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File: 299 KB, 600x538, IMG_5429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9475776 No.9475776 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you taken the late pill yet?

>turn up 9 minutes late to work every day
>no one notices
>adds up to three hours less work a month

>> No.9475794

People definitely notice when their relief is late at all.

>> No.9475816


>> No.9475820
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kek the wagie cope

>> No.9475823

Employer here. Don’t worry anon, we notice. Good luck asking for a raise, or staying on through a layoff period.

>> No.9475830
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just farm shrimp

>> No.9475833
File: 164 KB, 769x1280, Wagecuck vs NEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9475838

because i have to clock in with a fingerprint scanner :(

>> No.9475927


Was alot happier when I was a wagie, if I have nothing to do all day I dont bother getting out of bed until 10am and then spend the whole day doing fuck all because I can just say I will do it tomorrow.

>> No.9475952

This but I wake up at 1pm and go to bed at 4am
Going back to wageslaving again really soon
The only thing I wish I could get somehow is to not miss the mornings, most beautiful time of day

>> No.9475971

>>adds up to three hours less work a month

kek. I hardly work 9 hours in a month. but get paid in full time. kys.

>> No.9476008
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It's more like pic related for me. NEET life makes me feel like a piece of shit.
I don't find any enjoyment in playing vidya or wasting time on the internet.
In the end an unproductive day just makes me want to kill myself.
Even wageslaving brings me closer to my ambitions than doing fuck all.

>> No.9476037

this is the way to get respect

>> No.9476053

Self-employment is the best.
NEET-living and waging are but memes
Remote working is the next best thing

>> No.9476082

I'm pretty good at programming but I just don't know how to start a business.

>> No.9476107

>no one notices

>> No.9476116

don't tell them bro
Let them be NEETS for life thinnking it is the shit

It is the lowest of low life form. Drains your soul, makes you feel like absolute useless waste

At least wagecucking, you catch a buzz every day when you get off work. You did something, you made money. Now you can relax and play vidya or shitpost.

>> No.9476134

spotted the escort

>> No.9476173

I get paid lots of money to program which I already love doing. Crypto gains and shit have nothing on that, it is the ultimate. It is sad some people actually have to live with OP mentality, I guess I'm just lucky to have financially rewarding hobbies and interests.

>> No.9476195

software programmer where mind works matter, unlike you mcchicken fatty hours

>> No.9476384

>take laptop home everyday
>"work" for an hour
>adds 5h every week

>> No.9476526
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>tfw at uni failing software engineering
>tfw I'm too dumb for even python
>tfw literal brainlet

>> No.9476548

I've been coming to work at 10 and leaving at 16-17 for months now. I browse internet most of the day. Software developer.

>> No.9476606

Become passionate about it and the grades won't matter. Software is all a form of puzzle solving and I've made it a fun thing for myself. Getting paid big bucks to solve puzzles is even more fun. Make it fun for yourself and success will come to you anon.

>> No.9476629

I spend 15h at work every week.
Rest time, work a bit from home.

Trust me, the issue here is not where you sit your ass or for what amount of hours. The issue is what you do with your life. I spend little time at work and on work, but i feel so much is missing for me. Meanwhile, you can work 10h/day in sandwich factory and still be Chad.

Move on. Its not in your work, your hours, your paycheck. Its in your head.

>> No.9476651

>believe in yourself and all your dreams will come true, riding a magical unicorn and sprinkled in fairy dust
This is what happens when boomers ride the biggest economic boom ever, think it was all because they are great at everything, then have kids and instil the kids with dreams doused in buzzwords. Good luck in the real world, kiddo

>> No.9476660
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I spend 14 hours at work every day.

>> No.9476664


>be freelancefag
>work from home
>havent seen an office since 2012
>nobdy cares when / how long I work as long as the work gets done

>> No.9476667

I'm a janitor at a hospital and I literally work half the days I'm supposed to. We work in 2-man teams and the area we're responsible for is easy as fuck to clean, so only one of us does it. We clock each other in, and we only have to work on the same day if there's an inspection. We've been doing this for over 10 years now.

