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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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949231 No.949231 [Reply] [Original]

Post how your family held you back from success.

>Never taught me ANYTHING about personal finance/investing/markets, etc
>Said meme shit like "You need to be a genius with a million dollars to invest!" when I told them what I learned about investing and tried to talk to them about it
>Constant nagging raised my cortistol and sub-sequentially lowered my testosterone

>> No.949236

Dad killed himself
Mother drank
Brother was abusive
Grandma was the only good person

She's also the only one I might stay in touch with, but not until I get my life sorted out

>> No.949237

Jesus tbqhfam.

Hows life for u rn? You doing gravy?

>> No.949238

They were right you know. Stop blaming them.

>> No.949242

>They were right you know. Stop blaming them.

>Literally said things straight out of a "things wagecukks/unsuccessful people say" thread
>They were right

yeah nah senpai.

>> No.949245

Know how I know you'll never get ahead ?

>> No.949246

Working in a trade. Dedicated to foresight and risk management. I carry no debt and I'm doing okay, rent is proportionally huge but I'm saving maybe 30% a month, about 600cad

>> No.949251

Under $2k/mth senpai? Kind of shitty, that's like $15/hr.

>Know how I know you'll never get ahead ?

How? Didn't know you could tell that from a funposting thread.

>> No.949259

After tax, around 2400$/mth. That's a base and I don't count bonuses because they're not consistent

>> No.949265

>Post how your family held you back from success.

>Constant nagging raised my cortistol and sub-sequentially lowered my testosterone

>Never taught me ANYTHING about personal finance/investing/markets, etc

holy shit this is some dank maymay senpai desu

>> No.949270
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>Post how your family held you back from success.

>Literally said things straight out of a "things wagecukks/unsuccessful people say
>All debt is bad
>Real estate and houses only cost and lose money
>You have to be rich in the first place
>They spend all their money on consumption and never gave me a financial education
>Show them Bitcoin in 2012 @$14, get laughed at. (I was to poor to buy substantial amounts and had only 4)

>> No.949272

What is so memay about this? It really affected me because I could've invested my earnings from selling chocolates and mowing grass over a few years.

>> No.949274

>Never taught me ANYTHING about personal finance/investing/markets
Oh come on, OP. Are you gonna complain that you weren't born in a millionaire family too?

Stop whining and be glad that you were born in a 1st world country during the age of information, which gives you an unprecedented ability to learn ANYTHING and become ANYONE. Just focus on tomorrow and stop dwelling on your less-than-perfect starting point.

>> No.949280

I was raised very protective
>went to a good school far away from home, so I spend most of my days traveling to and from school
>had to come home early to walk the dog - so I rarely went out or went to friends
>never had to get a job and they discouraged me getting one - so I had next to no money during most of my life and adjusted my life to doing nothing
>they advised me to study something I hated - so eventually I ended up wasting time and switching studies
>never took medical issues seriously - so they kept smoking near me which gave me trouble breathing
Only years when I started ignoring their advise my life went better. I became healthy and fit, my own business, started making cash. If it was up to my parents I'd still live at home at 40.

>> No.949283
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Know all those feels and more tbqh.

>Stop whining and be glad that you were born in a 1st world country during the age of information

Wow what a privilege to have!

Do you also thank the lord for giving you arms and legs you king cukkold?

>> No.949295

Even now when I go jogging they say stuff like: isn't it too late/cold/rainy/early/slippery to jog?


>> No.949297 [DELETED] 

Or too warm.

>> No.949302

Or too warm. Or I should watch out for robbers and not jog too far.
Sure, i'll jog in circles around the house for 40 minutes.

>> No.949306

Some more I thought of,
>Kept moving while i was a child so I could never keep friends, later resulted in bullying -> isolation -> lack of social skills
>Constant arguing over dumb shit and generally being niggers, pretty much daily thing
>Thought they were geniuses in every field and knew a lot while literally not having even the basics down
>Constantly complaining
>Getting mad when i'd try to hang onto the only friends I had or tried going to parties
>Terrible fucking gifts, never bought me jack shit
>I'm probably getting no inheritance

Wow I can sympathize man. Pretty much exact same here. I'm slowly learning that they're not nearly as smart as they think they are.

Can't wait to save up enough dough and move out and not deal with their memes. Got like $7k saved up rn.

>> No.949312

Nigga be proactive
Poorkeks are reactive so they just spend their time whining about stupid shit like their past and what ever comes in front of them
Proactive people which are mostly rich, deal with the facts and just move on, they actually get shit done;Like okay I've had my loses, now time to tear shit up basically

>> No.949325
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My family encouraged me to develop a chip warmer that would give people everywhere the ability to eat chips with that classic restaraunt warmth.
We went bankrupt designing the prototype.
>pic related

>> No.949338

Sure thing mr mr maymaystache. Fucking family not spoonfeeding you

>> No.949341

A new revelation

>> No.949355

Brother was a financial advisor.

Back in early 2012 I wanted to get into bitcoin and he laughed at me, telling me to get a grip on reality and that it'll never take off.

I hate him now.

>> No.949362

>Sure thing mr mr maymaystache. Fucking family not spoonfeeding you

>Literally not even teaching the basics, and giving me false information which is their responsibility as parents

no senpai these are not the same

>> No.949377

What's wrong with MMM?

>> No.949381


>> No.949384
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I had no guidance and my parents barely graduated highschool, we still had a comfy life though because they're babyboomers and got good jobs for merely existing. Basically I should have utilized the internet more to do research instead of wasting my time playing video games, when I graduated highschool I had no fucking clue what to do and wasted 4 years working dead end labour jobs instead of going to university or whatever. I also graduated highschool when the economy crashed in 2008/2009 which made me paralyzed with fear, I was scared to get an education because it seemed like tons of debt with no job at the end

>> No.949392

How are you doing now, quite some years down the road?

