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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 85 KB, 720x540, LetsAllLoveLain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9470022 No.9470022 [Reply] [Original]

It is obvious that right now, and for a long time passed, a huge percent of /biz/ posts have been obvious shills and advertisers for shitcoins. They come on the board, and largely follow the below steps to scam Anon:

1) Post (((shitcoin))) as a "rumor." Build hype for it, but keep it on the "down low." This gains "early adopter" followers and a small group of what will eventually be long term loyalists.
2) Build up hype over "coming news, events, and partnerships." None of the news has to be real or the valid.
3) Continue this until "followers" start to outweigh skeptics. By this point die hard cultist "Marines" have started to develop.
4) Continue this until "followers" amass so heavily that skeptics become beaten down and become a minority. Once (((the following))) reaches this cult level, anyone who says anything against (((shitcoin)))) is beaten to a pulp. (((Shitcoin))) is now seen as a valid buy, despite still being just a giant scam.

And then they take your money and run. You are a sucker and have been scammed. They laugh in the Bahamas with your money.

So Anon, please explain yourself. How did you become so pathetic? How did the Legion fall so low to becoming ponzis for scams using such obvious social engineering and manipulation pressure tactics? What the fuck is wrong with this board to make it like this?

>> No.9470178


~Lain is Love~

>> No.9470240



>> No.9470258


>> No.9470273


So did chainlink follow this patttern? I feel sorry for those autists that fell for it.

>> No.9470311


most anons are sadists and love the humiliation and even love throwing money away. it gives them erotic pleasure.

>> No.9470334

Speak for yourself, sadist

>> No.9470361

Any coin does. Like 99% of people couldn't even sum up what a project does in a sentence without using terms they ultimately don't understand. That's why we see all this blind faith and zeal for random shit projects on the net.

Like fucking hell. Do you think fucking ANYONE in the world is legitimately excited for blockchain complinant API protocols? It's nothing but blind faith and the hope there are more retards like them to buy their bags

>> No.9470371


Hehe yeah.

>> No.9470390
File: 189 KB, 2048x1025, 197a9419e41e23f4dfb4863c084430cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop falling for shill meme magic Anon. Stop being ponzis to shitcoins. President Pepe is elected, and this your follow up? You become suckers for con artist 17 year olds pumping you shitcoins?

>> No.9470463


Kek. Cheeto man is just a flip flopping deep state puppet man. 4chan really thought he was gonna do what he promised, top lel lad.

>> No.9470516

Regardless of if you like Trump or not and who you think was behind his election, though, I think the influence of his "meme" status as a candidate did make a big difference for him actually getting elected. Why does Anon fall so easily as suckers for shills using the same tactics to sell them massive figures of garbage? Its sad. I've been on 4chan 12 years. We used to be the ones leading the game, not falling for it.

>> No.9470568


Changing demographics probably. Also /biz/ is dead right now. Dunno why there are so many shill threads still. Dont shills know that when there is a bear market, people wont buy your shitcoin? lol

>> No.9470577

This is a blue board. People on these are surprisingly even more retarded than on red ones

>> No.9470616
File: 195 KB, 1068x988, RLCUCKS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This faggot posted in my iExec thread and then deleted it once I threatened to screencap and add to this.


>> No.9470651

Probably shills shilling to shills. I cant believe that anyone is genuinly into any of the post-xmas shill campaigns. Its just cynical anons shilling to other cynical anons in the hope that they can flip their bags.
No one actually believes it.

>> No.9470654

Prime example

>> No.9470707

Okay, so here's an example made by Anon posting as

Here we see G4O2tarY using a common tactic, discredit the individual to make his own point seem more valid. It could be done with
>Ha fun missing the moon mission moron
>You're just angry you didn't in earlier. Enjoy staying Rekt

or a variety of other similar posts. How does this make you, feel, Anon? Does it make you want to buy iExec? Does it make you think OP (me) is a cuck? Stop being so fucking dense, Anon. Please, for the sake of /biz/.

>> No.9470771

LOL why did you delete your comment in my thread then?

I threatened you with screenshotting because you know what iExec is about to do and you promptly tucked your tail between your legs and deleted your fud.

>> No.9470808

Take your fucking medication dude.

>> No.9470825
File: 357 KB, 1075x1024, 1526317048663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your kys nignog

>> No.9470864
File: 900 KB, 1707x1032, TheGame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here the shill feels threatened. In order to get the upper-hand, he tries to again further discredit me by saying I am some Anon who deleted posts in a thread he made on iExec. By doing this, he hopes to paint me as a coward, as well as bait me:


Once I fall for the bait, he can then pull me along and drag the argument to be long and pointless as he keeps baiting me. Eat response I make gets him a (You). Even if it comes out with people thinking he may be a shill, he has still created a ton of free promo for his shitcoin on /biz/.

Please Anon. Stop wasting your money. Learn. Act. Grow. Stop falling for this mindless ponzi consumer game and do something with your life.

>> No.9470920

And here we see him trying to turn the thread into a thread centered on his shitcoin with "memes" he scammed other Anon into making for him after entering the "Marine" phase. Not only does he potentially gain more "followers," but kills a thread that threatens his ponzi game shill tactics in the process.

Please Anon, stop supporting this shit. Stop responding to advertisement threads. Just let them fall off the board and die.

>> No.9470925

I didn't SS it because i didn't think you'd delete it but here I'll point everyone to my response to you on my thread anyways


>> No.9470974

Glad we can finally read the blog you so carefully updated every few minutes. Thanks subscribed

>> No.9471047

You're welcome pajeet, maybe you'll be smart someday and buy in pre v2 when it launches to 20$

>> No.9471068

>You're welcome pajeet, maybe you'll be smart someday and buy in pre v2 when it launches to 20$

>You're just angry you didn't in earlier. Enjoy staying Rekt
as seen

>> No.9471088

Honestly I doubt this guy is one, but it should be pretty easy to write a bot that just drones retarded shit like this all day. Maybe that's what's happening