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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9469721 No.9469721 [Reply] [Original]

Predicting the market is as simple as predicting emotions. Most investors are crybabies and FOMO retards. Knowing this is how you win.

This stupid shrimp game is 1 day old and /biz/ got early access. This is your chance to 100x.

> EtherShrimpFarm.com

> "I don't care about shrimp."
Fuck you, buy it anyway. Turn your emotions off and do it for the money.

> "This game looks stupid."
Fuck you, buy it anyway! Turn off your emotions!

> "This game is a ponzi."
That's why you get in early. TURN OFF YOUR FUCKING EMOTIONS!

> "This game is too complicated for me."
It's 3 buttons you crybaby brainlet piece of shit. Figure it out.

> "I hate money and I want to settle for a 2/10."
This is the only legitimate reason to not get in on this. Good luck with your plan to stay poor and wagecuck until you eventually kill yourself.

>> No.9469754


Whenever I buy into one of these SUPER DUPER MOON 1000x Scams I end up holding bags because they dump while I'm sleeping or some shit. Pass

>> No.9469778

why are you holding idiot? take the gains and fuck off instead of hibernating and hoping for 10x+ you sleepy fuck

>> No.9469779

OP no bully pls

>> No.9469847


>> No.9469870

My strategy is generally just to cash out when I reach ROI or half at 2x, and then ride the wave. Very "safe" relatively speaking

>> No.9469890


>> No.9469936

>Doesn't even look at the file name
Newfags gonna newfag

>> No.9469960

So once you recieve ROI you sell? Why do you invest then? Why is this board so fucking stupid I swear you're all larping and broke 15 year olds.

>> No.9470016

Pardon the idiot. What he means is you accumulate until you can easily cash out for ROI without surrendering your position. Then you keep playing.

This shrimp game allows you to cash out by selling eggs. When you cash out you don't lose your shrimp. You just don't get any more shrimp.

>> No.9470027

i looked at the transaction history on the smart contract, almost all 0eth transactions which i assume at least half of those are people claiming free shrimp?

because of the recent influx of free shrimp grabbers, thousands of them. compared to the egg buyers of which there is only about 300 so far. there are a lot of people sitting on shrimp right now popping out eggs. the rate of eggs produced is therefore exceeding the demand to buy eggs, driving the egg price down.

for the egg price to go up would require more people to buy eggs. but they only buy the eggs to get the shrimp to get more eggs which constantly drives the price down again.

from a brief glance at the discord people not too recently paid 4 times as much as the price now.

i dont understand. this is only going to go down right?

>> No.9470048

and usually people only buy small numbers of eggs. the minimum 0.01eth usually. which is about 300 eggs, like the 300 free shrimp. so the egg buyers are really outnumbered by the egg producers here.

>> No.9470108

>almost all 0eth transactions which i assume at least half of those are people claiming free shrimp?

Most of those are people hatching to accumulate more.

> this is only going to go down right?
Price will likely shoot up during the moon launch, but crash in the long term. Shrimpflation will eventually take effect.

> which is about 300 eggs, like the 300 free shrimp. so the egg buyers are really outnumbered by the egg producers here.

It will always be that way. This is why you have to get in early. Shrimpcumulation is exponential, which is why people are buying in. If you only get 300 free shrimp it's not going to be worth it. Eventually the gas fees will outpace it.

>> No.9470137


>> No.9470174

You are absolutely right I just re mortgaged and liquidated my kids college fund to invest in FUN, stellar and ripple. Turtle looks good too, it's very cheap. Did I do good OP?

>> No.9470205

shrimpcumulation is exponential, so the egg supply is exponential as well. the only reaosn to buy eggs is to produce more eggs so there will never be more buyers then producers. thus constantly lowering the price.

bitcoin is the opposite, theres a limited supply.

if the value of shrimp eggs just keeps going down eventually the gas cost of transactions will be greater then the profit. but people will keep shitting out eggs anyways forever

>> No.9470208
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Its okay anon

>> No.9470228


O wow. That is what I love about here, you get the most cutting edge advanced news on crypto. As I am all in on Fun, stellar and ripple, I have maxed my credit card to buy digital shrimp that lay eggs in a crypto Ponzi. My future is now complete as is my portfolio.

>> No.9470229
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snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....

>> No.9470234

Turn off emotions != turn off your brain

>> No.9470246

do you have a pen to see me?
Shitty pen faggot.