>> No.949412


>> No.949413
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I got my shit together but I live in Alberta and the low oil price has basically ruined the economy, so for the moment it could be better lmao

>> No.949415


>father is a complete luddite accountant
>want to do everything by hand and thinks working 12 hours a day is normal and healthy.
>me love computers and programing, wanted to be a programer.
>infuriated my father wouldn't let me study anything but finance.
>now i'm 30 stuck in a soul sucking finance job I hate. doing programing in freetime wishing I was doing it all day as my profession.

>> No.949438

>stuck in a soul sucking finance job I hate. doing programing in freetime wishing I was doing it all day as my profession.

Opposite of you desu lmao. I'll trade jobs senpai

>> No.949481
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>> No.949493

How much money u got saved up senpai? Could make the change if you got bank

>> No.949540
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Parents couldn't teach me anything because they didn't know anything, they had all the same stupid opinions every other poor fag has.....

> term deposit? I know people who have lost big when companies go under anon
> find me a stock to buy anon
> post gfc "Rio Tinto and BHP look good atm"
> nah I'd rather just drink and smoke away $200,000 we made from the house instead
> bitcoin? Fake money?!
> "Gold/silver?! I've said for 30 years gold will keep going up but fuck me if I'll buy any!"
> "my get rich quick scheme #7 will totally work this time senpai!"
> be my brother
> Amway sounds good!
> Options trading with no knowledge sounds good!
> Why can't you be more successful like your brother anon?

It always pissed me off that no one would ever listen to or at least talk to me about investing, yet they placed so much weight on building wealth.

That's when I learned to be a financial planner, a salesman to convince people to invest in the best actively managed funds in the country AT LEAST with their superannuation, all for their own good. People listen now but I don't ever expect or receive any thanks, it's just the way the world is I suppose.

>> No.949551

To be fair financial advisers are stuck in an industry with a stagnant mind set, basically forced (at least in straya) to adopt the conventional wisdom of the last 30 years as their own.

>> No.949555

>> bitcoin? Fake money?!
Bitcoin is kind of a meme, but when it just came out it'd be a great idea to buy and hold because it was unique.

Now is wayyyy too late to jump on though.

>> "Gold/silver?! I've said for 30 years gold will keep going up but fuck me if I'll buy any!"

Gold has fallen dramatically(almost half in last 3 years) with no promise
of going up, or any reason to really.

>It always pissed me off that no one would ever listen to or at least talk to me about investing, yet they placed so much weight on building wealth.


>> No.949583

>>Literally said things straight out of a "things wagecukks/unsuccessful people say

Just curious, specifically what things did they say?

>> No.949592

Tbh I chose those before I knew any better and at the time each of them would have made my parents a lot of money.

First thing I learnt was the magic of term deposits and compound interest, then dividends/rental income and capital growth, which led to contrarion ideas of Bitcoin and precious metals, now more sensible managed funds. A long road of sensible mistakes and self learning.

I'll definitely be saving my kids the hassle and time wasted.

>> No.949598

>Just curious, specifically what things did they say?

not him obv but he copied my meme

anyway in my case it's literally the typical
>Investing is too risky!
>I need loads of money to invest
>I don't know how/dont want to learn
>Exercising takes too much time i'm busy, while watching tv minimum 2-3 hours a day
>Starting a business is too risky
>my house is the best investment
>Learning other skills is useless for earning more money
>The internet is only memes and you can't learn anything useful from it

>> No.949603

>I'll definitely be saving my kids the hassle and time wasted.

True senpai, I really wish I learned earlier but it's ok.

I'm not going to have children prob but if i do i would tbqh

>> No.949734

They probably don't even know the basics themselves.
In matters of money rely on 100% your own research even you are not credible. No one knows anything. No one has 100% complete information. All you can do is move forward and if you make mistakes, learn from them. there will be many mistakes and many things learned.

Learn the math, learn the language and run the numbers yourself. act where appropriate.

>> No.949744

I really liked your freestyle interpretation of developmental biology-psychiatry there with the nagging & hormones

>> No.949745

Nothing wrong with him


>> No.949747

and for the record this was not sarcasm. I guess around here I must specify that in the post.

>> No.949764

Thanks desu senpai :)

>tfw could've been taller, manlier, leaner and higher bonedensity had my parents not nagged me
;-; why mom

True i guess senpaitachi. Can't really expect them to since only a small percentage of regular people even have a grasp of economics and saving/investing for the future in the first place.

>> No.949782
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Learned no social skills by observing parents.

>Parents never invited any of their friends to our house
>Parents were never guests in anyone else's house
>Parents never talked on the phone socially to anyone

I have no clue how friendships are created or maintained.

>> No.949791
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>I have no clue how friendships are created or maintained.

fucking same bro

>tfw kept moving schools so i would lose all friends every year or two and eventually got bullied and had no friends and became isolated

senpai if u switch schools in middle of highschool you're so fucked. Everyone formed their groups already and most have been friends for like 10 years so even if you're the most interesting person you're still fucked

>> No.949803

>Never taught me how to repair anything since we always paid someone to do it. I cant even set up a new lamp.
>Always giving me money so I dident get a job early on

>> No.949858

>>Always giving me money so I dident get a job early on

I wish i had this problem tbqh

>> No.949872

I'm under the impression theres been a merger between /r9k/ and this fucking board

>> No.949881

How is this thread even anymore /r9k/ than the usual?

The typical pick my major for me/bitcoin going to moon/meme threads?

>> No.949888

> Mom was raped by her father when she was 14. does not know how to give affection. I had to learn proper affection, still have issues with the line between affection and neediness.
> Dad was exhausted from being social from building company, home was his safe space. No friends at home, no people at home. Set me back first go around at college b/c overdosed on friends.
> I was 24 when I was told for the first time that I exhibit low eye contact.
#letaniggaknow #wtf

>> No.949891

Are u from China?

