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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 11 KB, 725x319, bitmex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9465402 No.9465402 [Reply] [Original]

I'm just sitting here laughing my ass off looking at these bart formations. So many of you leverage traders are getting absolutely rekt back to wagecucking lately.

This is what market manipulation looks like boys - and get ready for months and months of it until (((they))) get regulated and can't pull this shit anymore.

>> No.9465545
File: 386 KB, 614x613, 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stares at a chart and laughs
Time for a break don't you think ?

>> No.9465565

Been taking a break since early January.

>> No.9465579

There's more Barts than at a Simpson convention, this is ridic

>> No.9465612

And watching big sells / buys on the other exchanges, it's not even fun.. 2 days ago it was 3700 BTC being bought and sold in single orders, like clockwork every time it spiked. next day the number was 2800 but same shit.

Someone is having a lot of fun going high lev on bitmex and then dumping huge bags on normie-exchanges

>> No.9465690

Were having the same discussion in


if you guys are interested.

>> No.9466170

The only people getting rekt are idiots using high leverage. You'll be fine if you use 1-10x leverage.

>> No.9466307

This. I threw .5 eth i had lying around a while back and nearly doubled it by not being pants on head retarded.

>> No.9466404

Rather see these exchanges just not be allowed to offer leveraged trading. Making money off trading fees isn't enough for those mega faggots though.

>> No.9466597

nothing wrong with using a little leverage anon.
retard tier x50-x100 is fucking killing the market and causing these barts tho