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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1010 KB, 2000x2210, money programing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
950877 No.950877 [Reply] [Original]

More like this?

>> No.950884

Very cool, is 8 months enough time to learn programming? I'm thinking of taking a year off before starting college to work / learn programming, should I do it? Is it a valuable skill for a Business Major?

>> No.950917


The problem with becoming a good programmer is that practice makes perfect. You can learn a programming language in a week, the problem is that you must constantly use it to become good.

As for being valuable - depends on your creativity. If you can use it to automate some of your work or develop an app, then yes, it's worth it. If you won't be doing any of that, well, it's fun to fuck around.

>> No.950926


I see, yeah I plan on building stuff, like calculators to calculate how many points your character can have in a game and stuff like that for now

Eventually I want to build apps that can unlock your car using your smartphone, like Allen Wong's TESLA App.

What sorts of things can I automate with programming? Any school work?

Give me some examples of what I could do!

>> No.950931

>Give me some examples of what I could do!

No. You learn it a language and you'll figure out what you want to do with it. I recommend either Java or Python for beginners.

>> No.950934


Damn it.

Okay, so I've learned a bit of Python actually already, but what comes after Python?

Can I just go on code.org and learn everything?

>> No.950937

>Okay, so I've learned a bit of Python actually already, but what comes after Python?

You perfect Python. Python is a great language, learn it. Using C-family languages for Business Applications you would use is overkill.

Learn Python ,perfect it and git gud.

>> No.950938

You can program calculators to do school work, most of your math classes from Pre-Calc on will require it. If you can reach an end product through a chain of logic you can write some program to do it. It's basically just If This: Do that, If Not: Do This, etc. You're just trying to follow this chain from the input to the output, and then checking for potential errors & ways to reduce resource costs.

Look into Arduino if you're interested in applied programming. People use them to build/program roombas, drones, heating/light systems, etc. It's more on the engineering side though.

>> No.950944


Should I go to college for CS if I start to enjoy programming in my free 8 months? Or should I go for Engineering then?

I'm pretty logical, I did enjoy Python, and also HTML a bit, it seems fun, but never really saw the point of programming as a 'job'.

Do you guys know what sorts of things programmers do when they work? Do you get to build an entire program or does the company give you 'parts of something' to build, and then a group of people puts everything together?

>> No.950949

If you do CS you will spend a lot of time focused on logic & theory. Programming is taught because it helps understanding the core workings of computers. Some institutions do offer applied programming degrees with more focus on programming itself.

If you go engineering your main focus will be on building things and whatever else engineers do. Programming is an after thought required for certain jobs by electrical engineers & such. You'll learn the very basics behind it & likely run into obscure languages that you'll need to learn to perform very basic operations, like programming some sort of cooling system or detecting a set level of light.

What you do for work will depend entirely on your job. You could be contracted to develop a program for a company, or you could be working on a team introducing changes & searching for/fixing errors that occur.

>> No.950951
File: 305 KB, 1920x1080, g programming challenges.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give me some examples of what I could do!
Here's a pic I grabbed off /g/ that I'll look to for programming fun when I'm bored. Some of the more practical things I've programmed are some excel scripts for work. If you ever find yourself repeating a task or calculating something, you could program the computer to do it for you.

>> No.950952

>Should I go to college for CS if I start to enjoy programming in my free 8 months?

No, CS degrees are useless. Business is a good enough field if you know coding and want to Heck one of the programmers I know is an engineer, the other just went professional directly after High School.

> Do you get to build an entire program or does the company give you 'parts of something' to build, and then a group of people puts everything together?

It's group projects these days.

>> No.950958
File: 116 KB, 1515x663, degree in cs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Should I go to college for CS
You'll just be taught math and logic and won't be taught much about programming. What is there to teach? It's like going to school to major in English or French. It's just a language used to give orders and you can pick it up without formal schooling.

>> No.951014

CS is already one of the highest paying degrees in a field with massive room for development. Business doesn't even compete, in addition to being a subject you could half ass through online courses on the side.

>> No.951015


I'm just saying, we have a lot of people without CS degrees in the department. You show up with a good knowledge of programming and example of code at the doorstep and they'll give you an interview.

>> No.951039

You show up with a CS degree & they'll give you a job.

>> No.951078

CS is way more than programming alone, on university level that is. You are required to have pre-knowledge or learn along the way in your own time about the practical aspect of programming. It is way more theoretical.

>> No.951084

what is the best website to learn c++ on? starting from scratch

>> No.951115

So what is the verdict?

>> No.951147

>C a subset of C++

Fucking dropped.

>> No.951267

Theory & basic programming are required classes in the lower core for any accredited degree path.

If you're only interested in programming get a BA in applied programming. If you want to go deeper, get a BS in CS. If you just want to do some cool things go for electrical/mechanical engineering & learn programming as an after thought.

Every single one of them with the possible exception of applied programming has a high payoff rate in the end.

Knowing the basic theories behind things like the Fibonacci sequence or basic programming will make the courses easier, but the biggest obstacle for students is just putting in the actual time & effort to do the work. You will be given problems that seem impossible until you break them down to their very basic concepts & slowly build them back up to the end product before you even begin writing code. 9/10 neckbeards just drop it for IT or business.

>> No.951607


Could you post a book from amazon which covers theory at the level you're referencing. I ask because theory can be studied at various levels of abstraction...I'd like to know the theoretical depth at which average CS students are exposed, or which outsiders (employers) expect these students to know.