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9475029 No.9475029 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto market as a whole, how do you see it getting adopted in the future?

If it gets mass adopted and actually ends up replacing chunks of government taxes wouldn't banks and governments collude to kill it?

Could there possibly be a seperate market where people work, purchase and live entirely on crypto? e.g crypto hydro and electricity companies (because if it gets to this point the government will probably ban companies from allowing crypto or taxing them harder)

Anyways, whats your thoughts on realistically the future could be for crypto?

>> No.9475061
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Currently I only see crypto as a way to avoid government laws (illegal sales, illegal services, tax evasion, etc)

>> No.9475067
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I see the crypto market similar to stock market. We’re just investing money into the potential of some of these companies to make the world more efficient. Bitcoin will never replace the dollar. I think we need to stop using the term ‘crypto currency’ to lump the entire market into. Fact is the majority are not currencies nor are they trying to be.

>> No.9475077


>> No.9475114
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He has a point.

>> No.9475121
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Its a truely transparent form of currency whereas most fiat central bankers try to manipulate constantly.

People can and do go mostly crypto using a debit card tied to crypto to make most of their purchases. When crypto has low fees its then better for merchants to accept it due to the fees accepting cards. Of course then theres the issue of the fees they spend to turn it into fiat unless theres enough widespread adoption where they dont have to.

Its easy to imagine in the future a dominant cryptocurrency just because its a currency without restriction to a specific country, there has to be value in that. I can fly to Japan and spend my crypto without doing any kind of currency change at an ATM.

>> No.9475153

a point in being completely new. the market is being heavily manipulated at the moment. its not regulated, thats why the bogs are the prime meme. but i ll take the ASSian thotties you post all day so keep at it

>> No.9475187

It’s penny stocks for millennials.

>> No.9475208

There's a fixed amount of bitcoin and an infinite amount of fiat from over 50 countries. You tell me anon.

>> No.9475210

i asked you to stop, so you wont look any more new in this. stop.

>> No.9475231
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EOS might help because it doesn't have obstacles like transaction fees for users. The companies that run apps on EOS are paying for them by staking and buying RAM, kind of like Facebook pay for the servers and users are free to use it (kind of).

All clients need to see

>> No.9475242

is a registration button to insert e-mail for confirmation

>> No.9475259

Look at south korea, they have propably the most adoption at the moment(something like 30% where as in US it's like 1% lol). It's propably a bit like e-sports. Only recently they've been kind of accepted as a thing in US and europe where as in south korea they've been around for decades. I still don't see real mass adoption propably ever. It's still too abstract of a concept for most people. The best I think we can hope for is it becomes the currency of the internet.

>> No.9475260
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the issue is 50 countries could probably collude to kill it, how can crypto survive government regulation?

>> No.9475292

Are these all the same girl?

>> No.9475293

I think there is a big difference between investing into crypto and then hiding money in crypto

>> No.9475300

goverments accumulating until they have the majority of it, then pump and dump to erase all debts. china is probably in the lead right now after banning it

>> No.9475302
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Yes, including this.

>> No.9475305

>50 countries uniting on anything...


Alright buddy. For arguments sake let's say they did. Other than shut down all exchanges and ban Bitcoin, what can they do? Even A.A. talked about this. It'll just fuel the black market trades and demand and price will only increase..

As the Unabomber famously said, "social conventions change, technology always remains"

>> No.9475318

lol! Shun the nobeliever, Shuuuuun..n


>> No.9475323
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Honestly if you think about it, thats more of an incentive to buy into crypto, let the governments hold our bags, imagine that.

>> No.9475357
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Well by banning bitcoin the prices will go up, and not much new money will enter crypto as it wont be mooning organically, and will turn into a giant ponzi of whos gonna hold the last bags

>> No.9475365


I don't know man, to me bitcoin seems pretty much indestructible at the moment. There's tremendous value in that alone imo. Sure the price might be 5k tomorrow and 30k next year but at this point I don't think it's going away. The governments might already know this too so they won't even embarass themselves by trying to kill it. I mean look at how useless the china ban was.

>> No.9475428

You can't ban it but people have no reason to use bitcoin over a faster currency with lower fees.

>> No.9475439

You're a dumb normie still for not yet figuring out that fiat holders are real bag holders.

>> No.9475457
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Well its not gonna be an investment forever, im probably looking too far into the future, eventually bitcoin should atleast become a stable currency, and if it doesnt have an actual market willing to adopt it, it will probably be only dirty money in it, and once normies stop buying it, the trillions of cartel dollars wont be able to sell off and it would die.

That is assuming a global ban of btc and crypto

>> No.9475493
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elaborate, if i cant *conveniently* buy my groceries or cash out crypto into fiat its useless to me as a long term currency to place my wealth into

>> No.9475514

Please direct me to a video with this girl. Much appreciated op.

>> No.9475525
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Tomomi Motozawa

>> No.9475535

BTC was created by the government, next market crash BTC will rise then they will kill it and issue fed coin which will start the transition to digital money on a global scale. Mark my words

>> No.9475546

Imo smart contracts are 100% required for this type of market. Right now if someone dies or they lose their private keys their coins are burned permanently. There has to be a method for transfering wealth over to thr next of kin upon expiration. If you give the private keys to a lawyer nothing is preventing that lawyer from taking the funds from that account anonymously.

>> No.9475576
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Interesting what this kind of tech could change the world into in 50 years

>> No.9475581
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You have to go back.

>> No.9475587


It's kinda fucked up. Imagine if bitcoin was created by the chinese government and they secretly owned most of the coins.


Yeah lol. Given infinite amount of time wouldn't ALL bitcoins eventually be "burned" in this way. If you think about it's pretty fucking weird.

>> No.9475592

More like digital assets that may or may not use tokens as shares, stakes, and more. Having a ledger that hides your identity and doesn't require a third party has been in the works for years. All of the research and different people that added their piece finally came together with Bitcoin. Ethereum and EOS continued adding the dapps part and you have a variety of new coins coming out with many uses from smart contracts to medical payments.

The question is can it work for the world securely and conveniently. You need access to a computer and the internet. Can't think of any crypto that you don't need some sort of wireless connection or device to send and receive it.

Someone wants their car detailed they can pay you in any number of currencies without taxes or very low fees. You can pay with XLM.

The Holochain team has stated you can host an app the size of one jpg picture and computing capacity or hosting capacity of Twitter and Facebook. WE don't know what the timeline is for dapps built on that. Some enthusiasm being built around Holo. Plenty of currencies popping up.

It's giving everyone access to money and being able to send.receive it lightning fast around the world anonymously.

>> No.9475606


>> No.9475609
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I doubt it