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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 517x573, itshappening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9469586 No.9469586 [Reply] [Original]

r/cryptocurrency is actively trying to suppress this announcement, they deleted the thread twice today. Do with that information what you will.

>> No.9469616

its on the front page...

>> No.9469624

It was deleted twice. I was watching it all day, i didn't think of taking a screenshot though.

>> No.9469635

they delete the first couple of posts so the last one gets the least amount of traction

>> No.9469640

There's no "iExec + Intel".

iExec used SGX technology in their product ; which is something that *ANYBODY* can do with a > 6700 series Intel processor, AKA "Skylake" series.

This conference was an advertisement from Intel in order to promote its SGX technology.
iExec accepted because they knew it would pump their price.
But in reality, Intel doesn't give a shit about iExec. They don't have any partnership with them. They only accepted to sponsor their presentation because they advertised SGX.

Don't be a fool.

>> No.9469656
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and then you read this and kill yourself faggot
nice try at rationalizing not buying the next 1000x

>> No.9469694
File: 559 KB, 518x723, PIMPMYEXECS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see that little wojak?
>it's you in a year

>> No.9469699


Sorry, but I have an insider at Intel confirming what I said. Let's figure out who will kill himself first.

>> No.9469704


SGX isn’t available to everyone. Town Crier also claims to be working closely with Intel, in developing the chip. Ari Jules said this himself on the epicentre podcast if you want to confirm. Which probably means Iexec is working to develop this product as well. It’s in Intel’s best interest for their chip to become the de facto chip. This isn’t a price pump as much as it is a developer ensuit. It’s in both Intel’s and IEXEC to brand this.

>> No.9469713
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get fucked faggot either buy or go cry with your golem bags

>> No.9469750

Sorry but your pajeet office cleaner friend is not an insider.

>> No.9469790

Well, goodbye again, /biz/. I left the crypto game a few months ago, stopped coming on 4chan, and my life has been indescribably happier since. With more free time as summer approaches, I came back to see how /biz/ was doing. Seeing all the obvious paid shill iExec shit today was enough. You guys are all really sad and gullible and obsessed to a very unhealthy degree.

So long, again, /biz/. Enjoy being pajeet test subjects. Have fun wasting a shitload of money by throwing it to paid advertisers, using obvious social engineering tactics to shill build various "Marines," who lovingly and loyally pump their scams full of money for them to run off with. Its like what /pol/ did with meme magic for Trump, except you're the suckers. How sad.

>> No.9469826
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wtf lol


>> No.9469842
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>> No.9469852


SGX is available for everyone *with Skylake series processors*, which is the case if you bought your CPU for the last 3 years.
Proof : https://github.com/ayeks/SGX-hardware

There's a documented SGX developer SDK downloadable for *FREE*.
Proof : https://software.intel.com/en-us/sgx-sdk
Proof : https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/getting-started-with-sgx-sdk-for-windows

Too bad I worked with SGX enclaves already, so I may know what I'm talking about.

This "partnership" is only an advertisment from Intel for SGX. Nothing more. This is nothing about cryptocurrency, forget about iExec.

>> No.9469867

>t. brainlet that doesn't understand the implications of SGX within a decentralized cloud computer DIRECTLY supported by Intel

>> No.9469885
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Also if you knew anything about the announcement, you'd know that they presented a demo of them using SGX on the RLC network.

>> No.9469910

Basically this. This board is full of turbo retards so zealous just because they're financially invested they turn into literal marketing tools. Insane how stupid the average guy here is

>> No.9469925

We're all smarter than you apparently, since you didn't buy RLC before it reaches 20$ EOM

>> No.9469939

Yeah sure. I'm sure your ethereum token will completely change the world because it can successfully import an intel library

>> No.9469950
File: 213 KB, 894x897, iexecthinking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it's blockchain agnostic
This coin is unfuddable, btw. Nice try pajeet.