>> No.9476669

>work in a pretty big firm substituted by the state
>Due to remodeling the business structure alot of people get fired
>one of them is the overseer of our department because we get merged with another group
>i quit during this time because im really depressed with the wagecucking there and life in general
>somehow still receive paychecks
>its been around half a year now and nobody seems to notice that i dont work there anymore

How fucked am i if somebody finds out?

>> No.9476689

This is how people get AIDS and MRSA.

>> No.9476732

That's a load of shite, my brain is not made for it. I tried, read books, watched videos , tried exersizes. Brain won't absorb.

>> No.9477028
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me except it's aerospace engineering
I've forgotten basic calculus at this point and I'm supposed to be in my second year

if I don't pass I think I'll end up wagekeking at McDonalds with normies forever

>> No.9477082

>heh nothing personal goyim
>shows up 40 min after you

>> No.9477095

You sound poor.

>> No.9477123

if your on time your L A T E

>> No.9477126

You can also take toilet breaks during your shift. Taking shits add up too.

>> No.9477129
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Just saw the announcement on the twitter about the exchange listing. Expecting 2-3 sats by tomorrow.

>> No.9477188

I fucked your gf OP. She's 3 weeks late. Have fun waging for me cum digest

>> No.9477226

good luck finding workers

>> No.9477469
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trust me, we notice.

>> No.9477523

I had to wait for security clearance before I could start my current job, longest 4 months of my life. I had no energy and litteraly wasted my time.

>> No.9477545

I am at work for about 1/3 of my contracted hours, if that. Fuck it, I hope they fire me.

>> No.9477570
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>> No.9477593


>> No.9477600
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>hes actually still trying to bait people with a """raise"""

I'd rather show up for work 30 min late and generally not give a fuck until I tire of your bs and find another job that pays me more thereby getting my """raise""" and getting a far better one.


>> No.9477653
File: 188 KB, 841x898, 1523579029567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Norwood 1 only

Please delete this pic holyshit

>> No.9478046

who is this saemon daemon?

>> No.9478380


>> No.9478427

That image is so sad :( . If you really want to succeed, keep doing exercises and you will gain muscle memory from doing it, it’s like anything else. The reason it’s so hard is because you actually have to put in the hours. When it comes to school, you need to find out how the professors create the tests/quizzes. Usually it’s from questions in the back of the book or something. Just study those. For programming assignments, 9/10 you can find the answer online, on chegg or something. Start a slack chat and invite everyone in your class so you guys can help each other out.

>> No.9478453

I feel you. I’m in the same boat. U probably haven’t put in enough hours though

>> No.9478527


>> No.9478528

A man

>> No.9478570

Are you in brisbane ?? Pls get me a job with you

>> No.9478729
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quit my normie office job after new year's, but before I left, during my business trips over 2016-2017, i intentionally doubled dipped on reported work hours. they used two separate systems for reporting hours: one for business travel hours and one for actual work hours. the travel side was overseen by each dept (it came out of the dept. budget), while the work hours was overseen by finance. I initially thought I'd try to sneak it in and play ignorant if they caught me, but seeing as how no one ever brought it up I kept it to myself and made it a habit.

>> No.9479034

everyone notices

>> No.9479332

>too dumb for python

There's no way. There's got to be something else going on. Maybe you're just too stressed, not sleeping, eating, or being physically active enough. Maybe you're depressed or you're doing everything at the last second or you aren't asking for help when you need it.

>> No.9479443

>he thinks we are sticking around long enough for the 1% raise

>> No.9479496

Same here. Although I can’t stand sitting here feeling trapped for several hours a day.

>> No.9479558

My gf literally got fired for showing up 5 mins late for work 3 times in a month, kek :/

>> No.9479872


I'd rather keep showing up late and ripping you off at every opportunity. Lightening the till or installing cryptoloot miners in Powershell is much more profitable than a 0.001% raise kek.

>> No.9479916

lol. I don't know python but this is generally good advice for anyone.

>> No.9479998

>he hasn't taken the post-shift dump pill

>> No.9480065

fucking this, its worth swapping jobs, only way to get a real raise

>> No.9480285

>He doesn't show up on time and immediately take a 10min morning dump on the clock

>> No.9480932

Work my job 4.5 years. Get raises always. NEVER late but one time because i saw a car roll like 18 times and small children clothes all around. Thank fuck bro had a couple scratches and was alone.

