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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9490313 No.9490313 [Reply] [Original]

Uh guys even those annoying Reddit faggots are angry about consensus and there is a lot of anger on there right now about crypto.

IS IT TIME TO GO LONG? Was this the jews game? Make normies expect bull on consensus then dump to ake market sentiment bearish?

>> No.9490340

Reddit is getting toasty. Just checked /cryptocurrency, top post is
>Enough with the stupid wanna be motivational speaker posts about why crypto is going to the moon

>> No.9490394

What's consensus

>> No.9490396
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>get into crypto in 2013
>pump just enough to give market momentum
>dump on early adopters, consolidate
>pump it up again
>entice neets and marginalized normies
>2017 bubble
>dump again, consolidate more
>scare off neets and cryptoanarchists
>officially announce entry
>begin pumping again
>entice normies with 'institutional money'
>the real bubble begins

>> No.9490416

I love how biz acts like it does not use reddit, when it is the same people posting on both sites. This is called the Biz Delusion.

>> No.9490421


I use that site of reddit as a market sentiment index. Im just too lazy to trade based on it. Eerily accurate. Buy when they whine and get depressed.

Its fuking hilarious watching their anger though, this is new.

I thought biz was good for market sentiment but it sucks because everyone is shitposting wojaks and laughing even if they are losing money. The odd reddit faggot genuinely argues amoung it

>> No.9490441

Speak for yourself faggot. I literally only use biz for crypto

>> No.9490442


Im fucking banned from that site. Its not a surprise that posting honestly gets u banned. Im sure most biz posters are same but we have a lot of resdit fucks here from bull run particularly Vechain holders

>> No.9490458
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(edit: woah!! thanks for the upboats)

>> No.9490475

Are reddit bears a thing ever?

>> No.9490502


No, from what ive scraped they just get really depressed. Bears are downvoted to hell so u never see it. Fuxking faggot redditors.

Never seen them this fired up and angry though. Must have been justed.
They cant just laugh on the way down over it because they are married to it all. Biz is great for the wojaks and shitposting on the way down to the horror of any ledditors lurking here

>> No.9490556

I'm having a lot of fun skimming reddit, never seen them so bitter.
>Why the hell were the guys at the top parading around in lambos and $800k watches while the rest of us are sitting here wondering why we are currently bleeding to death with bags THEY shilled to us over the last five months?

>> No.9490585

>muh institutional investors
It's over, dum dum.

>> No.9490643

Because I actually feel bad for some of you, I'll tell you what's happening.
We're culling the herd.
There's too many of you fucking pajeets with your moonlambo bullshit right now, thinking your next bullrun is coming. The normies aren't coming back any time soon and you're not getting rich off us, so you're being squeezed out. We know you're impatient little cunts so you'll just leave. It's just a matter of time.

>> No.9490656


Nobody is selling other than normies though

>> No.9490662

Sure buddy

I’m sure you are wrapping a secret Santa gift right now and posting about bacon and narwhals

>> No.9490691

>Go back

Except that we don't go to plebbit mostly. The only time most of /biz/ goes there is to spread fud or shill something. Nobody cares about them, they're ALWAYS wrong in their predictions (in everything, not just crypto). They eat our shit out memes and chortle smugly about it haha. Personally, I haven't been there in months.

>> No.9490732


If you really think actual normies even bought in yet you're pretty fucking delusional.

>> No.9490775

>I thought biz was good for market sentiment but it sucks because everyone is shitposting wojaks and laughing even if they are losing money.

Heh, pretty much. It's because like all good normalfags, they think coordinated shill/fud campaigns by the msm & banks (let alone the shit we pull kek) are just conspiracy theories, so the world seems random and terrifying to them. We on the other hand give 0 fucks. I literally made money playing ponzis this week than I lost in the drop, and the whole thing was totally obvious. Last time I even bought in with fiat was way back at 6.5k, am just riding pumps for a long time.

It's pretty lulzy, I haven't been there in months, might need to pop over and help stir the pot.

