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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 4 KB, 423x284, trading-leverage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9488782 No.9488782 [Reply] [Original]

prove me wrong

>> No.9488991

Dont leverage trade. Futures and jews ruined crypto

>> No.9489005

Bitmex has been around forever normie

>> No.9489017

the fuck even are futures?

>> No.9489029

It sucks, it just causes asshole shorters to root for crypto to fail and to try to create FUD daily. Crypto has a lot of potential and has to be stronger than this if it wants to survive, but gamblers who keep trying to scare people just so they can make $10 should reevaluate their life, they're toxic for the whole and they're not needed in this world.

>> No.9489040
File: 28 KB, 485x443, grugaaabtc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9489043

When people arent happy trading the price of bitcoin right now, they trade its future price cause that makes sense.

>> No.9489051

>The most volatile investible asset in existence
>Let’s trade derivatives of it
Never change, humanity

>> No.9489072

Shut up with the memes. Crypto has the potential to change society, and all it is becoming are pumps and dumps, scams and memes. Each time someone tries to create something good, someone else tries to kick it to death because it gives them pocket change. People are terrible and everything sucks.

>> No.9489126

fuck 'institutional money'

>> No.9489152

Tether did because now every faggot is trying to "day trade" instead of buying into projects and giving them near constant growth.

>> No.9489207
File: 514 KB, 764x628, Wall-St-Cheat-Sheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shortsellers are needed for a healthy market. BitMex has been around for a longer time than you guys have. You don't even understand what it is so how can you form an opinion on it? Oh and btw, you're doing the wallstreet meme thing.

>Who shorted the market?!

>> No.9489211
File: 34 KB, 658x589, 9436367223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is money, people kill for that. Allowing people to buy cheap is not evil and permabull breakout buyers need to suffer or leave. You can blame shorters but if there's not enough people wanting to buy at this price there's a problem.

>> No.9489216

wait wtf really?
were can i find that futures chart?
and were is that traded?

>> No.9489230

I'm down 90% And I think I just got the hang of it. I am shorting ETH right now x5 so if it drops back to 300 I will b most the way back. Then I ride the bounce back up and bobs your uncle. Been a rough 4 months but it beats living like a low test pussy.

>> No.9489248

Exchanges stop hunting their own clients and doing short squeezes are the problem.

>> No.9489260

>huehuehue meme XD huehue

>> No.9489273

Your sacrifice will aid in watering the tree of gains, We salute your imminent demise

>> No.9489305

The gruberment

>> No.9489378

And why isn't Eth looking like perfect example of a popping bubble?

>> No.9489666

Just the internet was and now is

>> No.9489757

Monero is the only real crypto

>> No.9490000

Are you retarded? Shorting/longing is trading futures.
You either bet that price will be lower by X points, or you bet that the price will be higher by X points.
If you lose your bet your are liquidated and the exchange takes your money.

You're way better off with sports betting, unless you are a whale that can draw a red dildo on BTC chart.

>> No.9490027

Because it's the only crypto out of 2000 shitcoins that has solid fundamentals, use case and widespread adoption.
In fact by 2020 it will replace BTC as #1.

>> No.9490039

ETH's biggest selling point is that other shitcoins are hosted on it.......

>> No.9490071

That's "adoption". It means lots of people are actually using it. Evey time you buy some shitty token, you are using ETH network.

>> No.9490105

>Evey time you buy some shitty token

Do you not see the issue here? these tokens are all shit that will never be used. this market is going to get destroyed and 99% of shitcoins will die

>> No.9490118

That's only a problem until the oracles roll out, so you can trade options or contracts instead of tokens.

>> No.9490157

nice quads
also thanks for explaining, didnt know Futures and Long/shots are the same