3 Ecoboost is the best engine for this car.

>> No.9522149

Of course they do. I mean 20000$ for a fucking car?? Do you think money comes out of my ass or something. Unless you earn a bunch of money its not fucking happening. I have no clue who keeps buying this expensive shit.

Mostly niggers and people in their 40-50's it seems. Young people here only buy old used cars. Which are like 1K - 3K. The car industry is going down the shitter because of it.

Cars might become something exclusively for the rich soon.

>> No.9522153

How can you enjoy life without having all the money in the world?

>> No.9522236

OP here. Fuck this lmao, i'll probably just spend money in amsterdam and thailand again instead of buying a $60,000 car. I dont know why but whenever i plan on spending a ton of money in something i try to compute it in hooker costs.

Hmmm $60,000 car. I spent $3,000 fucking a lot of hookers in thailand for a week where i fucked 3 hookers in a day sometimes. Thats like 20x a weekend of hooker experience... I guess i'll enjoy 20 hooker filled weekends than a car.

But sometimes i dont know, whenever i see someone with a $60,000 car i get the urge to buy one too.

>> No.9522248


>> No.9522276


Oil field arabs brining their cars from middle east to london :O

>> No.9522631

I wish we all drove on the left side. RHD Makes so much more sense, to steer with your dominant hand and shift gears with your left. Right side is just a meme from the horse and carriage days.

>> No.9522651

Why the fuck are you even asking for /biz/'s opinion if you've already made up your mind?

>> No.9522890

lol your a fucking idiot paying 60k for a FORD mustang. I live in America, specifically Southern California and literally every teenager drives a mustang. they get a bad reputation in the car scene because they always crash or hit someone at car meets. Im not joking, you can literally find dozens of videos online about this happening in Southern Cali. mustangs are worth 20k max here and you want to pay 3x that? get a fucking performance BMW AUDI or Benz with 60k. S4/S5/335i/C63 C45 AMG

>> No.9522961

I have $150k and bought a $1200 car if that helps you.

>> No.9523005

Your fucking dumb dude. I drive an S Series Audi Certified Preowned. I have extended warranty for 80k miles and I bought it for around 34k. Im in my early 20s. I paid off the car fully in CASH when I was 22. The car was pretty much brand new and less than 30k miles on it. I paid half the MSRP 55k MSRP + taxes and registration. I have a 6 figure net worth in crypto. You are fucking dumb if you are only allocating 5% of your networth on a car. so you are saying a person with a net worth of half a mil should only drive a honda civic which is around 24k? literally every teenager in LA drives a brand new civic. Also, I know how to do maintenance on my own Audi for headlights and fluids. its not hard to maintain a car if you actually read some fucking manuals. For brakes/rotors I leave it to my personal mechanic who can do them for $100-200. so cheap to maintain and peace of mind with warranty. And I get all the bitches driving an Audi while you drive a beat up 1998 Volvo

>> No.9523007

A brand new mustang is 20k maximum? lmao no way. im not talking about the old shitty mustangs im talking 2018

>> No.9523033

FUCK NEVERMIND, i forgot. Our country has 100% to a 150% increase in car price. So if a mustang costs $25,000 in the USA it costs almost $60,000 in ours. I live in the philippines. Fuck this shit ass country.

>> No.9523043

I know nothing about cars; how many problems are you looking at buying something with 100k miles on it?

>> No.9523057

LOLOL your fucking dumb, do you live in america? if not shut the fuck up. heres a listing for a 2018 Ford Mustang for 19,000 convertible. dont try to act smart you sound so fucking dumb right now


>> No.9523070

have fun paying 60k for a car that i can get for 19k brand new with under 5k miles :)

>> No.9523073

Read my corrected post >>9523033 this is so fucking unfair

>> No.9523109

yea i feel sorry for you man. i truly do. i know muscle cars must cost alot overseas and are probably more in demand. im a fan of them but they are really common in Cali, i see like 10 camaros/mustangs/dodges parked in parking lots all the time when going to groceries and restuarants. however they may be much rarer over seas. its all about perspective. if u wanna buy it go for it. ford is very easy to maintain

>> No.9523170

A 4 cylinder eco boost is not a muscle car by any definition.

>> No.9523208

a mustang ecoboost has 310 hp, which is still faster than 90% of the cars on the streets with all the fucking priuses, toyotas and honda civics around. and its also faster than a porsche cayman. get your fucking facts straight. its a muscle car base model but dont underestimate the power.

>> No.9523328

this anon is right. you shouldnt spend ANYTHING on luxury items until you are a millionaire.