>> No.9490790


They did. But only with pittance. I know this as the November mega bubble hard capped normies from depositing more than 100 dollars a week via new coinbase accounts. Then coinbase shut down new accounts. Then binance did too.

>> No.9490807

reddit is full of pussies. cant accept crypto for what it is, a pnd game.

>> No.9490813

what ponzis? see a few eth ponzis posted here now and then but never was interested enough to investigate

>> No.9490836


He means how most the market is smokes and mirrors, and how all alts bar a few are just means to aquire more btc.

>> No.9490988


Shrimpie farming for one haha! Honestly, there's too many games to list, get on a few discord channels shilled by /biz/ and you'll find a TON.


Kek, I don't even hold Grandad any more really. Ethereum and friends all the way, plus XMR and other alts. The endless Blockstream vs Bitmain beef was killed it, and centralised PoW has no future.

Well, one of my trading bots has Btc as it's base, honestly becoming less relevant over time though. I'm still expecting the big pump to 150k at some point, but meh.Other things will GREATLY outperform that.

>> No.9491002


Jeez, WTF did Reddit do to its layout??? The place is more cancerous than ever.

>> No.9491025

what discord channels would you recommend? getting away from biz so probably don't check enough to see them shilled

>> No.9491043

Reddit it like 6 months behind on crypto the fuck you go there for?

>> No.9491075
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where do i see their cope?

>> No.9491162


Start here: discord.gg(forwardslash)Gc83zHD

Fairly new channel (just got on today with this one), decent amount of shills on good stuff. Lots of other invites in their to various other channels. You'll see a bunch of coins mentioned, and quite a few games too. Check em out, many haven't been shilled hard yet (which is what you want).

I'd advise staying away from organised P&D groups btw -they have a habit on dumping on most members. Stuff that just blows up from fairly organic, random /biz/ shilling is normally Gold though.

>> No.9491244

ty ty! biz is shit right now so glad to find another group

>> No.9491295
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>positive groupthink
>criticism is downvoted into oblivion within seconds
>critics quietly leave
>echo chamber from survival bias
Someone has to hold the bags when the music stops.

>> No.9491331

We are in a bear trap right now. Crypto bubble 3.0 is about to start at the end of year. And this one will be exponentially bigger than 2014 or 2017

>> No.9491379

you can see the hardcore biz posters on reddit they are all cringey retards that spam daily threads for every coin

>> No.9491387

Can you links of where to find all these downvotes bearish posts. I don’t ever go there, so I don’t bother too much to look, and I really don’t want to waste my time browsing through that onions. Boy. Hive

>> No.9491409

That’s what they want you to think

>> No.9491486

fucking this.

>> No.9491514

The top couple posts are full of em.

>> No.9491615

it always hits me like a fucking sledgehammer when i go over there, the fucking faggotry

>> No.9491639

Goldman Sachs literally said institutions lost interest after January.

>> No.9491652

contrarian indicator

>> No.9491700

biz delusion

>> No.9491724


> Most Volatile Market In The World
> Most Inexperienced Traders/Investors

"Lost Interest"

>> No.9491725

contrarian contrarian indicator

>> No.9491753

Yea that was their fud in preparation for the February bulrun. You fell for their games anon. I’m sorry but you’re not a good trader

>> No.9491762

>laughing even if they are losing money.

its the patricians way

>> No.9491792

>yes goy we have no interest in an unregulated market full of clueless retail daytraders
he says with a MASSIVE ERECTION

>> No.9491811

>$50,000 EOY

>preparation for the February
Discussed on a podcast in April, but you keep up that delusion because this is just FUD.

>> No.9491823


>> No.9491905

Plebbitors are about to mass sell their bags at huge losses. Their tiny weak onions hands could not even hold a bag of groceries as expected at the smallest 40%-60% correction. Bullrun is so imminent. It might correct a little more probably to 7k to finish deluding the last group of normies and boomers back to the nyse. Strap in this is going to be the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of crypto!!!! The roallercoaster is slowly going back up from now.... fucking say aAHHHhhHhHh

>> No.9491918


Top kek

>> No.9491947

Normies are angry, but the market won't correct until normies are completely ravaged and depressed and openly weeping. They will be almost entirely out of crypto, many having killed themselves.

