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9470597 No.9470597 [Reply] [Original]

Inquiry. If/When people truly figured out the social memetics of Free Trade and decided to work together through indifferences because world wide communication and anthropological data compilation allows for the greatest resource on the entire plant to become fully utilized by proffering free pure energy, free fresh food, and free clean water with five times that as grey to the entire world population. The human resource as to exponentially increasing individual value based on a new economical model in relation to employ and employer. You want a creature comfort of any intrinsic value and monetary standard then you have to manufacture it or work for it, yet the general populace as in everyone would only want and not need creature comforts, because the have all the electricity the want, and their basic survival needs already covered.

Economic probability analytic:

Employers would provide care for their employees, if they wanted to keep them.
Creature comforts will sky rocket for the elite, if the high rollers want to stay in the game.
Standard and generic items of comfort are already affluently find an organic resting price point precisely proportional to the general populous, if they want sustainable and bulk business in a world of intelligent and free thinking international competitors.

What direction would the economical state around the world need progress to be the first to capitalize or fulfill through the proposed human resource analytic?


>> No.9470691

whhat the fuck did i read, what strain is this you're smoking i want some

>> No.9470888
File: 366 KB, 500x500, world-of-seeds-legends-mazar-kush-feminised-seeds_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the way I see it there is only a matter of time before a zero-point generator or methanol engine gets mass produced or slips out for private purchase, and as we all know the moment the private sector has a means of free or inexpensive energy its only a matter of time before third world countries start getting their shit together to figure out the water and food issues. So I was thinking that's its no longer a matter of if and is now a matter of when. What kind of economical model would need to be in place so I can start teaching my daughter and son what to look for in the future.

4:19 you got a minute?

>> No.9470943

Nice trips bro, I hope you're right and we find ourselves in a post scarcity society soon, free to explore our solar system and the galaxy and whatnot... but right now the world is controlled by evil people who don't care about solutions to our problems

They care about xreating more problems

I always loved the looks of those african sativas, never had the pleasure of trying one tho

>> No.9471106

You know there was a time when marijuana was legal all around the world, and there is a rumor going around the even our constitution was made out of hemp. Then it was gone and nobody thought it would be back. Yet it is coming back and I think only a matter of time before its at the top of the economical scale around the world. So yeah the idea of free energy, free food, and free water may seem for now as an improbability of the future. I see nothing wrong in teaching my kids what an economical model of the would be, yet I can teach them what I think or teach them what I think as well as what other people think that very well might know more then me. Lol Nothing wrong with that is there. I just wanted to read what they could come up with for a future like that.

>> No.9471204

I had some greens on my last trip to Sierra Leone, very tasty and great company. They called me aboo-tu which is white person in West African creole and all we did was talk about what we could do so that no one got shot for speaking their mind. You know no freedom of speech and all. So I for sure want my children to live in such a better world. I just want to figure out some probable models.

>> No.9471419
File: 200 KB, 1042x1004, 0gbanans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>polywell is the holy grail of affordable fusion

>wind, solar and batteries, pedestrian as it sounds

>decentralized microgrids

>decentralized economies (crypto etc)

>decentralized manufacturing (3d printers, cnc's and roobts)

>log in for working in recycling plants where you use the robot arms to separate the recyclables from your pc at home., recycling will be a huge industry in the future hopefully it can be decentralized as well

>growing produce locally in aquaponic LED farms with controlled microclimates and no pesticides, no agricultural runoffs

>unironically aquaponically farmed shrimp

>emdrive for when we've solved all our problems here and need some new challenges

I hope our children live to see that future broseph