>> No.9523346

never laughed so hard in my life

>buying a 300K car so you can pull some chick who looks like she should be waiting tables at a fucking applebees

>> No.9523352

lol you are gonna be 50 years old when that happens, by that time no one will want to fuck you even if you drive a luxury car. best time to get it is in your 20s DESU. you can flex on all the roasties. a 30k Mercedez Benz will still have the same image as a 100k Benz. girls cant tell the difference they only look at the brand

>> No.9523386

if you want to buy a luxury item you should have liquid assets enough to buy 10. . . basic shit

>> No.9523408
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>car goes vrooooom

>> No.9523449

lol 30 is excessive, you should have liquid assets to buy x2-3. its called having a stable annual cash inflow. if you have x30 liquid assets you have too much saved up that needs to be reinvested. i work in finance bro you are a fucking dumbass

>> No.9523568

Left side is just a meme from manual transmission days.

>> No.9523616

So you already have a working car? So dont spend the money on another car. The 60k could be worth 500k in a few years in crypto.

>> No.9523626

Do you plan to work on it yourself or are there capable mechanics near you?

>> No.9523816

Do you have a job? If you make 100k yearly and crypto as a side income buy now

>> No.9523880
File: 274 KB, 1108x1413, 54BA1DAF-7662-4091-93B7-0A0328110F72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon i can see your from australia. I am in the car sales industry here. I often post my cars up for the lols

If your going to buy new, youd be a fucking idiot not to buy the 2019 model coming later this year? I think. Or go buy a used one.

Some pointers
>finance is cheaper on a mew car - lower base rates
>if you strucutre the loan correctly (residual amounts, loan length) and commit to it, you can maximise your ‘interest paid back’ with a healthy balance of cashflow.
>finance is a product. Dont go sith the dealerships finance because they package it into one
I used to be a private car broker in Syndey. I am happpy to Answer and questions anon for free. Whats your telegram?
Pic related, one happy customer of mine.

>> No.9523892

Lol i did read the part your in SE asia... brainlet

>> No.9523918

why u so mad though?

>> No.9523940

You only need like 6k. The rest will be paid in small sums/month that's nothing, it is the true way to buy like a good goyim.

>> No.9523942

so this is what subprime auto loans look like

>> No.9524087

stocks, etfs's are considered liquid assets.

>> No.9524098

lol @ these posers. u just don't get it.

>> No.9524114

nice cars are for wagecucks in denial of their status in society.

>> No.9524127
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In Pajeetland, you drive on the left side of the road and shit on the right side.

>> No.9524231

We are not north american and no, it is not a subprime loan. Australia abolished any programs or services to stop subprime lending in 08-09

>> No.9524304

> wagecucks
The only people that are insecure about being wagecucks are those that live on paychecks.

>> No.9524497

How does your economy function without a foundation of poor people who can never repay their debts?

>> No.9524541

>Hi guys im 24 years old please plan my life for me and tell me how much of my money i should do stuff with

You're a fucking handicap and you're never going to make it. How are you seriously asking this on a fucking anime website? Is there really something wrong with your brain?

>> No.9524601

fuck it this thread made me want a mustang. was looking for a car anyway so I'm gonna grab a new 2018 ecoboost for 30k. I'm a leaf

>> No.9524618

Fuck brah, a Lexus IS 350 and a Ford Mustang 2.3 EcoBoost costs almost exactly the SAME give and take a few hundred dollars in the Philippines. Which is a better buy?

The mustang costs $50k+ here despite only being $30k in the US because its not part of some ASEAN agreement. While the Lexus IS 350 has the same price internationally.

>> No.9524636

idk man I'm the last person to ask about cars lol. I just wanna buy something cool and sporty and I feel like treating myself for once with some of my crypto gains. hope you find what you want bro.

>> No.9524647

In the developed world we don't really consider a 300sq studio a "condominium".

>> No.9524649

> not mad lol. you are just a dumbass spewing bad advice. you can be a conservative 40 year old virgin while i fuck girls driving my german engineered luxury performance car 400+ hp and you can drive your old ass 1998 honda prelude n lose respect from your peers. i am chad amongst my colleagues for being successful. shows you more of your character and success than being a cheap bastard.

>> No.9524651

60k Jesus. I recently picked up a 2014 gt for $20k. Amazing vehicle, I’m guessing they don’t sell used ones out there right? If I was dropping that much $$ I’d go for a corvette

>> No.9524664

lexus has better quality interior for sure, if its the same price lexus 350 f-sport white with red interior. thats what i would get. it really depends if girls in filipino like lexus or not... but german will aways be the top if its not a lambo/ferrari. look into bmw 335i or audi s3/s4/s5

>> No.9524668

>In the developed world we don't really consider a 300sq studio a "condominium".
I dont know and even care about the condo's value man lol. I got this for fully paid for free. Its easier to compute your net worth if you only include cash, stocks, crypto. Including cars + real estate that you got from your parents as a gift and that you dont plan to sell anyway in your net worth is pretty pointless.