>> No.9491982

The Biz Delusion is our craving for girls with penises but claiming to be heterosexuals

>> No.9492056

I'm all in.

>> No.9492108

you don’t understand how markets work neither do you understand any of its fundamentals. The price will remain low as long as volume remains high and sentiment remains somewhat positive . Why do you think the February 7th bull or the April 12th bull run happened. It was because simply no one was buying and everyone was selling and because Google crypto searches were down. Crypto ads were banned. Obviously these dips are obviously normal because winner have to cash out on normies... this is just another correction... this isn’t cope... crypto will continue to go up as long as there as losers like u and millions of other bromides selling their bags at the smallest dip. This game is not for you you’re just not ready

>> No.9492196

Chill. Your mumbo jumbo won't impact me or anyone else. Just don't lose your shirt.

>> No.9492202

>>many having killed themselves lol.

Can I screenshot this. Also, if you want to get rich beyond your wildest dreams then simply wait until CNBC comes out with their stupid BMI or bitcoin misery index. When this happens we will have reached the bottom. It happened on April before the bull. People were so depressed and weeping while selling, at the time BMI hit the news . It will happen again. I expect maybe August or September. The banks and whales have to force every single normie to sell, and although they won’t break everyone down, only chads will remain hodling.

>> No.9492230

>only chads will remain hodling
Also you should get out more. Ask people around you (new money) what they think of "investing" in crypto.

>> No.9492247

Reddit fucking sucks
The downvote system is retarded and turns everything into a cult

>> No.9492264

lmao so true

>> No.9492339

I made gains in the feb 7th and April 12th dips. Those were obvious bottoms and you’re in denial if u think those couldn’t have been predicted. The April 12th bottom was called when Bloomberg amb and every news shill outlet said the crypto bubble was bursting or that it had burst....
and the February 7th bottom was called when “wolf of wall street” came on CNBC and literally told people not to buy crypto on national tv. The timing is obvious. And there were more signals as well that I won’t waste my time explaining for you.
Kid if u cant identify these bear and bull run signals you’re delusional or just plain stupid

>> No.9492396

You're the one day trading crypto, which is more pathetic than day trading penny stocks.

>> No.9492407

Most gains are "post consensus" I saw an info graphic that this month gets like 10% of the increase and it's actually the next two months

>> No.9492409

this is exactly what i was thinking OP
It's a jew strategy at its finest

Be warned though, if btc doesn't recover or start a run within 20 days from now, it is unironically over. For good, or for years to come. You cucks better hope something happens SOON.

>> No.9492415

pot, meet kettle

>> No.9492523

I don’t think normies hodling onto 100 to 200$ will make a whale not want to pump the price you’re fuking retarded if u dont realize that banks are accumulating while at the same time deluding bagholders . All of this so they can later restrict the supply and pump the price to fucking 50k when institutions pour in .
The price doesn’t go up simply because of demand you fucking retard. You’re the reason why this shit board is full of pink wojaks and people losing money by buying high and selling low.
The whales restricted supply this is what caused the 2014 and 2017 bullruns. And also what caused the bch to pump to 1.8k a month ago It wasn’t becuz normies poured in their chump change . The banks right now are accumulating so they can later restrict supply and pump the price again even higher. This is why Jews always win because you think you’re acting on your free will by not buying dips on your own judgement.

>> No.9492560

When reddit crypto has moderators that are lobbied by roger ver. You’re so fucking retarded

>> No.9492581

It took two months for crypto to recover on April after the feb 20th dip. Kid please stfu and go back to plebbit

>> No.9492653

Wish you the best. Please take care of yourself.

>> No.9492874

imagine a world where biz shills have an upvote system to stay relevant while already being able to post multiple threads about the same coin, thats reddit

>> No.9493346

Tbh they are right to be mad about consensus. They are calling out a bunch of sleezy youtubers and shills with lots of money at a conference with tickets costing over 2k usd. Kinda stupid conference of banker elites and such measuring their crypto dicks.