>> No.949904

Cause 888?


>> No.949914

My parents divorced which ultimately meant they spent a ton of money to get away from each other, put us all in a crunch for a few years.

Brother idolizes rap culture and does poorfag tier shit, spends $400 on shoes, etc. he's most certainly going to mismanage whatever he gets in property/wealth from the inheritance

overall not too bad

>> No.949945

What is it with people online that they cant let go and take charge of their own lifes?

Shit happens anon , but a helmet.

Do you faggots think the wake drives the boat?

>> No.949950

>Mother content with staying with leech for father
>works as manager of fast food place
>refuses to promote to an area manager because
>mah car has problems I dun wanna drive that far
>Dad smokes meth
>was never taught social skills
>switching schools had me as the outcast in elementary
>got into advanced classes
>still offered to skip grades twice while in advanced classes
>dad says no
>i dont want him being the small guy made fun of
>complete poorfag
>new school so im being made fun of a shitton already
>so I have no capital to invest
>Have no networks besides drug dealing
>my house depresses me

currently have 5k from working a shitty job that i quit last month. Im super good at saving money, senpai thinks im broke. I just go to college right now getting assosciates to transfer out while i finish making up my mind.

spend my days going to the gym, doing school work and researching things to further expand my knowledge and business ideas. Need something solid to invest this 5k into and double it.

>> No.949951

Holy christ you vaginas stop caring what other people do and day

You realize youll be a big boy paying taxes and can move out when you turn 18 right?

>> No.949958

They moved to the middle of nowhere and were controlling and abusive, my mom and stepdad at least, they buy dumb shit all the time and are in load of debt. Dad is a shut in autist other than his work but taught me secrets passed on from generations of lower middle class jews on how to become merchant class and hustle hard but no one has gone above owning a small business to richfag in his family. I am actually a decently successful merchant but still an autist

>> No.949976

>parents were the filthiest people I have ever known, seen or met
>parents because my mother started living with her lesbian lover shortly after her and my father divorced
>father too petty and bitter to be involved in my life
>neither "mom" would ever find work, collected unemployment instead. if they had a job they quit after 4-5 months of making max 13-14/hr
>couldnt ever have friends over since the house was disgusting
>constant fighting, ended up cloistered in my room, never going to school, just trying to avoid life. even started pissing out of the window to avoid leaving my room
>when i did go to school sometimes id sneak onto a friends bus and go to their house, parents would be infuriated they need to take a break from their busy lives to come get me
>never let me be involved in activities, never took me to do anything, i essentially turned to living life as tiny of a footprint as possible to avoid the wrath of my home
>wouldnt even take me for haircuts, had longer hair than most girls in my school by senior year
>there wasn't a shower in the house for 3 years except their shower, bathing became a point of contention and I stopped doing it, but still meticulously cleaned my room
>put me in the psych ward for being depressed and wanting to die, having done nothing to actually figure out what was wrong with me
>took me out of school for a year of "homeschool" in middle school because they claimed the stress was too bad for me, had not 1 lesson for an entire school and was forced to do schoolwork for 24 hours straight last minute and blamed for it
>other verbal/emotional/physical abuse stretching back years
then I got to school, reconnected with my dad, got a girlfriend... then my dad died ontop of me in a bloody gory mess I was stuck in for 2 hours and my GF left me and I dropped out.

>> No.950088

ITT ppl blaming their parents for their own failure

>> No.950109

>"lifts" but is DYEL
>married currynigger
>only one child so helping to destroy the white race
>smokes weed like a degenerate
>pinches every shekel he can

>> No.950116

Never let me date in highschool. Not an affectionate family.
Mom and dad workaholic ( dad has worked 80 -100hours a week for 32 years, mom 60-80hrs a week)

Im crippled with women, and feel horrible if i dont put in 60+hrs a week.

>> No.950131

>mom and dad drunks
>mom has attempted suicide a ton of times
>dad had a stroke and then would get so drunk he would just pass out and fall on shit, breaking it or hurting himself
>they'd fight all the time
>literally ptsd. when I hear large thumps or bangs I get anxious
>mom smoked when I was in her womb now I have asthma
>both smoked a ton and ate shit
>ruined my growth and development
>siblings didn't care, one got addicted to heroin

held me back pretty hard
I pretty much hate my family and rarely talk to them. I also refuse to have kids because I don't want them to know these people, or have a genetic predisposition to substance abuse or depression.

>> No.950165
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Brother insisted on getting me to work for him and his private company. Parents are dumb and skillless. Sister made me take care of her kids while she made me work and give her money to pay her bills so she could blow her money and go out with BF everywhere selling drugs. Ex wifes family wanted to so me in ruins and still do. and that's pretty much it.

>> No.950166

I feel your pain

>> No.950168

Especially the whole drunk ptsd thing

>> No.950178

Mother didn't do much for me. Father tried to show me things about stock market, and cooking. I've only started to just pick up on both. I'm learning quickly though because I have access to all the information I could ever need.

At least now, my head is screwed on enough.

Parents held me back by not pushing me hard enough and disciplining me enough.

>> No.950179


>Thought they were geniuses in every field and knew a lot while literally not having even the basics down

this. How can someone say shit while not even having shit?

>> No.950182

Don't worry, you're still an idiot.

>> No.950191

>Xd I take my posting very seriously! Not one word can be spelt wrong or improper grammar used even if the meaning is obvious!


>> No.950208

>I'm under the impression theres been a merger between /r9k/ and this fucking board

NEETs are gambling with their NEETbux on Robin Hood.
/biz/ is currently THE meme board
But don't worry, next week when they lost everything they'll find another board.

