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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9518376 No.9518376 [Reply] [Original]

How old is /biz/?


>> No.9518401

stop trying to mine data

>> No.9518402

16-35 mostly

>> No.9518403

4 years and 3 months

>> No.9518452

/biz/ is boomers, 4chan is fucking boomers.

>> No.9518510

wtf I can't believe it's only been four years since mtgox when /biz/ was created

feels like I've been here half my life


>> No.9518540
File: 52 KB, 380x349, 1525289279381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 30 year old boomer who wants to know how old everyone else is

>> No.9518549

Older than thirty mostly. Us boomers have a few extra thousands to invest so we here

>> No.9518610

Wow, Boomers are the majority.

>> No.9518644

Im 18, but holy fuck the amount of NEET old fucks here. Can you just die pls?

>> No.9518658

>3 year ranges
>30+ year range beats them
wow impressive

>> No.9518672

Im a boomer BUT retired not neet. U retire at 65 not 28 like me.... (old money from nobility here)

>> No.9519152

Not impressive. 4chan is visited mostly by people in their 20 on the other boards.

>> No.9519302

968 days and 3 hours

>> No.9519354
File: 9 KB, 234x215, 372732156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take this poll into account when it starts feeling everyone's 16.

>> No.9519574

I think you're off by a year

>> No.9519921

boomers gona boom

>> No.9520118
File: 511 KB, 932x680, 1105 - z6avopz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to the poll, most of us are fuckin boomers

>> No.9520130

30 year old boomer reporting.

>> No.9520140

jesus the amount of 30 year old boomers on here
aren't you supposed to have a bed time by now, gramps?

>> No.9520146

>when you group all the 30 year olds into one group

>> No.9520200
File: 65 KB, 527x688, Who let the boomers out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

27% 30+ yo boomers? Might need some adult diapers in here. How do all these grandpas even know how to connect to to the internet?

>> No.9520227


Old Fart--33 yr old boomer. Been on 4chan since 2006.

>> No.9520244

>those below 14 year olds
god dammit I bet you are the pajeets.
what are those parents even doing

>> No.9520254


>> No.9520255

lvl 24 reporting in

>> No.9520266

We've been doing this since 9600bps modems were a thing on Compuserve.

Have you learnt how to use a keyboard yet?

>> No.9520273


ur not a boomer you fucking stupid faggot

>> No.9520279

fuck you for making me feel old

>> No.9520290

>that boomer who doesn't believe he's a boomer

>> No.9520324
File: 38 KB, 400x648, p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30+ here

I've been shitposting since the dial up modem

I'm older than the internet

>> No.9520328

>calling people younger than 50 boomers

GEN X you noggers, my parents are boomers

>> No.9520341

/biz/ is one of the oldest boards on 4chan

>> No.9520351

boomer cope

>> No.9520352

Wtf is a keyboard? I use Alexa to send messages.

>> No.9520389

Classic boomer cope. Don't forget to buy viagra and adult diapers at Walmart tomorrow.

>> No.9520408

Keep coping old man

>> No.9520487

>I've spent a decade of my life on 4chan

When will it end

>> No.9520497

I've been here for nearly two, and it hasn't ended yet. Maybe the meme is true.

>> No.9520587

>Old Fart--33 yr old boomer
You can't be a Boomer if you're 33 yrs old.
Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964.
Which means the youngest Boomers turn 54 this year.

>> No.9520612

>I've been here for nearly two
>started using 4chan in 1998

absolute legend