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9467793 No.9467793 [Reply] [Original]

How didn't I hear of this

>> No.9468656

Old news. US isn't #1 at anything anymore.
Russia officially has the strongest military, China has the strongest economy, Hollywood revenues are at all time low and are being overtaken by European and Asian movie studios, because no one wants to pay to watch %generic blockbuster #1141234 part 5% anymore.

>> No.9468673

>Russia has the strongest military
>1 aircraft carrier
>coal powered
I came here to laugh at you.

>> No.9468785

You are retarded, because you don't know shit about military doctrines. Aircraft carriers are only useful for projecting power against undeveloped countries.

You don't need aircrafts or carriers, when your cruisers can barrage enemies with missiles 3000 from miles away (see X55CM), and enemy aircraft carriers are sitting ducks for your 3M22.

Russian military is made to kill superpowers, US military is made to kill some goatfuckers in the desert. US doesn't have any modern missile or radioelectronic warfare tech, US doesn't even have any modern artillery.

>> No.9468826

>How didn't I hear of this
You probably live in 'Merica

>> No.9468936

>what is THAAD
I hope you dont live in the USA because you dont deserve the safety their superior military provides.

>> No.9468967

this is so fucking retarded my sanity requires I believe it to be a larp

>> No.9468975


>> No.9469044

>what is THAAD
Obsolete tech, used for money laundering and having 30% sucess rate during tests against non-maneuvering non-stealth dummy targets.

I hate to break it to you, but Russian missiles have limited stealth capabilities, are able to take evasive maneuvers at MACH 6, are able to deploy decoys and everyone has a different trick up it's sleeve - Satan hides in the orbits of satellites until it reaches reentry point, Bulava travels very close to water to avoid radar detection, Topol-M splits into many dummy targets, Klub-K is deployed from cargo containers with heat signature concealment that can be hidden on any truck, train and cargo ship etc etc

Now that's what modern tech looks like. THAAD is on par with S300, which Russians developed in 1978

>> No.9469045

>“Hypersonic missiles are virtually unstoppable,” a senior naval source told the Daily Mirror. “The whole idea of the carrier is the ability to project power. But with no method of protecting themselves against missiles like the Zircon, the carrier would have to stay out of range, hundreds of miles out at sea. Its planes would be useless and the whole basis of a carrier task force would be redundant.”

>The Zircon has an estimated range of 250 miles. Traveling six times the speed of sound, it could reach that maximum distance in a little over three minutes.

>Concluded British newspaper the Independent: “It means the two ships, the first of which is not expected to be fully operational before 2020, could be rendered obsolete by this new development in hypersonic warfare despite costing up to £7 billion [US$8.9 billion] to build.”

>And if that news wasn’t bad enough, it now turns out that estimates of the Zircon’s speed may have been premature. Russia’s TASS news agency now reports that the Zircon achieved a speed of Mach 8 during recent tests. That would mean the missile reached a speed of 6,138 miles per hour.


>> No.9469065
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>Russia officially has the strongest military

>> No.9469076

Makes Obama look bad

>> No.9469086

>submarines, how do those work?

>> No.9469107

fuck, its kind of true.
We do specialize in asymmetrical warfare.

>> No.9469174

Gender studies killed Hollywood.

Your movies are unwatchable with that fucking feminism & sjw characters everywhere.

>> No.9469224
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>sources the daily mirror and nationalinterest.org

>> No.9469229

They don't. Because Russian sonars can detect Virginia-class submarines and Glider-T submarine drones can fuck them up good.

You should really research military tech to understand that US military is actually a paper tiger.

>> No.9469242

>gets TOLD
>muh wrong sources
The missiles have been tested multiple times openly. It's real and it's so fast the aircraft carrier crew won't even be able to send a SOS call.

>> No.9469264

>I can only support my argument with shit tier media
I guess the trillions spent on national defense is easily trumped by a trash british website. You should probably get that link over to the pentagon

>> No.9469318


>> No.9469319

you faggots talk about that stuff like it's an accomplishment to live in a country with big military power
i'm ashamed of every dollar my country spends on military
you need to grow up boys

>> No.9469358

>the trillions spent on national defense
90% of the money is spent on some bullshit research projects that never go anywhere, grants, bonuses and tests.