>> No.9470267

Look at that right foot toe nail. She's a fucken troll. 1/10 would not bang.

>> No.9470293

But as eggs become less expensive more will buy in. All of these games are exactly the same. You get in early and you get 100x. Eventually, the game collapses and prices capitulate, then people start accumulating again and it bounces back. It's really not all the different from crypto it's all zero sum.

>> No.9470312

is there a way i can get a visualization of egg prices over time

some kind of way to chart this?

>> No.9470348

is this some kind of reverse ponzi where everyone loses money? cause im seeing comments that egg prices have dropped x4 and its not even a day yet.

>> No.9470354

I bet she has the sweetest most delicious feet

>> No.9470386


My reason tells me that you're just trying to get retards to buy your worthless shit.

I may as well shill my TF2 crates.

>> No.9470399

It is ZERO SUM! Look it up if you don't get it.

The rate and price of eggs DOES NOT MATTTER. The entire game is weighted toward those who accumulate faster and earlier.

>> No.9470421

>My reason tells me that you're just trying to get retards to buy your worthless shit.
I have not sold a single shrimp egg. I'm accumulating like all of you idiots should be doing right now. Sell when it moons, not before.

>> No.9470524

>The rate and price of eggs DOES NOT MATTTER
ok so the egg price drops but you just have to outproduce the average egg producer to sell enough eggs to make a profit despite the egg price increase. if you produce below average egg numbers then you dont make enough eggs for the profit to outpace the egg price increase.

am i understanding this correctly? its all about producing more eggs then the other person. and the best way to produce more eggs is to buy more eggs. which will also create more buyers to stabilize the price.

so to buy only a small number of eggs, youre not getting anywhere, the median amount of eggs produced daily is what you need to exceed to survive egg price which will often dip until stabilized by the people buying in to produce more eggs...

so maybe you dont have to get in early, but the later you wait the more eggs you will have to buy upfront to make enough eggs to profit. when you could have been hatching shrimp the whole time.

but the game will come crashing down when the median egg production rate becomes too high for people to afford to buy into

am i understanding this correctly?

>> No.9470542

hahaja her feet look fucking gross bro

>> No.9470594
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They look normal in this shot.

>> No.9470647
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She's Colombian, lives in SoCal , Hollywood area I've seen her at the gym I go to once in a while. Anella Sagra...

>> No.9470668
File: 136 KB, 1080x1293, 05ef20a4bdb5a3d42b80fa050564e22b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the median amount of eggs produced daily is what you need to exceed to survive egg price which will often dip until stabilized by the people buying in to produce more eggs

Yes, this is correct. The wealth distribution is skewed towards those who are producing eggs faster. However, you have to also take into account that people will give up or forget about their accounts, which will remove all their production from the supply.

> so maybe you dont have to get in early, but the later you wait the more eggs you will have to buy upfront to make enough eggs to profit. when you could have been hatching shrimp the whole time.

Yes, people who only got 300 free eggs at the very beginning will still make some money, but anyone who jumps in hard now will still have a huge advantage. We are now in day 2. The mass shilling waves haven't even started yet.

>> No.9470807

considering that a hundred dollars now is a good shrimp investment for a decent enough production rate to still profit despite egg price falling due to high production... a hundred because that puts you above the average current investor...

and considering that the average current investor is not a big money person, and future buyers will also be the smae demographic, people without a lot of money to throw around...

then we are already at the point at which buying in is worthwhile for the average person.

so the value can only be raised by the people dumb enough to buy not enough eggs to profit. a market which will shrink as news gets around to how its not profitable if you only spend a little...

im capping it at 5 times. not enough people will be willing to spend 500 to outproduce enough to profit. at that point production will still go up from early buyers but the number of eggs needed to profit will be too high for people who didnt buy enough eggs earlier to buy more. so the value of the eggs will rapidly plummet at that point and in the end only the people who bought fuckloads of eggs early on will still make a mild profit until egg prices drop to too few digits to even justify the gas cost.

estimated time to arrival of max profit shrimp bubble popping: i would say 5 days to a week. spend a hundred bucks, grab an easy x4 then duck out. every day you wait you would have to spend more to keep up.