>> No.950211


this 100%. Victim mentality is the prerequisite to all failure.

>> No.950213

I was raised by my father who is completely bought into
>you must do every life-meme
That is, living paycheck to paycheck putting any spare money into a savings account that has practically no return.
Luckily he put himself through a police academy and has a decent enough income now, but then he bought a rediculously priced house an hour from his work, and buys a different vehicle every few years.
Luckily I don't take after him too much.

>> No.950234

>That is, living paycheck to paycheck putting any spare money into a savings account that has practically no return.

>Tfw did this for quite some time

Oh well... At least i had a rainyday fund, r-right?

>> No.950249
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I love my parents and everything they have done for me.

>> No.950258

>first generation american, both my parents crossed into the US illegally
>parents divorced before I was born, grew up with mother who was poor and uneducated
>older brother who grew up with me (10 years older) had no ambitions and didn't finish high school, my mom thought I wouldn't fare much different
>I'm 24 now, just got my masters in quantitative finance from georgia tech.
> mom never had means or plans to help pay for my higher education.
>student loan debt weighing me down
>high paying job at atlanra hedge fund giving me hope for future
>my mom doesn't even know what her retirement fund looks like as of now, for the past 20+ years she hasn't given a single thought to her IRA fund

I've had to show myself out of poverty because my mom is beyond ignorant, bless her soul.

Once I'm out of debt I look forward to reaping the rewards of working in high finance.

>> No.950291

>>first generation american, both my parents crossed into the US illegally

Please get out of my country.

>> No.950358

No its hard life
>muh country

>> No.950359

this thread is literally what is wrong with this generation
>no personal responsibility whatsoever
>my problems are not my own. i refuse to take ownership for failures and mistakes
>why take action to fix my situation when its just easier to blame those around me?

>> No.950372

tru desu

>> No.950426

>>now i'm 30 stuck in a soul sucking finance job I hate
Do tell, most people I've heard from in finance love it.

>> No.950446

My dad is of low intelligence but a very good person, but zero people skills. Mother has undiagnosed aspergers, I spent a lot of time wondering what the fuck was wrong with her.

Other than that, I'm white, born in the U.S., have no physical abnormalities, relatively smart, etc. Not going to college was 90% my fault, 10% my schools fault for never really even telling any of us about college (60 people in graduating class, 42 of them joined the U.S. Military - went to school in a military base)

In conclusion, nothing really held me back but myself.

Oh well.

>> No.950493

>Never let me get my licence
>Drive me places
>Paid for my private school education
>Paid for my university education
>Pay for everything

I have recently graduated with my STEM masters. I have the startup funds and access to loans to start my own business, but I haven't had I idea that I thought would work. Success is on me. I'm the only person who's really holding me back.

>> No.950497

>>Never let me get my licence
>>Drive me places
>>Paid for my private school education
>>Paid for my university education
>>Pay for everything

I would like to have these problems pls senpai.

>complains about literally getting hella dough doing nothing
yeah... that really... uh sucks

>> No.950505
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>Trying to get my first job at the age of 18
>Too stupid or higher education
>Need to find work
>Mother offers to write my CV
>I trust and love her, so I agree it is the best idea
>She tells me to find jobs I want and she will email my CV
>Months go by
>Still have no job
>Start to get really worried and depressed
>Gain weight very quickly
>Feel suciidal by age 20 as I am still a NEET
>find a job I want and am qualified for when my mother is on holiday
>Go up to her bedroom
>Open the drawer where she keeps copies of my CV
>Take one out
>Realise I have never read it
>Take a look
>Formatting is a little strange
>Some of the letters are randomly bolded in the middle of words
>Read the first few bold letters
>Notice it spells ''LEAVE''
>Keep going
>Read all of the bold letters
>realise I spent 2 years with no chance of a job
>wait for my mother to come home
>threaten to beat her up
>she tells me if I get a job she will ban me from having sugary sweets
>Spend another 7 months NEET because of my obesity
>eventually snap out of it and tell her to fuck off, get a job and move out

>> No.950521

I don't believe this. This is too grotesque to be real. Tell me this is some /r9k/ inside joke.

>> No.950542

this is definitely /r9k/ tbqh lmao

>> No.950552


grandfather abandoned my teenager mother
teen mom raised in foster care
she gets knocked up by a dominican at 17
ends up marrying a 30+ year old white trash alcoholic 2 years later
alcoholic stepfather hates me and beats the shit out of me
she remarries to a crazy christian old man 5 years later
he also beats the shit out of us
church feeds us constantly

this shit all happened because my grandfather abandoned his children

please take care of your kids

>> No.950554

>Constant nagging raised my cortistol and sub-sequentially lowered my testosterone
genuinely lol'd

>> No.950562

>she gets knocked up by a dominican at 17

I'm so sorry.

jk but you doing ok now famm?

>> No.950569

>dad lost his job
>invested a bunch of his money into oil
>"everyone needs oil"
>"oil crashes"
>suddenly no money
>move out and find a job as a marketing manager at age of 20
been holding it down on my own, don't have much money after living expenses but at least I'm not in crazy debt

>> No.950572


desu senpai i was not ok for a long time

spent 5 years doing community college while working full time
left with a 3.76
got into a top 25 uni
whole time was just waiting for the first excuse to get drunk and drive my car off a cliff
met a good girl and managed to turn it around

not making six figures but its a definite possibility in the next 5 years

also thank god for trujillo. if my father had been black i would be fucked beyond belief. i can basically pass for an italian or greek which massively helps.

