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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9493086 No.9493086 [Reply] [Original]

'early adopters' kek

my boy Takeshi the Jap tells you like it is, anons. the train departed in late 2017. you ARE the mainstream.

enjoy your 3x gains in 10 years, if that

>> No.9493104

I like the girls that said they laughed at coin traders and wished that crypto fans would get real jobs.

>> No.9493143

>0.10% - 0.05% of the world owns crypto
>that's everybody
motherfucker you can't even begin to comprehend how terrible you are at math

>> No.9493150
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Classic boomer cope

>> No.9493167
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>> No.9493179

>women opinion on anything
Go back to kitchen, thots.

>> No.9493181

Keep telling yourself that anon

also what was it, ah, yeah I N S T I T U T I O N A L money is not yet in right¿ kek

i havent met a single chick here who wouldnt openly laugh at you if you said youre (invested) in crypto

>> No.9493212

this might be relevant if the same kind of threads wer'ent poste here one year (and two years ago).
>t-t-his time it's different! sell your coins at the bottmo gois!

>> No.9493216

The market cap is still a fraction of the largest hedge funds, let alone real markets LOL. A literal retard could have made it if they bought just about any non-scam in 2016. I do believe that will not happen again. But I think the smartest among us will have a shot at similar gains if they play it well.

>> No.9493223

>basing your opinion of 'early' or 'late adopters' on easily-manipulable anecdotes rather than actual data
Imagine being this much of a brainlet normie.

under 1% of world owns crypto, that's by no means mainstream

>> No.9493228

>i havent met a single chick here who wouldnt openly laugh at you if you said youre (invested) in crypto
yeah better do what those womyn expect of you soiboi

>> No.9493260

oh youre an angry one, arent you anon

i dont care what they expect of me as i only fuck them

i mentioned this because a lot of faggots here think that asian qts are more open to you being nerds or something hence all the 'imma go to japan and shit with my crypto gains and find a cute waifu hurr durr shit'

i was there, i accumulated, made some money and am out

the bubble popped and i got my pie out of it. if you think anything more than a maximum of 3 billion marketcap is in over the next 5 years you're delusional

and knowing most of you, youd sell before it xplodes (if it does) anyways

keep coping. the markets are speaking

>> No.9493270

3 trillion sorry

>> No.9493287

You live your life and modify your behaviour based on what women want you to do.

That's pretty pathetic no matter how you try to damage control it.

>> No.9493296


>> No.9493311

gotta say, it's surprisingly easy to rile you up anons

speak to you in 2021 when the market stops going sideways

how many of you will be there then?

>> No.9493313

>i mentioned this because a lot of faggots here think that asian qts are more open to you being nerds or something
I would hope that's only larping

>if you think anything more than a maximum of 3 billion marketcap is in over the next 5 years you're delusional
I think you're wrong, but time will tell.

>> No.9493322

>sell your coins or women will laugh at you
do you really think this is riling people up? failed normie projection

you are a brainlet anyways

>> No.9493340

>the mainstream
>not a single mainstream use for cryptos yet

we're not even early investors. we're still at the paleo stage.

>> No.9493349
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Honestly anyone still holding coins is a fucking brainlet. The amount of time I see invested into researching this shit is ludicrous. I took my profits and ran.

>> No.9493357

Buddy boy we are rounding a second shoulder, bull run of 2018 begins start of july

>> No.9493358
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>> No.9493363

ok, anon, i'll be serious just because you seem to have a head on your shoulders after your initial posts unlike the other total basement dweller

we ARE in a sideways market, and we will continue to do so. anybody who things we re (((early))) in this shit is deluded. as i said, i sold my main stack and keep some on the markets still.

but things have changed. i know i know /biz/ has had these posts before. its different now.

those who want moons in 1-2-3 years better forget it. and if you judge the moon factor by 2017, youre in for a bad, disappointing outcome

those who wanted to take positions to see this paleo stage expanded have already done so

theyll manipulate your markets the way theyre doing it now. you WONT be getting your 50x gains or even 15x gains from them. not from the normies either

they got their gains and will move on to a next sector in the blockchain boom. they WONT let you have your linkies or whatever 20x you fart

>> No.9493396

I paid this college 10/10 qt $5,000 to let me shit in her mouth. No one laughs at you when you have a few million. I have pics of anyone is interested. If she doesn't stop hitting me up for more shit in her mouth I'll definitely post them to her FB.

