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9509519 No.9509519 [Reply] [Original]

nyone see similarities with this project and TakCoin?


You will see our main website evolve over time and become a center of news, information, social community, outreach and interaction.

This post will also be updated over time, the first of which should happen later tonight or tomorrow when we release the new website and new, larger, dev team.

Please feel free to ask any questions and we'll try to be as open and responsive as we can.

Again thank you all for the support and thank you for trusting in us. We promise you that our all will be given in this project and you will all be very happy with the results.

Jordan Schneider TAKcoin Founder sagefit@projecttak.com
He promised that people would be happy with the results and then he exit dumped causing people to lose tens of thousands of dollars. Same thing is happening with ODN right now with website and team restructuring.

>> No.9509523

Activity: 84

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Re: [PRE-ANN] [TAK] TAKEICOIN - Decentralized Currency. Centralized Purpose.
February 07, 2014, 07:23:07 PM
Quote from: TakeiCoin on February 07, 2014, 10:06:00 AM
Quote from: bittencoin on February 07, 2014, 08:50:48 AM
Sagefit is starting a new scam this soon?

Can't even wait for the wdc/scambeck scam to die down Jordan Schneider?

I was never Scharmbeck and there's a no pre or instamine. How does that even make sense? I was the last to join WDC but first to leave because I saw nothing was working as intended, I could not be a part of that.

Really? you were never with scambeck? You worked for/with the 3 main guys on the wdc foundation who also are the same scambeck guys. In your PM, you claimed that you worked 2 months for wdc foundation and left them because you did not like the direction. That is total BS, you were pumping wdc and scambeck on mcxnow for much longer than that. You claimed to have known in advanced of scambeck's earnings and amazing news, these pumps occurred right up to the time that the scambeck scam blew up. Just look up the mcxnow trollbox comments around Jan 25 to Jan 31. If you did not work for scambeck, then how were you supposed to know ahead of time, as you claimed on the trollbox, how amazing their dividends payout were going to be on Jan 31?

Look, you were smart enough to not legally tied your name to scambeck, but you were running the scam as their front man.
Saying the same shit as he is on ODN now. Last to join the team, blah blah, big bad CEO wont let me work