>> No.9470903

or spend more now, like a thousand. to go for longer and maybe ride a peak interest wave that takes you another couple days and maybe a x6 or x8. and then enjoy a sharp decline as egg production exceeds the cost of the willing investor to buy enough eggs to buy in.

>> No.9471064

Then it will capitulate, and the price of eggs will bottom out, giving new opportunities to buy in cheap.

>> No.9471074

Those toes are fucking perfecg

>> No.9471097

maybe not though. could peak in 3 days. maybe the day it peaks for you is the day at which your production of eggs is below average. which will end soon if you spend under a hundred, maybe 3 days, and longer if you spend more now. you can ride it out until what you were willing to spend becomes the average cost to buy into how many eggs you are producing.

>> No.9471098

already 100eth in. no way small timers can get money out from this. 100 eth. Few guys control the whole shrimp market at this point. Investing 1 eth in this wouldnt even make you 0,3 in ten days.

>> No.9471123

but the price of eggs can only bottom out so low then its not worth the cost of transactions. meanwhile production is still almost doubling every day the supply. it can only crash unless people come in who are willing to buy thousands of dollars worth in eggs at once and thats not happening

>> No.9471197

Not true. There is a whale from another thread that is in the 100k shrimp range. Since the price of eggs dropped in the past few hours you could be a whale for 3 ETH.

You have lost sight again. The game is ZERO SUM and the price of eggs is dynamic based on supply and demand. It is very plausible that in the future you will be able to get 1,000,000 eggs for 1 ETH and become a whale, but only if you get in at the right time. You just have to stay above median production as people come on and drop off.

>> No.9471250
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next time you see her tell her i love her

>> No.9471270

median production rate is doubling every day.

if there was some element in the smart contract that also balanced production rates of eggs then some scarcity could be artificially induced to lower the cost of buying into profitable production... maybe theres the basis of an idea for a stablecoin here if the contract could balance that.

otherwise its just runaway production that inevitabley exceeds the cost of buying in but keeps doubling every day anyways. until the price bottoms out and then its over.

>> No.9471314

maybe im totally wrong and shrimponomics ends up dominating the future financial landscape.

but it looks like a production rate based ponzi that ends the moment the cost to buy into a profitable production rate exceeds the average price enough investors will willingly pay. and then the production rate keeps increasing anyways until the price cant really go any lower and nobodies buying in then, but towards the end only the largest and earliest investors will be the last to cash out. i give it a week.

>> No.9471315

>1,000,000 eggs for 1 ETH
so you are saying small timers can make money but right now 1 eth nets me 40k shrimp but maybe 3-4 days from now 1eth will net you 400k shrimp. that means you made like 150k eggs which made you 0,5 eth at best and at that point you will never have the chance to be competitive. sounds like super bad investment to me. where are the historical egg prices? how do I know right now its not super expensive to buy eggs compared to like 6 hours ago?

>> No.9471352

You are overthinking this.
The game is ZERO SUM. Money in = money out.
Exponential production = exponential supply = exponential buying opportunity. It is ZERO SUM. Figure out what that means.

It's over when people get bored with it. Exactly the same as every other similar game.

>> No.9471367

12 hours ago egg prices were roughly 300 eggs for 1 ETH.

>> No.9471375

price per egg doesnt matter. total cost to exceed median production is what matters. so the cost per egg lowers but if you produce more then average eggs it still balances out to profit in your favour.

>> No.9471388
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Historical prices don't matter. Supply is infinite. Production is exponential. The price per egg will always drop UNLESS players leave and supply drops out.

Please figure out what that means.

>> No.9471478

exponential production towards an infinite supply.
profit only possible when you exceed median production. production increases, the price lowers, the cost to buy enough eggs to profit... stays the same. maybe...

maybe shrimp will just flatline rather then drop. the egg cost goes down forever to balance the production exponentially increasing... so the cost of buying in stays the same at whatever rate the average person is willing to spend.

>> No.9471489

you can write that as much you want but there is no expression, phrase like that in my language.

also price of eggs is the only thing that matters. if I pay 1 eth now and tomorrow my 24 hour productions worths 0,02 eth because of inflation then I can say goodbye to my money.