>> No.9493433

>we ARE in a sideways market, and we will continue to do so
true, but for how long?
>those who want moons in 1-2-3 years better forget it.
this is speculation
>and if you judge the moon factor by 2017, youre in for a bad, disappointing outcome
let's be honest, if institutional money does enter crypto it will give it a huge boost which will also drag normies back in. they have very short-term memory

>> No.9493437

>ignorance is bliss
must be

>> No.9493459

I don't care, my coins survived 2011, kek

>> No.9493460

I knew about bitcoin in 2009 because I was involved in a few hacking forums. Got caught hacking and nearly expelled from school, so I had to pretty much stop with all that shit. If it weren't for that, I'd probably be a millionaire now. Oh well...it's my once in a lifetime opportunity gone because of bad timing.
I guess it had to happen that way, though. If I had become rich I would have never given up on women completely, so I guess that's worth something decades down the road

>> No.9493472

why do you think coinbase started their custodial shit right after the huge dip?

anon, lets define what is 'moon' to people. are people in biz thrilled when they have something go 2x, 3x?


look at holo, hydro etc. the flavor of the month coin. moon means 10x, 15x, 20x. heck, ZIL and a shitton of other coins went 4x in fiat value over the last month or so but nobody calls it a SPECTACULAR moon right

people want a moon like 17, a moon that's 20x, 50x and thats just not happening.

weve reached the stage where 7x or 8x your investment in 2-3 years is considered stupid among most of the crypto ((investors))

as i said, most of the institutional money is already in. they wont let you know it tho.

>> No.9493473
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>> No.9493486

yeah yeahh yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.9493536

Uh, what?

>> No.9493538

>let's be honest, if institutional money does enter crypto

theyve been in pal

>> No.9493549

pls do otherwise shitty LARP

>> No.9493553

>enjoy your 3x gains in 10 years
So even in your "you're all doomed" scenario, we'll still outperform every single other kind of investment? Neat.

>> No.9493565

Just tell me something OP. What's the point of this thread? Why are you doing this? What are you trying to achieve, what's your endgame?
Are you simply trying to encourage anons to leave all crypto markets because you think that's a good deed?
If not then fuck off. Threads like these are obnoxious af and contribute nothing. Another thread had to die for this shit.

>> No.9493569

>I like the girls that said they laughed at coin traders and wished that crypto fans would get real jobs.
>tfw you tell your fiancee that you want to put money into crypto and she encourages it and even gives you some of her own with the full understanding that it could go to nothing but that it might be worth it anyway
tfw won the female lottery

>> No.9493579
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>mass adoption is bad

>> No.9493583

of course you will anon

im not taking a pick at crypto gains. im ridiculing the absolute state of numerous people who think they will get rich in <24 months just by being lazy and throwing shit, seeing whether itll stick to the wall

this was 2017 and to some extent early 2018. the era of ridiculous icos, totally unregulated markets and bullruns because of hype

the SEC is cracking down on icos, institutions are in, market is maturing. normie FOMO wont make it 15x or 20x. but itll make it 3x-4x in long term. and long term isnt 'muh 2020 gains'

>> No.9493594


Lol, it's only gone mainstream in South Korea and maybe Japan really. Most western countries the adoption rate is like 1% or less.

