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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9481119 No.9481119 [Reply] [Original]

> be me, 25 year old married mechanical engineer, wife is big booty cutie, but a normie and strong willed masters in mathematics (lol) also doesn't work
> learn about cyrpto and want to invest, wife totally against it wants to buy a house.
>only 1 bank account that we share.
> convince her to let me use 1.5k to invest.
> spend next 8 months scrounging for cash and using local bitcoin atm (super reliable actually only 9% fee) super secret agent style
>feel pretty good about my bags but still wish I had more to diversify
> actually nervous about the resentment I'll feel in 5 years when we are millionaires and I literally had to sneak, beg, and argue to get us there. She literally hates talking about cyrpto.
>linked is my folio

>not larp (thank god)

>> No.9481183
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>be me 37 year old married faggot
>tall taiwanese cutie (origin of Chhina)
>am manlet 5'8" and wife is 6'
>father of 4 children
>only one in house that works 3 jobs
>invest into crypto since Jan
>knew about BBTC since 2010
>still jack off to trap porn while watching the 10 different exchanges i signed onto

>> No.9481251

nice blog post feel free to KYS.

>> No.9481352

get SS Sharder


>> No.9481446


>> No.9481485

>bought coordinated mass shill astro turf tokens
>needs wife's permission

not gonna make it

>> No.9481509
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Want me to tell you how I know your marriage is destined to end in failure?

>> No.9481529

>needing your wife’s permission to spend the money you earned
Top cuck

>> No.9481581

Take note everyone: with the risk that modern marriage/relationships carry, never EVER get a shared bank account. If you absolutely must, then have a second separate bank account that she doesn't know about.

>> No.9481596

Yeah it's gonna be bad for guy

>> No.9481607

>big booty cutie

Your wife is a fat 4/10.

>> No.9481643

>be me 29 years old
>kissless handheldless hugless virgin
>spank my meat with my hand every night
>live with mommy and daddy
>no job, no friends
>everyone ashamed of me

When will it be my turn?

>> No.9481695

My wife and I share everything. She knows our crypto holdings too. Don't marry crazy people and you'll be good to go.

>> No.9481697

when you start trying in life

>> No.9481753

You’re a cuck. As soon as you had to ask your wife for money I stopped reading. Unironically kill yourself mr potato head

>> No.9481775

literally a cuck. Wew

>> No.9481790




>> No.9481863

If true, willing to bet there's a lot of debt involved as well. Multiple credit cards, high interest loans, etc.

Women are risk-averse, generally speaking. Men are risk takers. It's not fucking rocket science.

>> No.9481985

Half of marriages end in divorce. Men get fucked over in divorce court. Of those that don't divorce, you can probably expect 50% to be miserable and pussy whipped. Do you think 50-75% of men thought they were marrying a crazy person?

inb4 MGTOW, I've got means to avoid divorce. One of which is avoiding shared finances.

>> No.9481998

Never marry a normie OP
You must either convert her before marriage or just keep way away from that shit

>> No.9482054

Op hodling chainlink wont get you rich.
Its a literal meme

>> No.9482079

>She literally hates talking about cyrpto.
I feel you OP, same with my gf. Her blood starts boiling the minute I start talking about it, even though all I'm trying to do is explain why its not a scam. I haven't even got her to the point of understanding that it's different to a centralised company issuing branded tokens, she literally thinks its exactly the same

>> No.9482091

Nice folio

>> No.9482095

How about you get a job and move out. It's not that hard bro

>> No.9482124


>> No.9482157

I think most men get married way too young without thinking about who they're actually marrying. Statistically speaking I'm sure you're right. I think marriage works if it's a true partnership, but most people don't enter into it that way. Anyways there's no in having a serious conversation when the next 8 people are just going to use the words cuck and other words that I don't use (because I'm a normie to them).

>> No.9482212

fuck off normie cuck

>> No.9482249
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My wife doesn't believe in me!

>> No.9482258
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Post big booty cutie

>> No.9482273

Wow your wife is a fucking bitch.
I got into crypto In May 2017, put in 14k of my own money. Told my girlfriend about it in early June and passively mentioned she should invest, she got pretty interested and excited in it. I made her her own coinbase account which she connected to her own bank account and put in about 9k of her own money. Everytime it goes up she gets so happy. She says we're going to buy an apartment together with our crypto money.

>> No.9483030


Larp 101

> says has gf
> is kissless virgin

>says has own money
>is neet

>> No.9483155

>says has gf
>is definitely gay

>> No.9483603

Imagine having to ask a woman permission for anything past the age of 18. It's like being 7 and asking your mom to sleep in a friend's house or being 14 and asking your mom for permission to go out with friends except this time you are grown up adult and you must ask permission to a woman who isn't even your mother. Pathetic.

>> No.9483774



>> No.9484118

>buys chainlink
no, you aren't going to make it. There are many better options out there. Chainlink is one of many SHITCOINS. stop getting attach to it because /biz/ shilling it.