>> No.9471610

the only thing that matters is that you produce more eggs then the median production rate, that way despite a constantly falling egg price you still make more eggs then the average person so you profit when they cant. but the production rate is always increasing, and so the price per egg is always lowering to balance that out.

so the number of eggs you have to buy to profit increases, the price per egg decreases equally. so it always balances out. and it balances out at whatever price people are willing to pay to buy enough shrimp to exceed median production. i cant see the median price people are willing to pay to get into shrimp profit as being more then 5 hundred. i dont see enough big money investors going to be all that interested in shrimp.

once it reaches profit plateau rather then staying there as i previously suggested... i think it will fall. people will lose interest and the amount of people willing to pay 500, or even a hundred, and eventually even 20 will fall. but then people might buy back in and start trying to get interest going and maybe it pumps again

>> No.9471628

The entire game is just a basic wrapper around a simple concept: Buy low, sell high. Staying above median production is important, but median production is a floating value.

I don't care what language you speak. Use Google Translate and figure it out.

Price of eggs matters because it influences the buy in rate. The 300 free eggs are only worth it to early adopters. Eventually, it will be worthless, and serve only as a reason to try before you buy.

>> No.9471634

OP and some of his buddies made a shitty ponzi to make bank off the shrimp farming memes
You arent winning by buying into this. Only OP and his buddies.
Dont do it anons.


>> No.9471660

I don't know the guy who made this. All I know is it's a guy from /biz/. I just telling you tards to get in quick before it explodes. We can all profit from this game still. It's only day 2.

>> No.9471677

what is median shrimp production is the figure that matters. you need to stay above that for profit.

how could one figure out median shrimp production? i guess you could infer it based on daily egg production divided by number of shrimp farmers. but to figure out number of shrimp farmers i dont know

>> No.9471714

Its not going to explode you retarded shill cunt. Its a fucking biz meme and a small one at that.
This seriously cant be the only way you can make money in crypto? By scamming other anons with a ponzi? Pathetic ass pajeet, kys.

>> No.9471720

You could build a model but it would require pulling data from the blockchain to estimate. Since you don't know how many players are active, it's very hard to pinpoint.

>> No.9471726

Are you guys hatching any of the eggs?

>> No.9471727

median production is an exponential value rising every day. sure people sell eggs, but theyre all trying to produce more egg value then lose egg value. so the production rate is always higher then the buyer rate. because people only buy if they think they can produce for profit.

so once we reach the limit of what people are interested in spending to make profit on digital shrimp, then we can go no higher

>> No.9471753

If you don't want to play the game then GTFO. No one will miss you here.

I'm hatching all of them. I'm still accumulating.

Yes, you just defined it as supply and demand. People will drop out of the game though. They will likely leave in waves, which means median production could actually drop for short periods of time, which allows opportunities for new players to come in.

>> No.9471765

Shilling ponzis is against the rules, rakesh. You get the fuck out.

>> No.9471780
File: 62 KB, 640x717, 28763598_1611995318865986_3749714879875907584_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Metamask an ETH wallet or an ETH contract?

>> No.9471814

If that was true then Bitcoin and every other crypto would be banned. GTFO. We don't want you here anon.

MetaMask is a browser plugin that serves as a wallet. You can also use the Trust or Cipher apps if you're on mobile.

>> No.9471836

A decentralized proof of work currency is not the same as a literal ponzi scam game.

>We don't want you here anon
Because I am calling you out. Kys, scamming pajeet cunt.

>> No.9471913

>So once you recieve ROI you sell? Why do you invest then?
Because in this case you don't lose your 'capital' which are immutable "shrimp" you condescending dumbfuck

>> No.9471918

> A decentralized proof of work currency is not the same as a literal ponzi scam game.

You're right, it's also wasteful. Now GTFO you noshrimper scum.

>> No.9471937

so i need to figure out how many eggs you need to buy to exceed the average number of shrimp people own.

most people got their free 300 shrimp and didnt buy more from what i can see. some people bought more but few large buyers. so lets assume that the median shrimp number is 600 shrimp. thats almost 20 canadian dollars.

tomorrow the median shrimp number will be more or less twice that, depending on how many sell eggs instead of hatch them. depending on rising interest. but the production rate will always increase because theres no other reason to own the shrimp.

so today you spend 40 bucks, to get twice the average shrimp production. you hatch your eggs into shrimp every day to stay above the rising median price. because tomorrow it costs 80 bucks to buy into enough shrimp to profit.

the next day assuming most people are egg hatching for shrimp to profit. and assuming rising interest. youve got to spend 160 bucks if youre just starting out to buy into enough shrimp to make good profit.