>> No.9493599

me too anonodude, exact same deal
love my girl

>> No.9493605

anon, ill be honest

im not telling you this stuff to make you feel bad, depressed, to make you exit crypto and this kinda shit

im making this thread because i see a lot of young people who got overly fixated on the fact that this is the only think they can do. the only thing they can REDEEM themselves and succeed. that they can sit on some coins and magically 'make it' in 2-3 years just because

the people i see on biz are actually smart. i dont like seeing them fall for the past results meme and lean onto them too much

>> No.9493612

her first reaction was pretty much,
>we started with nothing, so the worst case scenario is that we're back to square one, but the upside is huge
we got lucky senpai

>> No.9493644

>its different now.

>> No.9493672

when you think about it, it would always seem you can't make it in crypto
>pre 2017: why would you ever expect a 100x ? that's ridiculous by any market standard
>post 2017: why would you expect a 100x ? it's already done and gone, it will never happen again

>> No.9493677
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in not mainstream yet, its known just not really used tho. like amazon was really big when it was just selling books and everyone knew about it, but when it really went mainstream it blew up

>> No.9493681

I see.
Still, we see at least 2 threads every day saying the exact same shit under different guises. Join other like-minded anons and just go bug the mods for a sticky or something then.

>> No.9493717

>like amazon was really big when it was just selling books
I forgot they used to sell only books

>> No.9493779
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the bitcoin chart is a fractal pattern

if you bought at 1000 in december of 2013 you would have been bagholding until february of 2017 to breakeven. in the same way, if you bought around 18k in december of 2017 you will be bagholding until february 2021. that is the next bullrun. remember that the btc market's participants is the entire human race and therefore the chart will behave in fractals.

>> No.9493824


>> No.9493913
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We are unironically the innovators. The "tipping point" is where you have a dotcom year 2000 new years bubble come crashing down market cap in the trillions.

>> No.9493950
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>> No.9493969

If it was really a fractal, wouldn't it be something like 2028 to break even?

>> No.9493980

You really think so desu? wouldn't the innovators be the ones that bought 10 years ago?

>> No.9493982


They don't laugh when I pay them with my gains

>> No.9493990

Probably between 2025-2028

>> No.9493992

Do you seriously think only 2.5% of people have bought in?

>> No.9494042

Crypto doesn't work yet so yes we are still the innovators. The few coins that actually have working products cannot scale like ethereum. You need an oracle solution before smart contracts can even have a use case outside of speculation. Most coins with products capable of causing adoption are partial or complete vaporware. We are the late innovators.

>> No.9494055

Under 2.5% and yes. Noone irl actually uses crypto outside of speculation to make their lives easer.

>> No.9494064

Why do I only see these posts when the market tanks

>> No.9494070

...so invest in LINK? Ignoring all the memes and whatnot

>> No.9494081

They would have laughed at you at any point except the bull run last year

>> No.9494107

unironically asking for real. I hold 100linkies cause that's all I could afford.

>> No.9494125

If you haven't figured out yet that link is the real deal you cannot be helped. The ideas that survive the test of time on 4chan are the one you need to be buying and holding for years. Link is almost guaranteed to be a massive moon mission.

>> No.9494128

>listen to poor people

If you want to be poor

>> No.9494147

Well Bitcoin and other currencys are finite

>> No.9494150

I've been holding LINK for a long time and read the whitepaper etc...I know it's real but I'm just worried the team either won't be able to deliver or another competitor will pop up.

>> No.9494174

that's precisely my worry. As I said, I could only afford 100 links but to me that was like 10,000usd.

Deep down I worry that they won't be able to make it. I worry that Sergey's depression is getting in between chainlink's progress.

>> No.9494184

...what country are you from?

>> No.9494192

Yeah best way to profit was with the BitMEX not by any conventionals means. If you were lucky and good gains were comparable to 2017 but most people busted out.

>> No.9494200


>> No.9494208

>Enjoy your 3x gains in 10 years, if that

Still more than the interest from the bank.