>> No.9469978

It can also import other decentralized libraries. Gosh fucking wow. Just like any other platform that supports import Statements

>> No.9469988 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 720x540, LetsAllLoveLain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is obvious that right now, and for a long time passed, a huge percent of /biz/ posts have been obvious shills and advertisers for shitcoins. They come on the board, and largely follow the below steps to scam Anon:

1) Post (((shitcoin))) as a "rumor." Build hype for it, but keep it on the "down low." This gains "early adopter" followers and a small group of what will eventually be long term loyalists.
2) Build up hype over "coming news, events, and partnerships." None of the news has to be real or the valid.
3) Continue this until "followers" start to outweigh skeptics. By this point die hard cultist "Marines" have started to develop.
4) Continue this until "followers" amass so heavily that skeptics become beaten down and become a minority. Once (((the following))) reaches this cult level, anyone who says anything against (((shitcoin)))) is beaten to a pulp. (((Shitcoin))) is now seen as a valid buy, despite still being just a giant scam.

And then they take your money and run. The tech has been shit all along. You got scammed. It seems like a large part of /biz/ is like this. We're seeing a lot of this today with iExec and tomorrow it will be some other coin.

So Anon, please explain yourself. How did you become so pathetic? How did the Legion fall so low to becoming ponzis for scams using such obvious social engineering and manipulation pressure tactics? What the fuck is wrong with this board to make it like this?

>> No.9470005
File: 195 KB, 1068x988, RLCUCKS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being this delusional
You guys want me to add you to this for v2 EOM?

>> No.9470047
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>> No.9470054

Wait until they get a microsoft azure account and call that a partnership. Did like 450% for IOTA too before people realized that partnership actually has a meaning

>> No.9470065

Dude do you realize that Intel even mentioning iExec or gracing them with their presence means that iExec has actual value? Intel wouldn't put their name next to a shitcoin. ITS FUCKING INTEL.

>> No.9470081
File: 438 KB, 638x639, execunigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, round 3 pump commence. Chink time boys.

>> No.9470083

Youre right but why does that matter if it makes me money? i bought rlc when it was lower and now it 2xd. should I not be happy with that?

the way that people meme things is that it creates cultists who are very inveseted, idk. what you say is true.

hello mr lain

>> No.9470134


I called it earlier today and I'll call it again, it's going to go back down to 0.003 ETH.

I've already made 25%+ on top of the RLC gains, and I'm going to make another 10% on the way back down.

Make sure to make profits when the FOMO is high and don't end up being a bag holder.

Volume has decreased dramatically and it's going to drop before making anymore progress, it ALWAYS does.

>> No.9470135

Guess you gotta load up on some Appcoin anon. Its name is literally next to all these companies! https://entethalliance.org/members-2/

You probably shouldnt judge a projects worth by the logos in their powerpoint presentations but you're clearly invested emotionally and determined to ride this shitpump so good luck

>> No.9470149

lol salty nocoiner spotted
what's it like being a miserable golem

>> No.9470157

What’s wrong with advertisement? Not a lot of people knew about Iex.ec before this now they can relate it to something they know. You are not trading against developers. You’re trading against retards. Obviously you know more about SGX then me. I called tron a scam since August. And did that make me money? No.

>> No.9470161

You're way too invested in this thread. Is it autism or payment that motivates you to this degree?

>> No.9470167
File: 65 KB, 418x669, loveLain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re-posted the original post here in its own thread. I haven't been on /biz/ in awhile and the current state of it is really depressing. I'm actually interested to figure out why Anon is like this so badly now. It might make you money, but it also destroys the board and culture and turns it into a giant advertisement. SPOOKS!


>> No.9470194

screenshotting this to secure massive keks for future bizsraelis

>> No.9470206

i love iexec, it's going to be amazing in the future

>> No.9470216

reminder that Intel and IExec are members of both the EEA and Open Fog Consortium. Much more to come.