>> No.950577

good work senpaitachi

It's interesting to see how so many had really shit childhoods,guess it's more common than i thought

>> No.950588


4chan definitely appealed to outsiders mainly in the past

now its sort of a meme and you can be edgy/cool by bringing up 4chan in a conversation but the people posting years back were definitely fucked up in some way

>> No.950593

4chan is for faggots

i honestly regret every moment spent on this website but im addicted to the memes

>> No.950597


i would pay 5000 dollars right now if it meant i never wanted to visit this site again

get on that business opportunity guys

>> No.950600

>i would pay 5000 dollars right now if it meant i never wanted to visit this site again

ik senpai

I kept tryng to stop but then i think "what if today there's a high quality thread and i'll miss its insight and information", there never is tho

>> No.950608


No father pretty much

You have no idea how much this can drag you down when you're a male

I recently figured out it was the reason why I've been like this

>> No.950610

First of all, I don't feel entitied to any of this, and the missteps my family made were understandable all things considered.

Maternal grandparents.
>farmers that never made it out of the farm credit crisis
>sold land when it was cheap, having determined that the governemnt was conspiring to destroy all American farms. The land would now be worth millons, maybe 10s of millions.
>spend tons of money on valueless life insurance policies for grandchildren. Policies are all now worthless
>main long term investment was term life insurance that paid out after we had to spend tons of money in premiums the last 8 years of grandma's life.
> they also squandered tons of money on shady loan deals ( like those "checks" they send to old people that are actually borderline predatory short term loans
>basically, they spent thier entire lives with FDR teir suspecion of business and banking, and some how as a result managed to get conned by sketchy loan shops.

Paternal grandparents
>did alot better, but still goofes
>had some small time advisor pump all their savings into CDs.
>fine, I guess, in the early 80s
>grandpa dies and we find 600k in CDs earning fucking dirt.
>hard to guess how much those accounts would be worth with even some risk adverse diversificstion, but alot more. Millions maybe. Def over a million.

Oh well. No major skin off my ass. In any case my family is large enough that none of this is major money fo a single bene. Just kind of sad to see a family fortune limited ( or totally squandered, in the former case) by mismanagment.

>> No.950612


what the fucking FUCK

>> No.950653

Jesus this board is as bad as /r9k/. If you're over 21 and still a fucking loser it's your own damn fault. So what if you grew up with shit social skills, I did too. We all did, that's why we're on 4chan. There's nothing stopping you from fixing yourself now that you're aware of how much of a faggot you were. Hit the gym, go outside, learn how to interact with the normalfags through observation and trial and error. And if you're still living with your loser parents move the fuck out. Live in a goddamn van if you have to.

If your life is shit don't just lie on the floor and whine about how the world isn't fair, do something about it. You all sound like goddamn SJWs only instead of blaming all your problems on THE PATRIARCHY you're just blaming your parents. Maybe they were fucking shit but that is now irrelevant, your life is your own now.

>> No.950665


This is a good argument to make and believing it helps people succeed. That being said it is massively flawed.

All human beings exist in competition with each other. If we were all born into slavery serving the needs of the 100 richest people on the planet you could make exactly the same argument so long as a handful of us slaves managed to escape the condition they were born into.

By acknowledging the fact some people are born into worse situations than others we can better assess the ability of people and have a more efficient economy.

In a scenario where we pretend every over the age of 21 all had the same chance to succeed we might reward the slacker with billionaire parents the presidency and refuse to give the middle manager who managed to overcome abuse and poverty a chance to move up.

Considering the two alternatives the right choice seems clear.

>> No.950667
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>dad in jail all my life
>mom on disablity all my life
>mom dies while in high school
>somehow stay on track and go to college
>small private Christian uni
>pursuing BCIS degree because I want something stable
>completely independent, financially and otherwise
>work 40+ hours a week at 2 shitty minimum wage jobs
>constantly considering dropping out

>> No.950672
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>By acknowledging the fact some people are born into worse situations than others we can better assess the ability of people and have a more efficient economy.

He's right, sure people get better starts than others but not being a complete fucking loser doesn't require 4 generations of wealth, it's the bare minimum and everyone should be able to live on their own and sustain themselves as an adult.

>Jesus this board is as bad as /r9k/. If you're over 21 and still a fucking loser it's your own damn fault

This is m,ostly a meme thread, senpai. Most people in here(myself included) are just posting about how memelicious our 'rents are/were, not like we're just complaining and entitled while not doing anything to help ourselves.

>> No.950738

Wat? I'm not saying you have to be a millionaire or a 1%er but it's pretty easy to pull yourself up out of being a complete fucking loser with no friends or money at all. Live within your means, stay out of credit card debt, and you can have an awesome life without needing a fortune.

>> No.950742

You're really underestimating effect of having shitty family on success.

>> No.950767

>You're really underestimating effect of having shitty family on success.

Only if you let it effect you. Keep moving and working hard senpai. A 60k+/yr salary so you can sustain yourself is easily manageable for everyone.

>> No.950774

>Told me credit cards were the devil, never let me open a small little weenie account for credit buildin
>Paid off their mortgage with my college tuition fund
>Dont know SHIT about finance, or anything related to money, i had to learn everything myself

>Preparing to be an international student (need to show proof of parents citizenship) parents refuse to show birth certificate documents because they think the embassy of the country im going to will do 'identity theft'

Fuck my senpai honestly.

>> No.950779

>>Paid off their mortgage with my college tuition fund

Sucks. I only got just over $15k for my tuition, better than some but still fucking sucks tbqh

>>Dont know SHIT about finance, or anything related to money, i had to learn everything myself

mine are legit financially illiterate, o well im teaching them a bit

>> No.950784
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>Be me
>first 7 years of life in a seemingly happy house
>dads a narcissistic dynamite keg that explodes over even the simplest things
>Mom is a hard core drug addict, is incredibly vindictive and manipulative
>October 2002 hits
>Divorce.exe intitiated
>Violent divorce over the course of 15 years
>No support from either side
>Both trying turn me against the other
>life spent alone and depressed
>yelled at by abusive father 24/7
>made fun of and used by mother
>somehow keep it together through highschool
>had no friends, ate alone, attempted suicide once
>in a decent college, going for accounting
>using my parents to pay for college
>Masterplan.exe has commenced countdown
>once they've paid off all my education fees, my girlfriend and I are going to disappear, live a happy life together far away from the both of my fuck up parents
>they'll never meet their grandkids, and their grandkids can only be happier for it

>> No.950828

> this entire thread

None of you are going to make it.