>> No.9494227

H-how you get 3 trillion market anon?

>> No.9494228

I didn't mean that literally, anon. Those 100usd felt like a whole lot more because of how I'm doing finanially rn. I invested 100usd back when link was 1usd. I got justed.

>> No.9494275

Are you a CryptoCurrency old fag?
I have partly the same ideas and joined this rollercoaster in 2011. 2017 was a ridiculous shitshow.

>> No.9494290

Im sorry anon but you will not retire on a 100 dollar usd investment on any 1 coin. Its too late to become a millionaire on pennies. Dumping a few thousand dollars on to the right undervalued project could mean retirement still.

>> No.9494311

Since the retarded OP mentioned women and how they react, so far I have gotten three different reactions when crypto and the fact that I own crypto has been brough up in front of women (female friends, dates, female colleagues) :

1) They expressed desire getting involved but there always has been some technical obstacle to overcome which shows that for a normie to enter the market is NOT that easy yet
2) They showed interest but have been reluctant because they believe that crypto is "evil", used for buying drugs, laundering money, etc. One even mentioned that she has been in traditional stocks.
3) They expressed genuine interest in me explaining where to register, how to buy, how to store, etc.

bottom line is - OP is a faggot and full of shit

>> No.9494341

Women generally have the mental capacity of a child. Not saying that to demean them, but once you realize that and start treating them like it, the world makes much more sense.

>> No.9494366

another thing is that I'm sure that out of the ones that showed genuine interest and asked where to register, very few will take action.

I told my close group of friends. 3 out of 5 ignored the subject cause they didn't understand it and it was too complicated. 1 made fun of me and gave me a penny she found on the floor telling me I'll need it, and only 1 showed genuine interest in signing up and buying some coins, but he never did it.

>> No.9494374

Oh yeah, i am well aware. Learnt that the hard way by having expectations for women to act rationally but alas.

>> No.9494380

Not all of them.

>> No.9494391

NVM, I just realized the ones I mean are lesbians. They don't really count or do they?

>> No.9494435

amazon stock prices went 9x since it entered the mainstream

people expect crypto to go 20x++

2013 here anon. not a millionaire, no ridiculous amount of cash but enough to retire in a cheaper country if i wanted to. i love working tho, looking for my next thing. being passive is hell, hence why you see so many depressed /madeit/ anons here go crazy

you havent met the right women then anon

i like how you faggots cling on to that part of EVERYTHING else i said. kinda cute

but generally yes, japanese women have the mental and emotional capacity of a child. hence me being reluctant to do anything serious with them

dont invest more than youre comfortable with, anon. and by invest i mean speculate

hope you make it whatever that means for you, but remember to keep yourself tethered to the real world

>> No.9494484
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>sideways market is bad
W-Wait people are unironically holding coins for longer than 1h?

>> No.9494683

Not trying to laugh while ppl are down.... i'm down too
But trying to kill the delusion. If you are an early adopter , ignore this. But to those of you who got in late 2017, wake up.

Time to reveal the conspiracy behind this all
Listen close-

You're waiting for one more bull run right? Or one more pump to exit comfortably?






>> No.9494735

no, you're wrong. It's only a loss if you sell.

>> No.9494841

thx for that
>They would rather stare at pixelized numbers on a screen that cannot buy things rather than having fiat you can feel and do anything in the world with

>> No.9494873
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it was "already mainstream" in 2013 according to media

>> No.9494915

The most profound thing in the video was that the Japanese call crypto virtual currency (仮想通貨)
Instead of kuriputo (クリプト)

>> No.9495048

i was surprised too, given the amount of wasei eigo and whatnot that reigns here. at least they keep the ブロックチェーン thing instead of 分散型台帳 or something kek

>> No.9495652

>making 20x in a month is bullshit
>dont bother goy, just leave
>sell everything at the bottom of the dip