Hence the question is how much "cash and crypto" should you have before you.... although i forgot to add stocks.

>> No.9524669
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If you can afford to buy it cash then you are better than 80% of the population.

Do not listen to all these cope fags that say you need to be a millionaire to buy an 80k car. If you are into cars or will get daily enjoyment out of it then just buy it, if you are only wanting it to impress others than maybe rethink.

>t. 20 y/o drive pic related (spend 1/3 of my crypto earnings on it), get so much enjoyment out of it everytime I drive it.

>> No.9524688

I’m sorry, a 4cylinder Mustang is shit and not worth having. I believe the only ones sold overseas are the GTs, V8.

>> No.9524700

literally everyone here must be boring as fuck driving their minivans, honda FITs, civics, priuses. a car is an extension of your persona, your image, your reputation. if you dont take care of your outer appearance by driving a nice car you will be perceived as poor. have fun getting laughed at when you are 35 years old and still driving a honda civic while all my friends drove civics when they were in college. spending an extra 10k for a nicer car when you have six figures is nothing. you can make that back with crypto easily

>> No.9524704

Nice car bro, itching to pull the trigger but might just delay my gratification for a few more years then im going to buy one.

>if you are only wanting it to impress others than maybe rethink.
Err, i like to impress others but ever since I've learned how to drive in my teens i've been kind of addicted to driving fast (although i only drive fast in straight lines lol). So i guess its to impress others and also to satisfy my urge to drive really fast in open highways.

I dont know, before i got my license i was a pussy that promised to drive safely but one i felt the feeling of stepping on the gas i just cant help myself lol.

>> No.9524707

I'm rich and I only respect people that drive beaters cause at least it shows they have the IQ to keep it running.

>> No.9524721

>I'm rich and I only respect people that drive beaters cause at least it shows they have the IQ to keep it running.
Then you are the exception and not the norm. Both the average poorfags, middle class, and even the upperclass crave luxury cars. Its human nature bro.

>> No.9524736
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OP I hope you're not this Phillipino-pajeet

>> No.9524741

What a faggot. It's one of the cheapest V8 cars and you go for a faggy ecoboost.

>> No.9524806

>buy $60000 car
>drive it once
>now it's worth $50000
I sure hope you tards don't do this.
>Driving a shitty American muscle car makes your life enjoyable
Can you imagine being such a shallow person and having such garbage interests ? You know what makes life enjoyable, you plebs ? Investing $60000 and making a profit, if making money and spending money intelligently doesn't make your life better then you should get the fuck off this board.

>> No.9524851

Sound like tight arse boomer or a poor fag that cant afford a nice car and must do mental gymnastics to cope.

If you do alot of driving then it makes sense to have a nice car. I go on alot more trips around the country because I genuinely enjoy driving, so get to experience alot more of life than sitting in front of the computer only caring about money like a filthy rat jew

>> No.9524894

Everyone’s got different hobbies. Cars, guns, fishing, traveling, hookers, etc. if mashing the pedal down on an open road and hearing that 5 liter v8 roar to life puts a stupid ass smile on his face, then he should do that. If turning 60k of today’s money into more money in a set amount of time puts a stupid ass smile on your face, then you should do that.

>> No.9524903

car bagholder cope

reminder that when you buy a new car you are literally buying at the ATH

>> No.9524905

op, i spend 1% on a car, 10% on real estate, 1% cash, rest is in crypto. got 100 million

>> No.9524911

>hurr you're a filthy rat jew if you sit in front of a computer
>unlike me, who sits in front of a steering wheel, i am superior
Fuck off failed normalfag

>> No.9524918

>got 100 million
Wow 100 million... totally nice anon.. im sure ur mom is proud. Very impressive. Totally nice. Very good and excellent.

>> No.9524928

>unlike me, who sits in front of a steering wheel, i am superior

Hard cope lmao. Just fucking buy a car it doesnt even have to be expensive. Even a toyota, honda, ford whatever would do just to get your bitterness for car owners to go away lol.

>> No.9524936

Is this thread full of retarded niggers?
>oh sheeit I was about to spend $60k forgot I can buy used aha
How the fuck did you get 200k anyways?

>> No.9524957

>How the fuck did you get 200k anyways?
Got late to the crypto party. Got 107k from parents bought EOS at $6 or $7 i forgot but it wasnt the absolute bottom. The reason i bought was the medium article about EOS having a huge ETH stash to pump their tokens (wash trading).