day 4 is 320, day 5 is 640
few investors are willing to spend more then that to make money on digital shrimp. interest wanes.

you go to cash out but now the price is dropping as the interest in shrimp coins drops. but you stayed at twice the average production rate by hatching shrimp daily. so you cash out money off your daily eggs, a profit that drops daily until you lose interest on even collecting. how much money you can collect in the end depends on how high your production is above average and how close to peak value you can sell for.

any interest in the coin in the future depends on whether enough interest can be summoned for another pump. but by then there are so many extra eggs popping out everyday just sitting around that theres still a high production rate you have to buy into to profit. so it doesnt pump as much the second or more times.

>> No.9471982

>but median production is a floating value.
no its not, its an exponentially growing value. the prices of now are going to go in only one way and that is down. there is no point to buy in to this under 1 eth and this game is too stupid and one dimension to risk one eth on it
>you still make more eggs then the average person
no you have to make more than the median production. the masses may spend around 0.1-0.3 eth on the game but one whale can ruin the profitability for them with one big investment. lets say someone gets in with 10 eth right now then he alone can obliterate the possibility of break even for the masses.

today the minimum investment for breaking even could be around 0.2 eth but tomorrow it can be 0.5 so the best guarante to make profits is playing big but then again this game is too stupid and too risky to throw 1 eth in it. Sure if you bought eth for 7bucks in 2017 then have fun gambling but this game is madness.

atleast in ethgoo you had very good chance to break even. here you dont.

>> No.9472009

if you're right you can just throw in tonight for 0.2 ETH, wake up tomorrow, and cash it out. You're just a pussy and you're externalizing that personal flaw by posting this rationalization

>> No.9472020

Stay poor and shilling dead on arrival ponzi scams, street shitting subhuman.

>> No.9472039

>dude, youre just a pussy if you dont buy into a ponzi scam
no one is going to buy your bags. kys.

>> No.9472041

now imagine a token where the smart contract balanced out the rate of shrimp egg production and even the lifespan of the shrimp. the price to buy into shrimp to attain median egg production kept stable. if interest increases and people start buying into higher then median production, then the production decreases to balance it back down. could also apply a time limit to the egg lifespan. an intelligent algorithm could hover the value of shrimp at a constant price despite falling egg prices and rising and falling interest.

someone should make this

>> No.9472046

ok, fuck off then
I'm just pointing out something that's obvious to everyone
You've made six posts and counting ITT, just go

>> No.9472054

For what reason? What do you think you'd accomplish--a more controllable means by which to dump on idiots?

>> No.9472078

it would be a stable coin like tether. but backed by shrimp whose value stays the same even as egg prices fluctuate and interest rises and falls.

it wouldnt need to be backed by us dollars or any real value. but its survival would only be gauarnteed if it maintained enough people interested in using it.

>> No.9472137

What if the shrimp also had genetic traits like CryptoKitties? Some produce more eggs. Some have longer lifespans. Some are different colors.

>> No.9472161

i think nubits kinda works like what i just talked about. but this would be an ethereum dapp version of a stable coin. using digital shrimp so people understand whats going on. maybe the fertility rate of the eggs could be adjusted by algorithm r reduce production rate along with shrimp lifespan adjustment.

>> No.9472197

that would be a different thing with a different goal. the purpose of my propsed shrimp based stablecoin thing is not profit. but to maintain a constantly level value. where you can trade your ethereum into shrimp instead of tether for some reason.

>> No.9472278

naw forget it, wouldnt work

>> No.9472289

>im capping it at 5 times. not enough people will be willing to spend 500
you had me with a reasonable argument until this point. Go check out cryptocountries dapp. people literally spent 300+ eth on a jpeg of a country. for these ponzi games there are deep pocket whales who dont blink about dumping huge stacks on things.

>> No.9472291
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>> No.9472328

Oh my God stop shilling these worthless ponzi schemes you fucking pajeets.

>> No.9472341


>> No.9472368
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>my eth literally can buy 10% more eggs now than an hour ago
>I am a pussy for not buying in to this
ok m8 well played. current return of investment would take a few days but every hour=10% inflation would mean you would just chase your own tail retardedly never making your money back. its already too late.

now 138000 eggs is around 2.5 eth. 1380 eggs=0.025eth. to make 1380 eggs in an hour you need 90k shrimp. for 90k shrimp you need 2 eth.
in exchange for your 2 eth with hourly 10% inflation your approx hourly income will be something like this:
This is like 0.2 eth after 12 hours. sounds pretty bad investment for me.