F-35 is the most widely known example - the program cost was $2 trillion. For a fucking jet that doesn't even fly properly.

Russian PAK-FA program costed $30 billion and it's stealth capabilities are on par with F-35 and it's actually faster and more maneuverable. That's actually 66.7 times cheaper.

>> No.9469386
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>OP shows fake chinese gdp stats
>some russian troll still finds a way to embarrass themselves

>> No.9469392

By the way, I forgot about the best part. F-35 is based on an old Russian VTOL jet Lockheed bought in the 90s.
>Following the announcement by the CIS on September 1991 that it could no longer fund development of the Yak-41M, Yakovlev entered into discussions with several foreign partners who could help fund the program. Lockheed Corporation, which was in the process of developing the X-35 for the US Joint Strike Fighter program, stepped forward, and with their assistance aircraft 48-2 was displayed at the Farnborough Airshow in September 1992. Yakovlev announced that they had reached an agreement with Lockheed for funds of $385 to $400 million for three new prototypes and an additional static test aircraft to test improvements in design and avionics.

>> No.9469398
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>Russia officially has the strongest military

>> No.9469402

>afraid to post actual argument

>> No.9469417

kek the Pak-FA would get shit on by an F-35. The US is ahead of everyother country in defense research and pours money into their programs. If you think the fruits of that labor aren't a shit load of technology with performance unknown to the public you're delusional. You actually think you know the capabilities of an F-35 you're delusional.
You're an obvious russian troll either paid for this or a retarded 18 year old Tankie.
Don't @ me you're too stupid to argue with

>> No.9469440
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F-35 is actually a very old Russian Jet. See >>9469392

>> No.9469484

Are you aware that russian ships carry nuclear missiles? They could wipe an entire carrier strike group with one strike

>> No.9469515

That's an overkill and once you go nuclear you can't go back.
Russia is perfectly capable of destroying aircraft carriers with pinpoint strikes.

>> No.9469529

>carriers in the drone age

Top fucking kek. Carriers are going the way of battleships

>> No.9469554

f-35 is shit bro, its a joint strike fighter meant to do 3 things at the same time and is way overpriced. unironically like cryptocurrency, by the time all its flaws are resolved, next gen fighters will already be here

>> No.9469584

You can't deny it.

>> No.9469593

by China you mean Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong etc right? The rest is total shit. GDP isn't a real measure of success anon, US citizens are still the wealthiest in the world.

>> No.9469601

pussy warfare these days. missiles that dismantle into smaller missiles are going to be launched from space to reek havoc on shitty missile defense systems. on top of that you can now launch long rods from space to create devastation extending to railguns.

>> No.9469623
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>Russia officially has the strongest military

>> No.9469632
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whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.9469702

Average US citizen is way way poorer than an average chink.
According to 2017 statistics average US household net worth is negative $90650. Due to credit card debt, mortgages and student loans.

Average Chinese household net worth is $36,000.

>> No.9469719

boy are you stupid

>> No.9469775
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I was a contractor for a company that's developing the f35. A chick on day shift kept having us shut the engine down because she said the data acquisition system that she was monitoring locked up. This went on for about a week. She pulled this right before shift change one day so I got a chance to see what she was talking about. A lot of people are were working on this project getting paid 6 figures, myself included. We're all hourly so it costs 10s of thousands of dollars a day to do our thing. When the engine isn't running or we're not doing anything that's money being wasted. Anyway she said the system was locked because the data acquisition software said locked at the bottom..... It was supposed to say locked. It meant that the timing was locked, which was required to happen in order for the system to work. The lead engineer wouldn't for her because he said he felt bad for her. She was about 50, short, fat, had a old lady fro, and I'm pretty sure she was low functioning autistic. That type of shit is where our tax money is going.

>> No.9469831

fire* her

>> No.9469874

> US citizens are still the wealthiest in the world.

Is this what they tell you overweight degenerate low-IQ inbred Americucks?