>> No.9495686

People have been saying that since bitcoin hit 1k.
This is actually bullish because it shows people that havent got involved are considering it and the only reason they dont come in is because they think its too late.
Wait till these guys see bitcoin go from 4k to 10k next year and we'll see if they arent gonna fomo in.
If you dont buy a shitton of crypto in 2019, youre gonna regret and become a r/buttcoiner

>> No.9495768

i like you anon
you seem to have the reading comprehension of a retarded 2 year old covered in wolves' faeces

where the fuck did i say to anyone that they should sell?

talking about adjusting your expectations accordingly and not relying on what 2017 was to happen again 1:1

>> No.9496539

>>I like the girls that said they laughed at coin traders and wished that crypto fans would get real jobs.
>>tfw you tell your fiancee that you want to put money into crypto and she encourages it and even gives you some of her own with the full understanding that it could go to nothing but that it might be worth it anyway
>tfw won the female lottery
My wife gave me her money too, and never even asks how its doing, were lucky bro

>> No.9496565
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>less than 1% of the population have used it
>ask anyone in the club what they know about crypto and they maybe know there's something called bitcorn

>> No.9496870
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One on the right looks like a gargoyle

>> No.9496898


>> No.9496909

>tfw your husband tells you he wants to put money into crypto at the top of the bubble
>tfw youre equally as ignorant
>tfw you lose half of your money
tfw lost the male lottery

>> No.9496918

Post it faggot

>> No.9496923

The truth is that if you ever spent real money buying cryptos you're probably too late to the party, unless you did at 30 bucks or something.
Yeah cool, you bought at $2-300 and rode the waves during the 2017 bull run, bravo. But that's it, it won't happen again for the next 3-4 year a bull market like that.
These stupid whores are still smarter than the average /biz/.

>> No.9496927

nice larp

>> No.9497031

i can't be too mad at them, being ugly to the point of needing plastic surgery as a woman would be torture. I can understand why they wish suffering upon others

>> No.9497041

>tripling your capital in 10 years is bad
you HAVE been here before december 2017, right? surely you're not a newfag with less than 6 figures worth of crypto?

>> No.9497094

> be in crypto since 2013
> still didn't make it
> telling everyone it's too late

I'd be bitter too OP but don't sweat it, this market is bound for the trillions. Keep at it.

>> No.9497157

the right one must have jewish blood

>> No.9497166

have you met some who own crypto?

>> No.9497177

market cap will be absurd before the inevitable collapse. Boomers are not in yet no matter what japs think

>> No.9497294

tripling your capital in 10 years is bad according to the moonboys

come on dude, you're seeing the discussions around here and plebbit. people are delusional

as a non-murican who knows 4 languages (so i can live in a shitton of places without linguistic problems) $500k is pretty much made it territory.

plus, as i said, i enjoy working on my own stuff.

i like how anyone who doesnt sell into your lambo dreams is either a larp or a bitter 'not-made-it-man'

glad that at least some anons here were cool

>> No.9498231

>subtle south korea gook fud

your gook tricks wont work on me gook

>> No.9498250

>3x gains in 10 years

But I 3x'd two weeks ago, anon.

>> No.9498294

>tfw the golden era of crypto was december 2017
>tfw it will never be the same again
>tfw wallstreet won, just like they always do.

>> No.9498328

Good. The plan to delude all Away from crypto is working as expected. Just bought 100k

>> No.9498397

Get rekt, neets.

>> No.9498424

Link to video?

>> No.9498434

Nvm found it

>> No.9498435
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> OP unironically thinks 3x gains in 10 years is bad
OP is just as financially illiterate as the people who think they are likely to 100x their money from here, kek.

>> No.9498464

She's right tho, get a life faggots.

>> No.9498469

Because people that make them have the attention span of a fruit fly. They would also be the same people saying the stock market is a scam and will never recover after a recession. I'm taking this as a buy signal.

