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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9471766 No.9471766 [Reply] [Original]

Bought eth a while back and made some strong gains (around 50x). Now thinking of going all in on pic related hoping I can get one more 50x. What’re your thoughts biz?

>> No.9471820

Pretty safe bet

>> No.9471854

Only problem is I can’t bring myself to get rid of all of my btc & eth. Plus I hold some ven, waiting to see what thor is valued at. Having a lot of trouble here

>> No.9472073

Biz help

>> No.9472776

You wanna go all in?

>> No.9472980

I had 10 of these in September
I have 509 now
I will trade to 1002 and then retire when my stack hits 1,002,000 net worth with a passive income of $10,002 a year
What do biz

>> No.9473037

Depending on how much short term money you want in your pocket.

>> No.9473108

What makes you think they'll return $10/yr

I have OMG, but I swear deluded ass posts like this make me consider selling since the price will almost certainly tank when staking rewards come out at less than $1/token/yr

>> No.9473271
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>retire on 10k a year
How anon? Self sustaining shack in the wilderness?

>> No.9473326

To be fair, that's not the craziest part of his post
I live in a pretty high CoL city in a nice apartment, and spend < $16k/yr
The laughable part is the returns he's expecting unless he's talking about 2030

>> No.9473475
File: 271 KB, 1092x1230, THETA in action.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OMG goes up against USD but stays in a range as far as ETH and BTC value goes. Soo if you want more ETH or BTC gains prob. wanna get into something like THETA.

>> No.9473543

ok pranesh

>> No.9474148

You should sell.

>> No.9474701

U$10k is a pretty good amount of money depending on the country you live in

>> No.9474854

Biz doesn't know and doesn't deserve this


>> No.9474873

How much omg is everyone holding. Trying to see how I stack up

>> No.9474876

Ask yourself why you bought ETH. I do that when I look at every project.

So far I have only bought EOS (14x) and HOT (3x)

If something comes along and says that it can do everything that the system before it does but better then buy that. If it's some worthless middleware or a gift card coin why the fuck is that going to be worth more then 100m.

>> No.9474889

Keep VEN, the moment an American household company buys a node like DNVGL did this thing will fly. I hold OMG too, stored and I never worry about it, its time will come eventually it’s a safe bet. Sell BTC, if BTC goes on a run altmwill do better, just keep one BTC Incase that’s what I’m doing

>> No.9475312

can I find an OMG richlist somewhere?

>> No.9475455


I only have 207.21 :(

>> No.9475483


>> No.9475498

330 omg...

Im not superpoor its like 1/7 of my portfolio i just keep some to not kys myself one day

>> No.9475502

2700 OMG. Feeling very confident in this project.

>> No.9475503

You should sell.

>> No.9475515

125 (35% of portfolio).

>> No.9475594

171 :^(

>> No.9475740

my dick grows 1 inch every day that i baghold my chadstack of 3600 OMG. $500 EOY

>> No.9475752

Ultimate cuck token. Watch others get rich with any shitcoin while OMG does nothing but lose value. Please stop posting this token here and trying to trick naive investors into buying this shitcoin.

>> No.9476003

1,300 OMGS here, will I make it? I’m only 18 and have no debts or expenses so any decent amount of money would go a long way for me.

>> No.9476021


1500 here.. i think we'll make it, but it ain't gonna be pretty for a while.. for one thing i hate how faggoty the team is.. sometimes i worry about my money being handled by a bunch of SJW's.. but i'm gonna roll the dice

>> No.9476029
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1400 here. Im down against my eth purchase ratio and barely up against USD. Hoping for a killer 2018/19 though, will hodl.

>> No.9476040

>omg team
>a bunch of SJWs

>> No.9476043

>He thinks he is getting a whole dollar per year for staking, Not even in Hong Kong!

>> No.9476066


dyor or do a better job of reading the writing on the wall

>> No.9476074

I thought /biz/ knew that you have to have 4k OMG to make it!

>> No.9476086

vitalik is queer but the team arent SJWs... you spend too much time on pol.

>> No.9476147

The team does not give a fuck about 'your money' they are idealists, that does not make them SJWs though. The team is there to realize an idea, not make you rich.
Sell you selfish fuck, take out your fiat and leave in a bank, pray the jew doesn't fuck you!

>> No.9476156


lol, you don't spend enough time on it. honestly, i did, but not much anymore.

i'd assume most people on the omisego team are on the left. That's their own choice obviously, but one which i completely disagree with politically. It's just a fear of mine that their political beliefs would steer the direction of the business in a manner that might negatively impact the price of the coin because they'd like to do things like donate millions of dollars to African refugees for social positioning. Or, Vitalik being friends with handles like @OpenBordersFTW on Twitter. Leftists, in my opinion are retarded as fuck and would rather virtue signal than be sensible.

>> No.9476170


i guess you're one of those fags that says they've invested in a product not to get rich but to help save the world.. give me a puke bucket -- you're virtue signalling overfloweth

>> No.9476235
File: 73 KB, 925x602, OMG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How low you think OMG/BTC ratio will go?

>> No.9476604

I think it depends on when new info/news gets released.
Which i'm afraid will be one more week at least. (they're doing an AMA next week)

>> No.9476690

532 - would like an even 1000 but i won't lose sleep if I don't get there.

>> No.9476762

You stupid thick cunt, you will make money, all of these are just ideas, made by idealists! You fuckin lottery ticket hodlers ffs. Why would the the team care about 'your money' you deluded cunt. The proper projects don't care,if it goes up or down, they focus on making a product not marketing it 'investors'.

>> No.9476829


lol why are you mad? :)

>> No.9476859

are you kidding? didnt you hear, the project's dead. the office is empty and no-one's coming back.

>> No.9477121

The African refugee bullshit I wasn't happy about at first either. I did some digging on what the omisego account on reddit was saying, he referred to the Give Directly donation announcement as a partnership.

"Yup. A lot of people seemed to miss the point of that partnership but it's ok, the results will speak for themselves."

So you can think of the donation as a paid for partnership with Give Directly and them to the list of companies/organizations that OmiseGo will be processing payments for.

>> No.9477187

>bought a utility token before its prime
>"OMG does nothing but lose value."
