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File: 11 KB, 200x200, iexec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9517491 No.9517491 [Reply] [Original]

thinking of putting 1/3 of the money I made last year with my now rip business in crypto (50k) into RLC. its all the money I have and im tired of seeing it go down... I haven't had much luck in crypto yet but I feel like putting 50k now and waiting 1 year could be a good move.

should I?

>> No.9517522

I am all in RLC so I can't tell you not to. This seems like the big one. You have roughly a week or so to make up your mind. Seems like it's going to explode soon. We arent ever going sub 100 million any more so you missed the best entry point.

>> No.9517700

i consider RLC a blue chip now.

>> No.9517900

I don't think there's better invesment in long term in crypto.
I'm all in since november, I never sell. I don't even participate in pnd. I just wait 2020.
When I try to find a bad point in that project, the only thing who make me afraid is that peopel are to retarded to invest in it, so the price doesn't get high.

>> No.9517925

15k holder here.
I think think 15 usd eoy is very realistic.
And 50 usd eoy 2019.

>> No.9517926

This. I'm also all in because I know what's about to happen. RLC is one of the only coins I legitimately believe has value

>> No.9518003

>15 usd eoy
That's the minimum and if the market doesn't bull like hell. It really can reach 50$ without problem.
It will probably collapse around january but who cares ? 2020-2023.
I stoped to participate in that retarded moon mission without senses. This project looks really different. Obviously, they have a fucking product. And it will be the most important thing around 2020. Because all the pajeets vaporwave will die.

>> No.9518299

Why is RCL so great all of a sudden? Shill me please.

>> No.9518320

it was always great. People like you are just retarded and don't read whitepapers or roadmaps or research teams. People are fomoing in because of partnerships but it was there since the beginning and mainnet is coming out.

There are people with way more than I have that made it but probably couldn't even name what their cryptocurrency does or who made it.

This market is insufferable.

>> No.9518345

You do realize that not all of us have the time to spend all day doing detailed research and reading every single white paper. Must be nice to have no money and no job.

>> No.9518372

If you have time to shitpost on /biz/ you have time to read. If you have money to invest you have time to read.

>> No.9518430

>tfw I bought a 10k rlc stack at .45 or around 9k sats.

So comfy bros... will I make it?

>> No.9518447

congrats on making it most likely within a year

>> No.9518487

you've made it bro, hodl for dear life

>> No.9518557
File: 170 KB, 800x800, 1526500601112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6+ PHD's that literally pioneered cloud computing and plan to disrupt a 500b+ industry.
>Mining computations for real world applications. (unlike mining coins that serve no actual purpose besides beanie baby trading)
>Capable of storing data like a storage coin.(All storage coins BTFO)
>solves all scalability issues, can solve scaling issues for other blockchains
>~80m circulating supply
>Coins are spread nicely, no one person owns too much.
>The first coin to render something in Blender.
>An actual store of value because it has both a low coin circulation and more real world use cases than ethereum and bitcoin.
>Will be used to power smart contracts for bitcoin itself if it so chooses (RSK partnership).
>Will power EVERY dApp in the future, including Request, Flixxo, and Shopin as well as AI applications, Oracles, and literally anything you can imagine thanks to easy iExec integration and docker.
>Blockchain agnostic, will be able to provide offchain computations to offload stress from any blockchain it chooses. It plans to support ETH for the time being, but could use Ark, NEO, or any blockchain in the future.
>Private computations thanks to Intel SGX integration and collaboration.
>Hybrid Public/Private Infrastructure in 2019
>High Performance Computing in 2020 (every cloud computing competitor BTFO) This will allow extreme advances in AI and other computing.
>still ~5x below Golem's market cap
>get paid for renting your hardware for calculations needed by nearly infinite applications
>If you have enough RLC you'll literally become the equivalent to a Saudi oil king in 2020 thanks to the PoCo algo

Reminder to buy the dip before (((((((they)))))) pump it 5-10x in a day, you're welcome for this.

>> No.9518638

i unironically put myself in 5k debt for this coin, these baguettes better fucking deliver

>> No.9518736

im buying in because i enjoy whenever someone posts this pic

>> No.9518789

One correction:
They are not planning to do any storage stuff. They talked about partnering with other projects that do storage.

>> No.9518809

It's truly the most a e s t h e t i c meme iexec has

>> No.9518830

iExec actually has the capability to become a storage coin too. I'm not saying they will, but it's most certainly capable.

>> No.9518874

Jesus I just realized how big of a coin this can be with contribution portion. Considering I have a shitty pc (surface notebook), but my rlc stack is pretty sizeable, I still make profit. Wew.

>> No.9518904
File: 82 KB, 500x418, iexecunigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm all in iExec since a month ago.

I think it's the next TOP 10 coin in 2 years

>> No.9518927
File: 521 KB, 758x775, comfyexecs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

within 12 months methinks

>> No.9519014

I just bought 45 of these coins, yes poorfag, I'd like to get to 200 or so in the next several weeks, price estimation eom?

>> No.9519086

I'd say 6-10 dollars end of month but a massive drop back to around 4 dollars

>> No.9519090

If you are already struggling to buy a 2$ coin you will run into some trouble eom when its 200$ ea.

>> No.9519275

5-10$ EOM
50-200$ EOY

>> No.9519409

I agree

>> No.9520242

mfw I only have 70RLC . . .

A little bit of money is better than no money right fellas?

>> No.9520251

why aren't you outside cutting grass or working a second job?

>> No.9520264

Adding, knew about RLC when $1 but am 100% crypto retard so I had no idea how to use binance, ETH conversion, etc

Don't have time. Full time double major + summer courses and tutoring

>> No.9520277

tutor for money then. If you have time to post you have time to earn 2 dollars for a future 50x at least

>> No.9520300

same here man, car insurance took out my last dime.

Trying to borrow money from family hahahah

>> No.9520304

You're right, I have no reason to try and weasel my way out of obvious benefits.

Apologize for a brainlet question but as of recent I use Coinbase to buy ETH then transfer to Binance to convert to RLC. Should I just use Gate io and buy RLC with cold hard $$ and send to binance?

>> No.9520318

I only use coinbase because I don't trust anyone else.

>> No.9520409


I would buy more ETH but coinbase says it will take almost 11 days for it to become "tradeable" and the expected initial moon launch is May 29th when V2 is released to private industry test and such

>> No.9520501

you have two choices:

Buy and miss the moon mission and it immediately dumps but you can purchase the dip(s)


buy and miss the moon mission and it increases 16x making it near unaffordable for your budget

>> No.9520525

50-50 chance

Just realized on Coinbase if you use debit it's instant so might just go that way. Hoping it doesnt dip or I'll kick myself for that one

Expecting 3-5$ 29th moon-mission, drop and calm, then EOY $9 best case

>> No.9520552
