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File: 37 KB, 663x485, Nerviusbear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9500919 No.9500919 [Reply] [Original]

Uh goys? Why did Bitcoin stop crashing?

>> No.9500937


it never was crashing, it corrected from 20k and has been looking for support.

>> No.9500980

>what is the same result

>> No.9501028
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Patience is key bearbro, in a few months at most we will be hoarding cheap, sub-6k coins from capitulating bulls

>> No.9501065

>muh I don't understand market movement
>muh, I'll claim it crashed but really don't understand what a crash entails

>> No.9501071

It didn't...? A super weak $100 pump and a day of sideways motion isn't a reversal, it's a reload for the next leg down (this one's big - all the way back to $6.7k).

>> No.9501132

I hope so. At this point I’d rather see my portfolio halve knowing it’s over and to wait 12-24 months before anything significant than this sideways bullshit.

Bear or bull? Pick one, you fucking nuggets.

>> No.9501186

> he thinks it’s stopped crashing

>> No.9501230

Profit taking, have to let them FOMO again.

>> No.9501248

which genius bastard is making these bear-pepes


>> No.9501617


Oh... it's just that the greatest bullrun in the history of our galaxy is about to happen. Trips comfirms.

>> No.9501683
File: 28 KB, 663x485, 1526585884656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remixed this one

>> No.9501717

Someone make a bull version of this pepe

>> No.9501908

Stop using meme Magik for the bears

>> No.9501950
File: 433 KB, 1000x1102, 1522358862827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


because even fucking reddit were all crying and extremely angry about crypto in general and consensus. Thats a HUGE fucking buy signal.
seriously, i have never seen so much angry onions than the last day on reddits main crypto page

>> No.9502043

Its not. There is difference between a crash and a correction. A good stock will go up in price no matter what as long as its good. It will continue rising. But from time to time people will overbuy it and a correction is needed to bring price nack to level where people feel it should be up. These overbuys create corrections.

On the other hand a shitty stick will keep dropping over time until all value is gone. But from time to another people will even oversell a shitty stock and a correction up will happen.

Bitcoin is extreamly bullish coin. Its not bleeding because its bad, but simply because it was overbought. 20k for bitcoin in des of 2017 was just too high. Therefor a correction was bound to happen. 20k might be right price for bitcoin in des of 2018, but wasnt in 2017.

There is no way in, bitcoin will ever be 6k again. Ever. 7 is pushing it. Around 8 is the right price for it now and thats why you see a stabilation atm.

>> No.9502097
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>> No.9502232

We'll drop to 7 again, but not 6. I suspect this will be the last drop to 7 we'll see.

>> No.9502340

Careful what you wish my friend

>> No.9502352
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>> No.9502744

it's because wagecucks put their pay checks in btc on fridays

>> No.9502762

No, worries senpai just hold your short, we should touch 6.5k before bools can get any momentum

>> No.9502767


>> No.9502779
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>> No.9502807

It’s not going any lower fuckhead. Volume and price have been dropping together for weeks. If we were experiencing a crash, or loading up for another dip you would be seeing volume rise alongside the price drop. Stupid fucking permabears holy shit.

>> No.9502816

bro i love these :')

>> No.9502825


>> No.9502829

were the fuck were you in March? this board was DEAD!

>> No.9502928

Shut the fuck up, dude. I want this bear fag liquidated, so conform to his bias.

>> No.9503159

It's never really over in crypto, just a multi year bear market

>> No.9503581

This is absolutely laughable. Bitcoin is grossly overvalued per Metcalfe valuation, 6k isn't even close to the bottom.

The fact that people see it as a highly speculative asset and not as (properly) a hedge against banking systems is a very troubling sign.

>> No.9503646

Do you know what TA is for? For deciding on where to buy or sell. Not for current state of market psycology.

>> No.9503688

250,000,000 tether being printed as we speak

>> No.9503788

They have printes atleast 5 times this month. 200k, few 100k, some 50k and 40k.

>> No.9503849

Market psychology does in fact dictate bubbles (like the one in 2013) and patterns. TA is ultimately grounded in market inefficiencies; indicators that are priced in are ineffective.

The trouble is with using patterns to dictate investors mentalities, which I'm not doing, my observations are independent.

>> No.9503930

What's this meme called?

>> No.9503989
File: 172 KB, 1184x575, vcf8kwUv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
