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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9506139 No.9506139 [Reply] [Original]

>Tell my boss about the stocks im invested in
>He tries to demoralize me, constantly asks how they're doing and when I say they're down even slightly he tells me "Told you to not bother with that dump of a company" when I tell him they're up he says "I'd get out as soon as possible"

>Tell him about the business idea I had and spent hours planning out
>Just laughs at me and says demorializing things

>Tell him about crypto and he just says "I don't have time for this crap, it's a scam focus on work"
Does he just want me to be a good little worker goy? Is that why he shoots down all my hopes?

>> No.9506228

Next time his feeble attempts to demoralize you come up, stand up, look him in the eye, unzip, pull out cock, and tell him to get to work

>> No.9506238

That's called emotional manipulation and he knows how it makes you feel when he shoots you down.
If you don't stop caring about his perception of you, you will quite literally end up sucking his cock in the toilet in the hope he gives you a smile when you bump into him in the kitchen later.
You need to stop caring about it so much and he'll respect you more

>> No.9506265

I realize I'm too dependent on other peoples opinions, I know it sounds beta but how can I get over it? How can I learn to trust in myself?

>> No.9506267

Don't tell him shit about it then, problem solved. Liimit your conversation to sports and braps.

>> No.9506295

I dont know anything about sports so I always tell my coworkers my actual hobbies and stuff

>> No.9506349

this but unironically

>> No.9506379
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>> No.9506389

Make something

>> No.9506406

op if you allegedly live anywhere near the tri-state area allegedly I'll exit scam your boss with a lead pipe and we can allegedly split the profit.

>> No.9506486

Your IQ is too low to be worth his time. Also you write like an effeminate little cuck boy. Change that shit immediately.

>> No.9506516

confidence; overcome fears, challenge yourself, make others like you

>> No.9506519

I don't

What do you want me to do?

>> No.9506552

OP if you wanna do your thing, start your own company. you signed up to be a slave

>> No.9507097

Why would you talk to your boss about this shit you idiot

>> No.9507116

>What do you want me to do

>> No.9507122

your boss is treating you like a muslim woman, you need to find a new job

>> No.9507159

Geez man fuck what your boss thinks, you need some self confidence. Also don’t talk to people about your finance stuff unless you’re looking for help from someone with more experience... obviously your boss is not a good person for this as he’s a company man. Also GTFO of biz

>> No.9507962

Why are you talking to your boss about this shit you fucking retarded faggot? You sound like a betacuck mcfuck now fuck off and fuck yourself you fuck.

>> No.9508038

>What do you want me to do

I want you to start lifting, and I don't even lift.

>> No.9508076

Easiest way to stop caring is actively do shit that people look down on and just get used to it.

Have you ever seen a satanist who cares what you think of them? Just stop caring about shit, you'll never be the best if you try to copy someone else.

>> No.9508108

your boss has no interest in being your friend. stop being anything but professional with him.

real advice though, you need to start being a cunt back to him. even if it leads to arguments.