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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9491780 No.9491780 [Reply] [Original]

>normies will fomo back in
tfw you realise 99% of biz are normies

>> No.9491879

>tfw you realize no one in biz seems to have any actual normie friends(or friends in general?) so they are completely clueless about how normies actually think
>tfw you realize the normies can't "fomo back in" because they never bought any in the first place
>tfw you realize normies still think bitcoin is the only crypto and still think it's a "scam"
>tfw you realize the normies will likely NEVER fomo in to buy your bags

>> No.9491922

I'm a normie in that /biz/ would define me as such based on my the material facts of my life. Good career, married, etc.
I FOMO'd in at $9000.

>> No.9491930


biz became a normie board May 2017

>> No.9491961

>tfw you realize normies will not fomo into publicly denounced ponzis

>> No.9491964

who team normie here

watching rick and morty with my wifes son

dont even mind that i fomod in in jan at 17000 #hodlgang

>> No.9492052
File: 29 KB, 735x668, 710DD8AF-A03D-4FA9-B907-FA4351FC66D0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biz consists entirely of normies acting like they are not. The sooner you realize that the better. It is 100% made up of redditors, that’s why they hate reddit so much, yet everyone always knows what is posted and talked about there...

Don’t be naive.

>> No.9492486
File: 491 KB, 960x960, EA44BA58-DAE6-47E0-BD05-AB90E4087F3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I confess. I shit post on both website

>> No.9492861

When i first came to biz about 7 months ago, i thought everybody here was so hip to crypto. Then after learning a shit-ton on my own, I slowly realized that nobody here knows wtf they're talking about.

>> No.9493816


but at least it's semi-funny here

>> No.9493917

>Biz consists entirely of normies acting like they are not
I don't think that runaway /soc/, /pol/ and /fit/ faggots think that they aren't normies.

>> No.9493952

so that includes you too, right?
>inb4 no