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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9508602 No.9508602 [Reply] [Original]

Lets talk about what a shitcoin this fucking piece of shit is and why you should never listnen to /biz/

>> No.9509117

I've been crushing it day trading this.

>> No.9509128
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ive asked before and ill ask again, ARE YOU HAVING FUN YET?

>> No.9509238
File: 16 KB, 221x395, sdmi5iyw0mrz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought in at 1.4 cents
>sold at 23 cents
>bought back in at 3 cents

Like come on dude it's not that hard.

>> No.9509350

>one of the few projects in crypto with a working product and a real company backing it
>b2b and crushing it
>mainnet white label casino product soon
>first operator may go live as soon as late june
>up 32% in sats over the last couple of weeks
fucking retard op

>> No.9509383

How's poker on it. I have an appetite for blowing a couple hundred bucks on a pair of 7's.

>> No.9509387

>b-buy my bags
>it's not a shitcoin

>> No.9509393

so you have no response other than memes, shitskin

>> No.9509454

>muh $1 before ICE

what happened to all those casinos that were going to sign up after ICE?

I guess none of those actual companies were impressed by FunFair's little booth there.

FunFair is just a shitty erc20 token like 100's of other shitcoins. A team of pajeets can make a better project in a week.

>> No.9509488

You’re a special kind of retard

>> No.9509529


t. people that got duped by the memes being shilled on here hoping for a quick pump that never happened and are now "long term holders"

>> No.9510366

They have the nicest office in crypto im not selling

>> No.9510417

buy decent bet instead of this shit coin