>> No.9472383

I'm only investing in shrimp and shrimp related products. Eventually I will cash out and buy a real shrimp tank.

>> No.9472408

You didn't account for compound shrimp accumulation. If you hatch every hour that's 266% increase in shrimp production per day.

>> No.9472410

how about you fuck off

>> No.9472546
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Quit your bitching

>> No.9472570

that would literally just be a clone of kitties then. this new idle game dapp thing needs to be explored more. powh is tech idle as well as is this. should be interesting to see if we can out eth into a contract and almost like a bank make interest on it and withdraw in future.

>> No.9472643

This. Unless you are literally babysitting this trade, it's not worth it. Let these pajeets play chicken with their monthly salaries.

>> No.9472660
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2eth was just put in it's shrimping time whales are accumulating

>> No.9472678
File: 559 KB, 1732x1507, shrimpdad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your math doesn't even work out, if you have 90k shrimp you'd be making at least 3600 eggs/hour aka .2 eth

>> No.9472917

I just did some maths. At prices from an hour ago...

1 shrimp = 1.97 e-5 eth
I had about 3k eggs i could either hatch or sell. If i sold it was worth .06455 eth or hatch for 3k new shrimp. I had 10k total already producing 430 eggs per hour. I decided to hatch them to see what rate increase would do. I now have a total of 13k shrimp giving me 570 eggs per hour. at the price per 1 egg I would make 1 full eth in four 24 hour cycles with current production.

>> No.9472950

It just got shilled on YouTube. That's why it's jumping in price.


>> No.9473473
File: 41 KB, 602x465, Screen Shot 2018-05-17 at 12.57.35 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

solid pump happening

>> No.9473613

what is this chart and how did you get it

>> No.9473769

Where is the chart from plz

>> No.9473804

made it myself
pulled the data from the Etherscan API
parsed it into a CSV file with a Python script
loaded it into Google Docs and used the chart tool there

also, I can't be bothered to automate the process
would rather just click a few times to generate a new one every hour or so

>> No.9473820

oh, I forgot to clarify
it's a graph of the ETH balance of the shrimp contract
green line is ETH coming in
red line is ETH going out
blue line is the balance
times are in UTC

>> No.9474043

ok neat. thanks

>> No.9474187

make that shit public so i can watch how that shit evolves.

>> No.9474195

This is actually a really useful tool if it was automated.

>> No.9474257

I know, I first wrote the code for the first PoWH (didn't even have to change it to make it work with shrimpfarm), and was gonna automate it back then and make it publicly accessible, but got sidetracked

If I don't get sidetracked again, I might actually get it done this week

>> No.9474261

theyre not in my mouth

>> No.9474640

Could you do a crypto kitties shrimp farm hybrid?

>> No.9474738

my skills aren't in Solidity, unfortunately
btw, the hard part of making things like that is figuring out a sustainable economic model

>> No.9475118
File: 719 KB, 1245x1434, shrimp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9475715
File: 81 KB, 736x920, fa8da6102eef3f81b802b045c1c37f4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9475908

I've been feeding these shrimp for so long they're starting to feed me

>> No.9475977

Stop trying to sell bags. You fucken idiot how do people still fall for ponzis. You think because yoir admitting its a ponzi that we'll all buy in? Kys

>> No.9476009

OMFG i didnt see it but now.... wtf!

>> No.9476246

This dumb game is starting to moon. I've been telling you jackasses to get in since the middle of yesterday. This is /biz/'s chance to 100x easy.

Check out the later pics. Her feet are normal.

>> No.9476370
File: 171 KB, 800x1164, 6463578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've had enough fun yet fren? If you can't find a reason to join an opportunity look for another one. It's that simple, it's that easy. Pass on the good options to join the great ones. Find the level of risk that makes you comfortable and then you look for what you want. The riskier the adventure, the less you should put in and the less dissappointed you will be if it doesn't work the way you want and then you can keep most of your monies in really safe places. But getting angry when people don't want to spend more time spoonfeeding helps when they've been doing so for months while most of the people speaking just want to use others to be able to have a good time has never taken anybody anywhere that matters. DYOR.