Even the fully biased CIA (a meme, by the way) says otherwise

>> No.9469908

Well, that's the whole point. The goal of Lockheed is to make cash. They bought Yak-141 for $400 million, took $2 trillions and 10 years to modernize it and make it stealthy and the top management now has every possible supercar in the garage.
And the average brainlet taxpayer thinks "if it costs so much money, it must be the best jet in the world".

>> No.9470681
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Ex Brit Int corp here.

Everybody knows that Russian AA is the best in the world.

Everybody knows that American aircraft are the best in the world.

Now all fuck off, nobody is winning any wars east vs west, stupid fucks.

>> No.9470700

China fake GDP results; their number is inflated by something like 300%. Someone did a study on this

>> No.9470800

Unofficial gdp metrics like electricity consumption and rail freight suggest they’re not nearly as wealthy.

>> No.9470889

The F-35 program is more about R&D and propping up American manufacturing. I work in economic development and am a total whore for the military industrial complex. The US military is a jobs program that engages in massive wealth transfer. It doesn’t matter if an F-35 is shit because it has no practical purpose. What matters is that factories have jobs and each factory job supports a bunch of other community jobs.

>> No.9470921

Fake news. How can AVERAGE US household net worth be negative?

>> No.9470994

Did you not read what >>9469702 wrote?

It's called DEBT you brainlet. You know, taking out loans for things you can't really afford?

>> No.9470998

kek >an army to kill superpowers
You realize how retarded that is right considering that most superpowers have nukes?
In any case where a superpower is cornered and near defeat what makes you think they won't just dump the payload of nukes as a last fuck you to whoever the attacker is? Morals and values don't exist when you are fighting for survival.

>> No.9471031

Amerimutt detected.

>Can you guys (this isn't directed at you Amerimutts) imagine being this fucking retarded? It's impressive honestly.

>> No.9471085

US total house hold net worth is not negative. So how can average house hold worth be negative? You 50cent shills should fuck off

>> No.9471137

Because the lower-middle class fags have multiple credit cards, mortgages and student loans, which together amounts to millions.

Let's take a family of 2 in their 30s. Both have graduated, found decent jobs and bought a house. Average student loans - $37,500 x 2, average mortgage $188,700, 2 cars - $24,275 x 2 have have an average credit card debt of $8,000.
We come to a total of $320,250.

Then there are people who took out way bigger loans to start a business or people who are in debt because of the need of expensive medical treatments.
Pretty much the only ones with the positive net worth are the rich or the old people. Everyone else is deeply in red.

>> No.9471274

>How didn't I hear of this

Because your numbers are fucked? China's forecast GDP is in the $13T range, while US is around $19T... And China has more than 4x the population... So per capita china is 1/6 as rich. And that's if you ignore the fact chinese GDP is inflated and huge portion of the chinese economy is mostly due to US companies anyway.

>> No.9471345


Lmao. You are counting the mortgage as debt, but not equity in the house? Any total student debt is about $1t, so the "average" person has like $3 in debt, not $37,000. Maybe the average college STUDENT has more. The vast majority of people in the US have 0 student debt. And even with the cars, a minority of people actually own their car, most don't even have a car or lease. And only a portion of those that own are actually underwater in their car loan.

If you look up actual figures, the AVERAGE wealth in the US is +$300,000 per person, the medium is much lower of course, but still around +$50,000.

>> No.9471452

>Pretty much the only ones with the positive net worth are the rich or the old people. Everyone else is deeply in red.
fuck, thanks mom and dad. i am truly blessed to have a cybersec degree and no debt...

>> No.9471474
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>> No.9471703

>You are counting the mortgage as debt, but not equity in the house?
Exactly, because mortgage is a loan and works exactly as a loan. The house doesn't belong to you until you pay it off completely and the house itself is the collateral.

>so the "average" person has like $3 in debt, not $37,000
$37,000 is the official government statistics. Every single number comes from the official sources, feel free to google.

>> No.9471912


The semantics about who "owns" the house when you have mortgage doesn't matter. A house is essentially a leveraged investment. Not counting the equity in a house as part of someones net worth because they might have a mortgage is like not counting someone's stocks in a brokerage account because they also have a margin account.