>> No.9498498

Give me a fucking break. You're not making this shit thread out of some kind of altruism to young people. Kys

>> No.9498505

Kek. Actually illegal for them to be in at this point. Sure, some hedge fund owners have personal stacks, but trillions of dollars will flood the market when the SEC finally starts putting some rules in place.

>> No.9498526


"I feel like somebody is controlling the market from behind the screen"

Filthy casual knows whats up

>> No.9498581

Isn't it natural to hold investments for a minimum of 10 years?

>> No.9498582

The difference is this is the equivalent of investing in amazon at an mcap of ((your cryptos mcap here)). Many promising cryptos have around 150MM mcaps. Amazon has nearly a $1T mcap. If you think many cryptos won’t at least 100x still, you are just wrong and don’t understand markets.

ICOs are basically seed stage investments, far before an IPO would happen. We get to play venture capitalist for the first time without being millionaires and being blocked by our governments. Think about that. Make the right calls, you will get your “make it” status. Anyone not gambling in crypto right now is fucking retarded. Most will probably lose their stacks as companies they invest in fail, but this is still a once in a lifetime opportunity for those who wants to escape wagecucking. 1/10 chance to make it.

>> No.9498643
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>I'm taking this as a buy signal.

The contrarian market indicator /biz/ signal never fails.

>> No.9498647


>asking women

Just let them check their "social media" profiles while men make money.

>> No.9498667

congrats. you made the most pathetic post in the entire thread

>> No.9498702




>> No.9498711

Literally dated,fucked nearly 60 girls alone in 2015 before I got bored. That anon is right.

>> No.9498747

Hahahahahha 3x in 3 years? Look at the EOS chart retard we made 3x in the last month or so despite the fall to the current price

>> No.9499301
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koreans > japanese

>> No.9500094

OP is such a self-important dipshit

>> No.9500571

that's funny, I haven't met a single girl that has more money than me. and i've made it all off of crypto.

>> No.9500669

uh yeah. i bought monero @ $2.
it went to $14. then retraced to $4.
many people sold and thought coin was dead.
me? didn't touch. equity is now higher than i'd ever imagine.... because I didn't sell.
PS, here's some quick maffs: off-shore wealth is anywhere from 20-50 trillion (21 trillion by Forbes' estimate) -- even if Monero only captures 0.1% of (21 tril) of this off-shore wealth, it will be _minimum_ $1100/coin.
"but anon, there's so many privacy coins! they could use anything!" - yes, and nothing else is extra-jurisdictional, deployed by hackers and accepted by darknet vendors globally. No one else is trusting other privacy coins with their freedom, and that is the single-biggest indicator for a privacy coin: do criminals use it? if no, ignore it.
screencap this, or don't. I will laugh to the bank by 2020.

>> No.9500710

amen based anon

>> No.9500746
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Yes, sell your coins or the red dildo screws your further. We are waiting

>> No.9500792

What compelled you to post this?

>> No.9500907

Buddy so many /biz/ tards walked away with 5x+ gains with Holo and Hydro. There are moon missions, you're just missing them cause youre a normie pussy fuck.

>> No.9501022
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>been here since 2013
>still poor
>trust me, I know what I'm talking about

Daily reminder. Pic related. Don't trust stupid anons on biz. Especially brainlets like this one

>> No.9501053

Pic is from 2016 when Eth was worth less than $20 when people were unironically buying trumpcoin

>> No.9501059

Bitcoin made me realize im a tard

>> No.9501087
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Want another pic?

>> No.9501135

You are making this and commenting these short stories to scare people for no reason at all.
It just makes you feel better about yourself.
you nigger
Just like everyone else you do not know the future.
I don't need my link to make it financially but it would be pretty cool if it does.
The memes and the tech is fascinating and thats why im here.
People are making these stupid threads that crypto is dead, its redundant and lets me know its time to buy.

I'm not fucking selling.