Best friends start kilking thenselves after i hang out with them. Drink dinner. Come in 5 minutes late WTF Anon!???

Get a flat 4 days latter and walk 3 miles to work. 15 minutes late. WTF ANNNON REEEEEEEEEEE!!!! get wrote up. 2 writeup and fired.

Have not taken 1 single sick or vacation day.

I cant fucking wait for my freedom. Fu k this job and fuck uncloging shitters. I want my fucking prooerty manager and i want off this ride.

Shitcoiner comments disreguarded. Yall dont know the first thing about real investing

>> No.9480944

Topkek. He probably doesnt care if he cant be asswd to show up 5 minutes early and leave 5 minutes late or more

>> No.9480955

Trade you. I aint had a day off in 3 years...

>> No.9480964

When I was a wage slave I was constantly late. Currently a NEET and really not looking forward to getting back into the wagie life.

>> No.9480965

Doing wut

>> No.9480973

>turn up late to work everyday
>boss notices and fires me
>no more wagecucking
Feeling comfy

>> No.9480981

Im so 3008
Ur so 2000&late

>> No.9481026

Holy shit I kek'd at the Tinder picture, it's so true. Men do the same shit but I honestly laugh out loud when I see some ugly roastie with super high standards.

>> No.9481052

Twice I did right and that I heard never
Once I did wrong and that I heard forever

This quote is from the 30s at its latest. It still rings true for all forms of wagecucking.

>Hey boss, i just demolished Mt. Everest with a dull pickaxe in 5 mins howd I do?
>Your shoe is untied WTF
>Engage OSHA-30 re-training
>Hear about that one time your shoe was untied in every performance review and casually for months

>> No.9481092

Topkek that is gold

>> No.9481115

I was a NEET for 8 years. It was enlightening and not at all soul draining. I was a productive artist and it awakened my self. The best times of my life they were. Gaming for 6 hours, music the rest day after day. Persued any interest or hobby. You can be productive without work or money art is just that.

>> No.9481192
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>art degree hard coping

>> No.9481322

What do you do? Draw on commission?

>> No.9481360
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>Good luck asking for a raise, or staying on through a layoff period.

Being a manager at McDucks doesnt make you an employeer

>> No.9481376

The sudden realization that you are not above anyone... You are a normie

>> No.9481398

Why not the I work at home pill

- have mouse mover app
- have sound on hard
- wake up play the whole day video games only run to the computer when I get a chat or e-mail.

Basically 50 extra free days a year

>> No.9481464

>9 minutes
Boy, I check in at 11 and no ones gives a shit. Im an autist programmer and Im so good that they allow me to do this. Feelsgood

>> No.9481763

>tfw late everyday
>tfw no raise because late
>tfw show up even later because no raise keeping me motivated
>now show up 1 hour late and leave 1 hour early

Looks like I got my raise fuckos

>> No.9481886

Holy fuck
This kind of thing would only be doable in some kind of office job where the time doesn't matter, only the work you do

>> No.9481933

So sorry Mr noseberg I wouldn't want to jeopardize my annual 25c raise

>> No.9482093

>he thinks you get a raise by staying at one job rather than job hopping
Stay poor

>> No.9482408

Nigger, you GAVE away your genetic material for a part time job? What fucking employer is that? I bet they are selling your dna for an extra profit.

>> No.9482484

How much do you make a year?

>> No.9482514

Frustrated Mechatronics Eng undergrad here made the move to Economics after 2,5 years of studying something I didn't like and all I can tell you is that is was totally worth it. Engeneering isn't for everybody, specially if you're not the type of person willing to sit down for a couple of hours just to understand a few lines of mathematical calculations

>> No.9482562

holy shit i was looking for this. thank you. one of the GOAT

>> No.9482651


Indeed, fuck those kind of baits.

>> No.9482684

Had this happen at my high class restaurant job. I'd show up at least 30 mins late to work everyday

>> No.9482947

Did you ever get fired?

>> No.9483799

You quit and they kept paying you. That's their mistake.
Try the shit posting pill where you fuck around online all day

>> No.9483849

I unironically tried that, my boss complained anyways, fucking faggot

>> No.9484301

that picture is LITERALLY my life holy fuck

>> No.9484433

kek, I made the pink wojak shitting blood on the floor.