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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 47 KB, 1800x1800, iExec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9519777 No.9519777 [Reply] [Original]

What you think about this? Good investment or not?

>> No.9519797

Proof of Checked

>> No.9519810

yes checked

>> No.9519817

i have around 80k of these that i went all in on back in october. this coin has been holding up well against this sideways market and could hit top 50 status soon imo.

>> No.9519827
File: 170 KB, 800x800, 1526500601112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000$ EOY

Here, lemme shill this coin to you brainlets.


Most ERC20 tokens are absolute trash and their price will collapse once atomic swap/DEX are widely adopted (basically atomic swap and DEX allow you to pay something in with another currency than the one accepted by the smart contract).

In short imagine you want to use a dApp to buy something to a seller, but the dApp only accepts a token called SHIT for transactions, however you and the seller don't really want to go through the hassle of buying/owning SHIT, so you go through a portal using atomic swap/DEX and you pay with ETH (or even USD), the portal will simply use your ETH/USD to buy SHIT, use SHIT to fulfill the transactions then will exchange it for ETH/USD to pay the seller.

In this configuration, even if the dApp is very popular and used to handle a big volume of transactions, the SHIT tokens will be never worth anything as they are dumped as soon as they are used because there is no point hoarding them. This article of coindesk explains really well this problem of "token velocity" and why ICOs are pure cashgrab.

>> No.9519843
File: 27 KB, 322x368, 1526497794858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

However Iexec is different because the token involves a staking/escrow mechanism in order to verify computations.
Let's say you want "workers" (people selling computing power on iexec network) to compute 2+2^340 and the reward you propose is 1 RLC.
During the time of the computation the RLC is placed into an escrow while different workers take the same, however to prevent bad actors to just give a random result without doing the computation the workers have to commit a stake (a bit like in poker), like 0.01 RLC, that will be confiscated to the cheaters once the job is finished.

But it doesn't end here, the best part is that the bigger the stake is committed the larger share of the reward you get.
That means that workers are encouraged to HOARD the tokens which means it will DECREASE the token velocity which means the VALUE WILL VASTLY INCREASE WITH THE VOLUME OF JOBS PROCESSED.

>tl;dr: RLC has one of the smartest fucking token economy in the game, in comparaison SONM and GNT have not even thought about it.

>> No.9519849

No more shilling. If the average biz cant figure RLCs value, they dont deserve to make it.

>> No.9519858
File: 599 KB, 736x761, vitalikek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6+ PHD's that literally pioneered cloud computing and plan to disrupt a 500b+ industry.
>Mining computations for real world applications. (unlike mining coins that serve no actual purpose besides beanie baby trading)
>Capable of storing data like a storage coin.(All storage coins BTFO)
>solves all scalability issues, can solve scaling issues for other blockchains
>~80m circulating supply
>Coins are spread nicely, no one person owns too much.
>The first coin to render something in Blender.
>An actual store of value because it has both a low coin circulation and more real world use cases than ethereum and bitcoin.
>Will be used to power smart contracts for bitcoin itself if it so chooses (RSK partnership).
>Will power EVERY dApp in the future, including Request, Flixxo, and Shopin as well as AI applications, Oracles, and literally anything you can imagine thanks to easy iExec integration and docker.
>Blockchain agnostic, will be able to provide offchain computations to offload stress from any blockchain it chooses. It plans to support ETH for the time being, but could use Ark, NEO, or any blockchain in the future.
>Private computations thanks to Intel SGX integration and collaboration.
>Hybrid Public/Private Infrastructure in 2019
>High Performance Computing in 2020 (every cloud computing competitor BTFO) This will allow extreme advances in AI and other computing.
>still ~5x below Golem's market cap
>get paid for renting your hardware for calculations needed by nearly infinite applications
>If you have enough RLC you'll literally become the equivalent to a Saudi oil king in 2020 thanks to the PoCo algo

>> No.9519864

Checked as well

>> No.9519868

Will this outsource my router?

>> No.9519871

more shilling

the more it's shilled the less likely people buy. That way when it hits $100+ everyone will be in sudoku mode for not buying

can't wait

>> No.9519877

holy fuck you're going to be rich.

>> No.9519878
File: 60 KB, 750x509, 1526534613578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also a huge chinese cloud company is getting involved with RLC supposedly. There's a big partnership coming before V2 EOM.

>> No.9519931

one of the best in crypto and guaranteed to survive into the future. I got into crypto for link, but I'd have no problem holding rlc and never looking back. literally unfuddable coin

>> No.9519959

You hold both link and rlc?