>> No.950847

> TFW I was a poor convict so decided the FFL was a good idea
> TFW going off in June in hopes of escaping poor convict life

>> No.950851

what is that

>> No.950856

We got one them normies' in here boys

>> No.950864

French Foreign Legion, mostly comprised of convicts, most of them deploy to warzones

Chance at dual citizenship, name change, clean slate. I need it desu senpai

>> No.950899

Oh, didn't realize the abbreviation.

I wouldn't join the FFL unless i was completely suicidal. You're basically cannonfodder for the French Army. You'll be sent on death missions and humiliated.

If you even survive basic if you have no military exp

>> No.950914
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My dad is dumb too, but I turned out alright due to mom's side of desu senpai.

Did you take the SAT test? What was your score? Ever feel dumber than most people?

>> No.950939

>picking off durkas in Mali/Afghanistan
>suicide missions

>> No.950953

Lel, joining the FFL was a meme before the internet existed.

>> No.950983

The best meme ever.

I wonder how many people fell for it(died from it)

>> No.951102

>no inheritance

Shit sux tbqh

>> No.951120

>parents migrated to usa
>strangely managed to build a small fortune
>was brought up with loving, entrepreneurial, smart parents with money, talent and good looks
>they get a divorce when I'm around 12ish or 13-don't remember
>they are passionate, driven people-now they are passionate and driven to get each other back for divorce
>they lose everything, cars, money, property, bank stuff, cards, money all spent on destroying eachother literally wardrobes full of fancy rich meme clothes like channel n shit gone
>the last remaining things of my mother's my father puts in the jacuzzi room and floods the room
>mother shreds all his client books/all his client's files, says it's registered under her name and takes over one of the family biz in order to destroy it
>this goes on for a while

>....I'm 26 and was barely able to afford my first car this year. IT was 1250 on craigslist.
>...starting all over is a beeetch
>my parents still hang out and father has a small shit biz, mother works sometimes
>we went through dire poverty and since they ruined each other's credits, names and etc, they fuck up my credit too and my bank shit is 100% fucked
>they're still super nice, loving and passionate, say I can do anything I want, best parents ever imo
>the only thing that sucks is no life insurance for them, no inheritance, and I'm an only child-kinda sux but also kinda turns me on

>> No.951335

>she gets knocked up by a dominican at age 17

lmao you mean shes a whore

>> No.951349

I'm sorry what were those last 3 words?
What turns you on?

>> No.951391

you are literally not better than your parents
enjoy whining to death kuk

>> No.951555

but there is

theres is this very thread sempai desu uguu

>> No.951559

desu senpaitachi ty senpai.

>> No.951595
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>Go to school
>Don't talk to strangers
>Religion is life
>It's ok to be weak

>> No.952145

those aren't so bad except the last one

>> No.952166
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MY sdies


>Father not in the picture

>> No.952270

>Post how your family held you back from success.

There is a lot they didnt teach me
but the most important thing they taught me was...

Excuses are for losers.

>> No.952289

>>Paid off their mortgage with my college tuition fund
Sue them. They can't take your hard earned money just because you're under 18.

Unless you mean they spent their money that you think they should have set aside for you, in which case you're a bitch.

>> No.952298

Ugh so true.

>> No.952303

li ching are u chinese

>> No.953188

>Sue them. They can't take your hard earned money just because you're under 18.

lmao tbqh

it's their money senpai

>> No.953205

>Mom gambled all her retirement money
>then she gambled all of my brothers and sisters college funds
>26 still live at home, pay rent
>she still takes money that I've been saving to move out to gamble
>every time I bring it up they claim that I live with them so I have to deal with it.

>> No.953212

senpai why don't you move out?

why are you even living with them so long especially if you have to pay rent?

>> No.953215

>Parents never graduated high school
>lived in the poor areas throughout childhood
>lived in schools where the majority of students were Mexicans and blacks
>slept throughout school and got failing grades
>parents weren't there since they had to work all the time
>no structure
>learned everything through internet and television as a teenager
>27 years old
>been going to a CC for nearly 4 years because I had to start from the very bottom in remedial classes
>Currently in Differential Equations where I started in Elementary Algebra
>hopefully transfer after the spring semester
>live at home with parents rent free

I'm not blaming my parents for the choices that I never made. Hopefully this college thing works out and I get a decent paying job afterwards. I'm going for computer engineering.

>> No.953228

You being big four senpai?

>> No.953623


Mom went nuts/is nuts, was abusive
Dad is a fuckup, constantly poor, going nuts.

Only child trying to make it biz desu

>> No.953668


>> No.953672
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>> No.953720

I think this post wins.

>> No.953725


she's a woman, nothing she says matter.

Watch as she does the same as her mother

>> No.953737

I know it can be easy to blame our parents. You need to realize that they are humans too. Sitting there blaming mommy and daddy won't stop you from being NEET. Getting out and doing anything for yourself will.

I did minimal work trade on a pot farm to live an adult NEET lifestyle and at the end of last year vowed to call it quits. Since then, I took on a simple minimum wage job and have worked hard when I get the chance.

Its not much but I have been able to live independently and have improved my net asset position by approximately 2500 since the beginning of the year. I also have some new prospects in the mix that will improve my average hourly pay rate.

