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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9508695 No.9508695 [Reply] [Original]

>He isn't collecting doges to pay him in the world's first ethereum gaming platform token.
>He's continuing to hodl and bleed during a bear market instead of accumulating.
>He doesn't realize that eth gaming is moving to the next level, especially with the Loom Unity SDK coming out next month, enabling dedicated dapp side chains.

This realization is going to cause fomo like you wouldn't believe. The major flaw with all the dividend pyramids is the fact that the hype dies down after a while. Now anon, imagine for a second, just one second, what it would mean for the new games of the week to use one of these tokens exclusively. What it would mean for early holders of that pyramid.

Of course I'm shilling to you because I bought in, but I'm also shilling to you because the potential is insane, and the more people we get on board to also share it around, the harder and faster this is going to take off and sustain itself.

Are you in?


>> No.9508714

>pyramid that makes newer investors make more money


>> No.9508729

You misunderstood me. It's still a normal pyramid, but the fact that its token is used for other gaming dapps means that the dividend payouts can continue to flow, unlike ones where the only appeal is the buy and sell action of the pyramid. It gets dull.

With this, you hold a gaming token that pays you to either hold it, or game with it.

>> No.9508749

it is literally a pyramid inside a pyramid

it is the ultimate meme pyramid. i want them to make more, kek i will actually buy into this if they do

>> No.9508766

Wasn't sure if the halo team could pull this off or not but I'm told they did. Who knew Doge farming could be such fun.

>> No.9508780

isnt that the same thing PoWH3D are currently doing? Was this smart contract leaked from their test net?

>> No.9508782

do not forget its run on eth which is a pyramid, and eth value is determined by btc value, which is a pyramid
not to mention btc valued in usd and we all know american economy is a pyramid

>> No.9508820

I have no idea wtf P3D devs are doing, Halo3D was in the works for two weeks and are unrelated to them.

>> No.9508860

the exchange looks like a 1:1 copy though.I guess i will dodge this one and wait for the PoWH3D version.

I have 500k Doges btwl. Please dont hurt doges reputation with your scam, pajeet.

>> No.9508870

>Doge Ponzi
>Awards eth instead of Doge

How did u fuck this up

>> No.9508889

yeah would also prefer doge. Please ask Stu from lamden if he atomic swaps the ETH into Doge, sir.

>> No.9508935

It doesn't award eth it awards H3D tokens, which can be exchanged for ETH.

Imagine if P3D had games where you could earn more P3D without putting more ETH into it.

>> No.9508949

does the game award eth or h3d tokens?
i only have like 20 h3d tokens because im poorfag
so if i spend these tokens on doge game, and then want to cash out when im done, do i get both the dividends and the sale price of the tokens in h3d tokens? or eth? mixture?

i wanna make sure i know what happens before i toss some of my small stash at this

>> No.9508954

well that answers my question. i was typing it up i guess while you posted

>> No.9508972

It's a way to earn H3D tokens without spending more ETH, and gives them utility beyond just sitting there and hoping for more divvies or for the price to go up.

Play these games well and you end up earning and increasing your stack.

>> No.9508982


Doge is objectively better for ponzos simply because of bigger numbers, tards love bigger numbers. Which is more exciting, winning 1 eth or winning 165k Doge?

>> No.9509050

Btw you want to buy some steam games for doge? :3 Im doing this for years now.

>> No.9509055
File: 79 KB, 500x500, HALO3D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HALO seriously coming out with some impressive stuff. DOGE is a brilliant start

>> No.9510019

Divs are a meme! farming is for real men I’m not going to sleep for 3days and build my stack to da moon! Earning money has never been so fun!!

>> No.9511020
File: 65 KB, 1180x842, 8z8hd3s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be nice and bump you up while shilling me.