>> No.9519992

>tfw im a poorfag and could only throw $1000 into it
maybe ill have $100,000 in a few years though

>> No.9520058

yes, I do. currently all in rlc for v2 release, it's gonna be great

>> No.9520221
File: 679 KB, 750x1334, E1B03E79-ADB3-4E93-8FF9-DC6CE69C0235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This week actually

>> No.9520232
File: 479 KB, 750x1524, 3300BC72-22E0-49DF-9FEE-587B8A7FA921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got this from one of the devs

>> No.9520390


I'm getting in. This is going to be a long term hold for me.

>> No.9520407


You guys are kidding right? /biz/ never learns.

This already pumped. You have to get in coins before they pump.

I have a massive position at 20k. If you buy now, I will end up dumping on you and you will buy my bags.

Love, Cryptogoober

>> No.9520431

Long term hold is a meme.
"tech" and "Real world use" is a meme.
These coins are all scams.
Buy before the pump. sell the hype. rinse repeat.
Alts are a tool to stack btc.

Poor Neets
..also, Crypto West has a massive position at 17k. He will dump on you also

>> No.9520453

it's not already pumped you retard. The mainnet isn't out yet.

>> No.9520469

The pump hasn't even started yet, it will in two days though

>> No.9520494
File: 357 KB, 1075x1024, 1526317048663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>names himself cryptogoober
>says "hurr durr ima dump on you don't buy muh coin"
fuck off nigger

>> No.9520498


Yea, Im the "retard" kek.
You've been warned.

>> No.9520514

yeah man you are going to dump on us with a coin that parterned with intel.

It hasnt even reached sonm or golems marketcap. there is no dumping to be had until we at least reach those two coins. You could probably pull that off on reddit somewhere but pretty much everyone here has been in rlc for months.

>> No.9520526

Solipsistic fucks, you're falling for the marketcap meme. I rep /biz/, i got neets in antshares, OMG, and WTC under 2$. stop thinking you know everything, clearly youre a retard

>uses recycled meme, says nigger to be edgy
go back to r/crypto faggot

>> No.9520539

what marketcap meme? Golem is a shittier coin with more money into it with less partnerships. Until iexec reaches it then there is no reason not to buy. You have to be an idiot to think it's a meme.

>> No.9520559
File: 31 KB, 652x470, 1526609894167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marketcap meme
>probably buys high market cap coins expecting more than a 1x
You're clearly poor and your fud is too you stupid nigger back to plebbit with you

>> No.9520668

So why wont this hit a billion plus marketcap like OMG and NEO? OMG only has a beta wallet.

>> No.9520717

>This already pumped.

coins can pump more than once. last year most coins pumped over and over again with the pumps getting bigger and bigger.

>> No.9520764

You faggots are literally showing your noob colors. This isn;t fud you dense faggots, i'm clearly not poor if I bought the aformentioned coins under $2, I've actually made it and trying to help /biz/ , but NEETS fall for these marketcap parity memes and get emotionally attached to coins, that's why you poorfags end up living in ur cars and hold onto coins like OMG which is the same price rn as SEPTEMBER and is the reason most of you haveless than 5 BTC

I can lead a horse to water, cant make him drink


>> No.9520839

>marketcap meme
>im going to dump on you guys
>This has already mooned
gee thanks for the tips

>> No.9520941

The only thing I can think of is that he found out how good RLC is going to be and he is trying to keep the prices as low as possible before he gets some fiat.

No one gets this upset about making money.

>> No.9521020

ding ding ding

>> No.9521110

that is likely considering i do the same thing to good coins Lul

>> No.9521121
File: 126 KB, 1057x902, 1 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found his twitter.

>> No.9521135
File: 2.80 MB, 750x1334, 1523790498566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9521149

oh look at that

>> No.9521216


>> No.9521349
File: 17 KB, 290x314, 1526149573504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's all laugh at that stupid nigger

>> No.9521798

Stupid name. When's the rebrand?

>> No.9521955


I thought it was implied

Neets are fomoing in. I've been in.

Are you all really this dense?

>> No.9521969

I am sure a person as kind as yourself is keeping us from buying in so that we don't get dumped on. How charitable you are :)

>> No.9521993

If you're still holding this then you obviously think it will pump again. Why do you think this cant do what OMG and NEO did?

>> No.9522033


>> No.9522267

im listening what should i all in my portfolio, top 5 coins. i'm still holding XRB which im sure you dumped