I'm not trying to brag or anything. I hope maybe I inspire one or two downers. The best thing you can do for yourself is get out there and do something. Dont let your life slip through your fingers. Good luck.

>> No.953748

Basically true; the best way out is to find a mentor. I looked for examples of men who were successful in my field and tried my best to emulate their example.

For my own part--I try to not to dwell on my family or blame them for their problems, but it's a brute fact that if they had been able to provide even mediocre or incompetent guidance, I would be further along. I'm smaller and weaker in life than I could have been.

I think my dad blamed my sibling and I for his own dissatisfaction with life. He didn't really make a secret of it. I think I broke my heart trying to figure out how to be a good son. I became withdrawn, angry, and pathologically self critical. I suppose I've lived with undiagnosed chronic depression for most of my life. I try not to think of the jobs, friendships, and romances that have passed me by while I try to sort things out and learn to be a man. Life goes on, more or less.

>> No.953754

Parents never held me back but they're fucking awful

Mom can't stop taking in fosters in a very desperate attempt to avoid empty nest syndrome on top of the other 6 kids she already has, has called me failure since I can remember into early childhood, is literally a mess of pills- no idea how her brain isn't fried on a day-to-day basis or how anyone lets her foster

Father is a fucking opiate addict and alcoholic, doesn't, married to some gaunt yellow bitch who once was given 6 months to live 7 years ago, plays gta v all day and smokes cig pretty much just gets high and that's it

But I'm doing pretty okay. Not great but I'm not homeless and I'm making around $15 in PA straight out of high school. Hopefully it gets better.

>> No.953774

If a woman who takes in literal orphans calls you a failure, you're probably a failure

>> No.953778

Nawh man, it's just her fear of being alone. Besides that she's constantly zonked out on uppers and benzos

I got a job, my own place, a gf, and my best friend lives with me. Shits pretty good. If that's failure I'm pretty okay with failing then

>> No.953785

if you need to come to an anonymous forum to take it out on someone else, you're probably a failure

>> No.953792

Except for the latter half of that story thats pretty much my parents. Except My dad is on his way to building his business back up again and is helping me out with building mine.

>> No.953959

>once they've paid off all my education fees, my girlfriend and I are going to disappear, live a happy life together far away from the both of my fuck up parents
>they'll never meet their grandkids, and their grandkids can only be happier for it

Dude, I don't want to ruin your plans, but I also wanted to do this, until... well, until it turned out getting a job in my country (especially in my area) is almost impossible.

1-1,5 year passed and I'm also considering suicide.

But I sincerelly hope you can do what I couldn't, mate!

>> No.954003

Wtf is your field?

Major in something useful senpai

>> No.954074

So, /biz/ in a mirror then?

>> No.954089
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>> No.954096

true thou

>> No.954105

>Did not care at all
>Treated me like shit
>My dream jobs got ripped appart by both family and teachers
>Depressed whole childhood

>Got placed in a new family at age 18
>Got my shit together with a Lot of support from my new family
>4 years later, Life is now good, I have a family that support me in my life choices

>> No.954108

>>Got placed in a new family at age 18

How did you get a new family? I thought you're on your own once you're 18?

proofz of him being dyel and smoking weed?

I want to laugh

>> No.954111

>proofz of him being dyel and smoking weed?
just use google:

>> No.954112

oh I just never went that far back in his shitty blog.

Does there happen to be a shirtless pic of him? I want to see what such an obnoxious jew looks like.

>> No.954117

>Hooked me up with all kinds of under the cuff work
>Never really had a job in the eyes of the law despite years of experience
>No one will hire me because everyone does a background check including job verification

>> No.954121

Raised me to make decisions based on emotion instead of rational reasoning. This is easily the only setback. financial understanding, nagging,etc... don't really hold up compared to this.

>> No.954138


>Poor as shit growing up, dad blamed poorness on anything but himself
>Spoiled despite being poor, poor work ethic now as a result, working on it though
>Mum and Dad split when I was young, a lot of emotional stress because of it
>Asshole of a stepdad moved in not long after, used to say shit to me about how my dad was a loser etc, saying shit about me also

That's basically it, fucked me up for a while but I'm beginning to accept that I can't dwell on the past and let it fuck my future up, I want to achieve and I'm not going to let anything get in the way

>> No.954315

jesus christ, at least you showed all the pathetic faggots in this thread whining about their average families how pathetic they are

>> No.954320

>probably made up most of it to sound sadder


>> No.954371

Well, my parents are wonderful, but they should have taught me the importance of math for science careers and encouraged me to program.

It wasn't really their fault tho given my dad got a pretty good job programming for the civil service after graduating in English Literature.

>> No.954638

>tfw immigrant parents who keep complaining about everything here

Fuck they're so annoying, if you don't like it you can go back tb.h senpai... Smdh

>> No.954665
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> Be me
> Mom was stay at home mom
> Dad was successful real estate developer
> made millions
> networked with plenty of business high ups.
> was always a good encouraging dad

when I graduated college in 2010, I looked desperately for a job, and after applying everywhere, the best I could get was bagging groceries. So upon my father's advice I went back to school and got an MBA. $50k in debt, and 75 job applications later, I'm currently working construction making about $15/hr.

I think my dad could help me get a job with all his success and connections but he doesn't. He sees me struggle day after day, live paycheck to paycheck I understand that my life is up to me and all that, but after graduation, the man has done 0 to help me get work or success. It's been nothing but struggle the last 3 years of my life.

>> No.954667

>50k in debt
>millionaire dad


>> No.954672

That's really fucking shitty how he doesn't help with debt or getting a job but how is it you're unable to find a job with an MBA? Should be very easy...

>> No.954677


you would think. One of his friends of 20 years is a VP at IBM, and I took 4 SPSS stats courses in college.