Held until $23 didnt fucking sell. Dropped to $18 didnt fucking sell. Finally gave up my bags at $15 to $16.

>> No.9524961

I wonder if all you brainlets realize he would be in the top 1% in the philippines and hes asking on a anime fcking board about how to spend his money.

Get trolled morons.

>> No.9524971

ITT: Triggered busfags and shitbox drivers.

Now I don't agree with spending $60k on a mustang, I see no problem spending that with the amount of money OP has. Having a nice car is a sign of professionalism. No one wants to do business with a guy driving an unreliable shitbox.

>> No.9524977

>top 1% in the philippines
Maybe because i'm not comparing my self to the economic bottom in the philppines? Fuck, just go to the high end subdivisions and you'll see luxury cars. More of them are leaning towards lexuses though.

Plus i was given money to put in the philippine index funds. But because im a fucking degenerate, i placed it in crypto. My parents dont know.

>> No.9524986

Spend 60k on a car when you make 60k a month...why not lease one? create a company, make a tax write off....buying depreciating assets ffs.

>> No.9524992

its easy to be muh top 1% in the philippines or thailand when the majority of the extremely poor people earn like $1,000 to $2,000 anually lmao. the extremely poor skew the statistics

>> No.9525014

lmao nobody wants to goto ur shit country.
its filled with old white pedo men and skinny 5'2 chink males.

>> No.9525019

ive been to the likes of vietnam, thailand, and the philippines.. you guys are poor niggers.

stop trying to talk like ur country is rich. it's not

>> No.9525035

you should earn $180k a year to buy a $60k car
a car worth 1/3rd of your annual salary is the sweetspot
if you mean how much should i have as a lump sum, then at least $3m

>> No.9525088

>lmao nobody wants to goto ur shit country.
Thats why i visit other countries and fuck hookers in amsterdam. Easy to get a visa as long as you show you have money in the bank to fund your trip.

>its filled with old white pedo men and skinny 5'2 chink males.
I'm 5'9+ but i prefer to say 5'10 lol. A manlet sure, but i'm taller than almost everyone here so i dont really care. I'm even taller than most american expats that choose to stay here. I think smaller americans choose to stay here because of the discrimination they face in their country. I think most expats here are 5'7 to 5'9? Like wealth, the statistics are extremely skewed for height as well in the philppines.

>ive been to the likes of vietnam, thailand, and the philippines.. you guys are poor niggers.
>stop trying to talk like ur country is rich. it's not
You sound pretty bitter. I heard the average american has less than $20,000 in savings. That must be the reason you are so angry. Nothing is worse than being poor in a rich country. Meanwhile, it feels great being relatively well-off in a poor country. I'm probably richer than you at age 24.

How are those student loans working out for you? hahahahahahahaahah

>> No.9525109

>Americans' median wealth is a mere $44,900 per adult
Lmao, who gives a fuck what country you're in. Measure your wealth as an individual. I have no liabilities w/ 217k usd in cash and crypto in total not including other assets. I'm definitely i a better position than you.

>> No.9525171

That's the most bugman thing I've read today, the only purpose of money is giving you peace of mind that you will not run out of ressources/shelter and be at the mercy of someone else. Enjoyment of life is determined at 100% by mental processes in your head, that's why famous multimillionaires kill themselves while monks in some buttfuck nowhere monasteries live long and fulfilling lives.

>> No.9525179

you can still get relatively high interest rate unsecured loans from CBA though

>> No.9525187

>Enjoyment of life is determined at 100% by mental processes in your head
>the only purpose of money is giving you peace of mind that you will not run out of ressources/shelter and be at the mercy of someone else
Might as well eat bread/tofu for the rest of your life. No alcohol for u either and only wear the most basic clothes. You'll survive without these wants anyway. All you need is a cheap house to stay in + food and water + 1 shirt.

>> No.9525373


>> No.9525405

Based pinoy

>> No.9525412

How much is a condo in a nice part of the Philippines?

>> No.9525878

i'd never put more than 2% of networth on a car, im that neet who turned 2k into 5m and i still dont have a car but might buy a volvo v90 cross ountry soon and thatll be the car i'll drive for the rest of my life

>> No.9525935

You're literally nigger-tier retarded. Off yourself.

>> No.9525950

There is no nice part of the Phillipines to live buddy.

>> No.9525979

Ausfag reporting, cars here cost a lot more than for burgers, 60 burger bucks is standard white collar vehicle, it buys a basic european with options. OP sounds like he's in a similarly cucked country.