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File: 138 KB, 265x291, skyminer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9504928 No.9504928 [Reply] [Original]

How many bizlets have a skyminer ready to go for may 22nd?

What are the estimated payouts gonna be?

Looking to get on this train.

>> No.9504969

We are reinventing the internet

>> No.9504979
File: 261 KB, 900x1247, holocoaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9505181

no holo stuff please, i'm asking about SKY. In my research, holo has nothing.

>> No.9505187
File: 500 KB, 728x640, 152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people still bragging about paying 1btc for 8 raspberries

>> No.9505223


even I know thats not true, you get the equivalent of SKY in that 1btc price. I might just build my own too.

>> No.9505232

>here take my scamcoins goym it will make it worth it, it's the new internet!!

>> No.9505239

pajeet do more "research" somewhere else

>> No.9505240


thanks for that hard hitting intelligent reply

>> No.9505267

Can I set it up a skyminer on my own pc?

Paying for ckosed source software/ exclusive hardware is a no no.

>> No.9505296

you aren't doing shit retard

>> No.9505381


you can build a diy miner, there is a bunch of guides out there. I'm reading through some and it looks pretty straightforward.

>> No.9505398

plis sirs buy skycoins

>> No.9505565

Explain how a box connected to an antenna can send fucking packets across the artic fucking ocean you stupid fucking brainlets will buy anything.

>> No.9505612

I know shit about this coin that probably only a few other /biz/fags know aswell if they've been in SKY long enough to know. Everyone fudding this is actually going to be a little sorry they left themselves out on this.

You people have no fucking idea what names are behind this (private individuals, not companies btw)

>> No.9505647

just leave them be, no one has any technical background experience at all, they'll soon realize why this whole coin is absolutely the most retarded nonsensical shit

>> No.9505697

Do you know what the internet is? Millions of dollars of copper cable connecting everything. Any idea what those wires down the street are for? Any idea why we can’t use radio waves instead?
What skycoin is trying to build is called a mesh network and they already exist, except without a stupid coin attached to them. Mesh networks still need the internet backbone to connect to websites. Do you think websites are magical fairies that fly to your computer when you ask for them? They’re sent by computers attached to the internet backbone, accessible only by massive undersea cables. We need these cables because we don’t want to wait a fucking hour for photos of traps to load while we’re jerking off in the bathroom at work during lunch break.
Why do I even fucking bother

>> No.9505743
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>> No.9505771

¿¿Lol how come everybody here is so horny about HOLO boxes, but call Skyminers shit??

>> No.9505776

Holo shills

>> No.9505853

Holy shit
Except this still depends on ISPs because your fucking massive undersea cable (yea bro? Who the fuck is gonna lay a CABLE ACROSS THE OCEAN here) still isn’t connected to any servers. Oh my god! You need to physically be connected to google to have them on your network. How many fucking sky miners would google need to handle hundreds of billions of requests a day? Yea bro, they’re gonna replace their entire fucking insane internet architecture with sky miners, even though that wouldn’t even work if they did.

>> No.9505908

SKY has the biggest dream in crypto world and even though I have zero Sky, still want them to succeed.

Not sure how many of /biz/ actually care abt something of real value tho.

>> No.9505948

What I don't understand is the hype around Substratum and the FUD around SKY.

>> No.9505957

Dude this project is clearly made to scam people. I’m only here posting because biz has made me tons of money and I actually know about networks and can save people on here from getting fucking scammed.

>> No.9505958

ISPs dont own transatlantic cables, they own connections such as the fiber backhauls that the Skycoin team are looking to install.

As far as your Google question goes: Skycoin is building 256 node Skyminers as well, they scale vertically very easily due to each node being its own piece of hardware.

Nobody said this shit is going to take over the world overnight but they have a very good chance of capturing the developing world which is the next big area of economic expanse (as it always has been)

>> No.9506008

Dude if they capturethe developing world they will still need to connect to the existing backbone or we will have two separate internets.
Physics constrains us from getting an acceptable bandwidth over EM waves for a place like google. It doesn’t matter how much you scale vertically if your bandwidth has an upper bound.

>> No.9506016

>each continent gets it own internet
>can finally play games with RU/BZ/CN fucks

>> No.9506034
File: 280 KB, 512x391, Sky Yacht.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of crypto coins are scam pnd, with no devs, and no blockchain.

what they do is they pay people to fud competitors and shill they own coin, that's where all their budget goes to.

Skycoin is one of the few coins that has actual devs/product, been in development for 6-7 years and only now they are ramping up their marketing.

>> No.9506037


calm down there buddy. answer me this. How does that magic fancy internet get to your mobile phone? Is your phone connected right to those undersea cables big boy?

>> No.9506045

so what's the issue with having two separate internets? if people create/serve/consume content on both they can both be successful.

>> No.9506048

Fuck off

>> No.9506054

and since Skywire is not going the way of TCP/IP and using MPLS instead it stands to reason that a newer internet will be even more efficient in its protcol. so I really don't see the issue.

>> No.9506083

The point of Sky's decentralized internet is so people can consume media that would otherwise be blocked, for example in China. It's to combat censorship and to make internet accesible for people so they don't have to lick the nipples of ISPs like Comcast.

In America for example there are a lot of people who can't afford interent because the market is dominated by monopolies. Internet is a human right these days and people don't have access to their right because it's to expensive. These ISPs could make it affordable but choose not to cause they're greedy cunts.