It's all up to me tho.

>> No.954679

he's overqualified

and probably a bit autistic, he should've networked while in school for the MBA, and came out of school with a job

>> No.954681


yeah it's acruing interest at like 7% per year

>> No.954683

I'm a retarded fucking degenerate but I'd honestly suggest assessing yourself... You're probably doing something very wrong

>> No.954689

so your dad didn't pay for your education?

just, why not exactly seeing as how he told you to get it?

>> No.954694

Sounds like a nigger dad, I'm familiar with those.

Tells you 30 fucking things at different times. Seriously tho reminds me off my senpai, except not millionaires

>> No.954696

> Single-mom
> Alcoholic
> Married an alcholic from when I was 10 to 13
> Always bad with finances
> If my shoes broke in the middle of the month she would scold me and say I should have said something around the 1'st
> Alcoholism worsened
> Got fired
> Got depression
> Suicide attempt with pills in front of me when I was 14
> Move to orphanage
> Move on my own when I was 17
> Still have to deal with her alcholism and constant bouts of depression and recently also psychotic/manic episodes

Spent a couple of years as a daily bong-smoker, dropped out of high-school, loaned money from the bank to buy computer, vacations, weed, vacations (always to Amsterdam) the whole shabang.

At least I have a good life now, factory worker team leader, 70.000 dinario$ a year

I put about 35% of my succes on The Sword of Truth series, trying to live by the wizard rules in some sense

> Life is the future, not the past

>> No.954698

Nice dude!

Impressive recovery. Do you still talk with your mom?

I've been meaning to just cut contact completely with my fa.m but it feels kinda shitty to do...

>> No.954706


Yes I do

Unfortunately she has many good sides, and has also helped me out financially and, dare I say it, emotionally after I grew up.

But I wish she was just a mean harpy so i could cut contact with good consience, because she destabilizes my life.

But maybe I turned out allright because my childhood wasn't all bad all the time, and my first 7-8 years of life were pretty good and stable and loving. It went downhill when she married the alchololic

>> No.954713

I feel the same way.

My senpai is pretty fucking shit and used to be physically abusive and pretty made me have no friends at all but they aren't complete assholes... Idk tbqh shit is too difficult

>> No.954762
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Jesus fucking christ

>> No.954816
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top fucking kek

>> No.954827

This countries pay is so shitty. Just came over from the UK to Canada, dropped about 30% of my salary for a job with 20% more hours, at best. Go to the UK dude, just get a visa or citizenship if you can and go.

>> No.954834

Lmao Canada is so shit desu.

Everything sucks ass

>> No.954837

I noticed.

Even your wine is bitter, and that's down nearly a litre of the shit.

>> No.954841

Famtbh every country is shit. Either 3rd world country or it's all the same. Smdh desu

>> No.955199

In Sweden its 21, it was considered special case aswell.

>> No.955202

>taught me markets and capalism is evil and completely unsustainable.
>mother has stress problems she refuses to see a therapist for, drinking is her best friend.
>dad practically abandoned me once i started causing trouble, never had disipline.
>mother taught us grandma was evil and judgemental, so never been open to them and feel really awkward around them.
>taught people where horrible and only out to benefit themselves, caused me to be a major introvert with trust issues.

Middle class parents are trash.

>> No.956280
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>parents spoiled my 5 sisters silly
>gave them all honda cars on their birthdays
>let them stay as long as they wanted
>have to move out before I turn 19
>no car
>drive my mom's fancy ass car to low income job interviews
>have to pay for my own food
>have to pay for premium gas and show my mom the reciept
>have to pay rent at home
>have to go to work and community college full time
>have gf
>parents shilling to break up with her for 2 years
>she's the only thing keeping me from dying inside

>> No.956285
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I think this is why we find each other on 4chan. I have not had a single friendship last more than 2 years

>> No.956347


>> No.956365


>poor class parents had me when they were 17
>ugly fucking divorce when I was 2
>CPS, DEA, and Therapists everywhere in my flashes of memories before age 5
>dad married stepmom, mom in prison
>I'm 8, stepmoms kid died because brain tumors
>walked in on dad about to hang himself
>stepmoms eternal hatred for me is born
>move school districts
>taught that every suffering my parents had was my fault, directly or indirectly
>regularly beat with leather belt for reasons I still don't know
>alcoholics everywhere in my family
>change school districts again, going into middle school
>mom gets out of prison, custody battle flares up
>mom wants to talk to me
>find out through dad's drunken abuse that she used my words against dad in court
>tell dad what I told mom
>I guess it didn't line up with what was said in court, got shit from mom, repeat previous 3
>OD on drugs mom had, lived
>cut myself and woke up in ER
>tried to hang myself
>dad then decides that I'm probably suicidal
>mental hospital
>wrongly diagnosed as schizophrenic, bipolar, and ADD, forced meds and wouldn't have that corrected for 7 years
>move 40 miles (just before starting high school) because dad didn't want me near mom
>punished for leaving the house unless going to school
>bullied in hs for being tall fat friendless ginger
>only friend I made then killed herself
>kicked out day I turned 18
>homeless for 2 years
>tried getting a job, over 500 applications, 2 interviews
>likely because the only social skills I was taught was "dont speak unless spoken to" and had no prior experience of the world at all
>find out that aid exists
>find out that my situation isn't regular
>dad calls once in a while to tell me how shit I am
>mom is literally welfare-queen stereotype minus skin tone and pumping out kids
>stepmom has a permascowl when I'm around, tells me I'm a leech for being born and causing the divorce
>everything in the "shit unsuccessful people say" threads had been said to me

>it's all my fault


>> No.956367

At least I've got myself into community college and am paying with it from Pell Grant. 21 isn't too late to start life I don't think.