>> No.9506135

Aswell as that current ISPs keep records of all the trafic that goes trough, even though its illegal for them to host illegal traffic (pirating) the government doesn't give a shit, but its a huge problem when someone else hosts this traffic. ISPs admit their main traffic is illegal traffic but the government has deals with these ISPs so they can spy on the public. Another reason to get in on a decentralized internet.

Honestly you fucking retards don't even know the authoritarian state you live in. Here's a project that wants to change it and all you fucktards can do is spam HOLO memes and scream scam. (holo memes are funny tho)

>> No.9506197

It's one thing to say a project will never succeed, versus calling it a scam.

I hang out Skycoin's telegram every once in a while and I can tell you Synth and Co. are among the most committed teams. Honestly they have made more progress than even most of the top20 coins.

Perhaps take it easy with the word scam. People used to call bitcoin and ethereum scam too.

>> No.9506246

For real, no fudding -- I watched a long interview with the lead devs and the whole idea seems like a mess. The scope of what they're trying to do is impossible and they're super fucking vague about everything. Seemed like a project the average high schooler would come up with.

>> No.9506290

This is simply not worth answering
Not a bad point actually, we already kind of have seperate internets considering language barriers search engines etc.
I get this, but I think the government needs to stand up to the ISPs, I dont think skycoin will be cheaper internet.
I shouldn't have called it a scam, that was a mistake. I just don't fundamentally think its possible even though I would love to be proven wrong. There are much better mesh networks being developed in my opinion.

>> No.9506342

wow, that was a 180.

Which mesh networks?

>> No.9506691

Yea, im being a dick for no reason. Also, I like the fact that you guys are essentially here because you hate ISPs, which I do too.I assumed this was a crowd of "mooooooooooon" people when in reality you guys share a belief that I share. Fuck ISPs and fuck the centralized internet.
Most meshnetworks are pretty small, I don't really know any of the top of my head, but a google search will suffice.
5G promises to solve a lot of these problems too. If the right people can build a good 5G network we could potentially be saved from the ISPs.

>> No.9506781
File: 125 KB, 1378x658, sky replaceSs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unique about SKY is that it is incentivised mesh network and it can integrate what all other shitcoins do without creating a seperate token for everything fricken application

>> No.9506785


lol. cool. AFAIK no sky owner thinks its a moon shot coin. slow and steady growth is why I'm invested. was just wondering about the miner.

>> No.9507111
File: 431 KB, 1320x1838, skyminer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ready as fuck

im hoping for at least 100 SKY a month in the beginning, with an official miner

>> No.9507383
File: 83 KB, 1406x491, Skycoin_(SKY)_$23.03_(-1.95%)_CoinMarketCap_-_2018-05-19_02.01.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat volume spike tho

>> No.9507520

Holding may gave you some profit but consider as a fact, and not a meme that its a scam coin.

I personally know a good friend of the main dev so I know better.

Synth is pretty much invested in it big time.

The main dev himself laughs at the money he made out of nothing

Synth is a fucking scammer who is waiting to dump his shitcoin on any retard who buys into his hype.

He took the tech directly from some chinks

and They didn’t develop in any way that miner

Look for the address of the offices, they’re using virtual offices with physical directions.

>> No.9507605

>want to build muh decentralized internet
>only people who own at least 1 btc can be a part of it even though the miner costs like U$600

I find it funny how paradoxal the SKY devs are... they talk about how bitcoin isn't truely decentralized because of the mining pools and all that shit, yet they charge you 20x on the hardware to run their fucking project

>> No.9507683

Because holo is spending everyone's money on shilling to make it look like they've got a following rather than the tech

>> No.9507696

That's fud - you know you can build your own skynodes so nobody is forcing you to buy anything, right?

>> No.9507718

I have fucking been to the office in China. Fucking lying FUDDers baka.

The chinks are developing it yes but him and Steve are fucking IN China. They wrote the specifications and oversees the process you moron.

>> No.9507732

most unresearched fud ever. look at the telegram. the amount of DIY miners is crazy. If that's not a sign of a healthy non-moon bois community I dont know what is.

It's really fucking technical to make one and figure out the software and we still have like thousands of DIY miners.

>> No.9507758

Probably more like hundreds of miners.

>> No.9507841

You can see what miners are DIY and what miners are not. Most miners are DIY miners.

>> No.9508061

Aight thats pretty sweet. Ill give it a go.

>> No.9508387




>> No.9508428

Oh yeah so I can joined the permissioned network?

You faggots are the worst, permissioned purchasing via otc sales, permissioned nodes.

If you have a permissioned network and permissioned entry to you are centralized and have failed. Plus Synth has been outed as a fake and a liar on multiple occasions. You can just google him to find that.

>> No.9508442

You don't have thousands faggot, you have nothing and they are permissioned by (((you)))

There is nothing worse then this shit. You guys are akin to XRP or NEO

>> No.9508528

ha, one of the more intellectual threads on /biz/ in a long time.

My best buddy has a lot of Sky and I ended up buying some last week because otherwise he wouln't shut up about Skycoin.

Their blockchain tech and the SkyFiber thing seem to work really well. I'm amazed sometimes they're still only ranked 84.

Still highly skeptical on Skywire. however 90% of the world are still skeptical on bitcoin and blockchain tech. So eh

>> No.9508537

the hell are you on about?
permission does not mean centralized.