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9458470 No.9458470 [Reply] [Original]


Here you go fren

>> No.9458494

He's talking about Chain's Link SDK, not Chainlink. Completely different project.

>> No.9458500


>no result

dont fall for this pnd pajeet

>> No.9458509

>being this retarded

>> No.9458512


nah OP's right. that dude work's at microsoft. he's just not talking about Chainlink.

>> No.9458535

control f


no result, not related to link

>> No.9458541

whats he talking about then anon?

>> No.9458545

>Technical Overview of the chainlink Test net Implementation
>not talking about chainlink

>> No.9458550

Please delete this and stop embarrassing you're celf.

>> No.9458553

Come Stop being retarded, These guys are obv. fudding like hell and you believe them?

>> No.9458555
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>thinking he's not talking about chainlink

ITT pic

>> No.9458579

I don't understand coding enough to understand the process. i'm assuming the GUI that is in pivotal tracker will take care of these processes when mainnet launches?

>> No.9458580

It's near

>> No.9458586


>> No.9458591

doesn't look like anything to me

>> No.9458595

Stop fudding this isn't chain link

>> No.9458602

Stop shitting your celf

>> No.9458608
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Cryplets = Chain = Chain's Link product, not Chainlink. Christ you Linkies are so desperate for news you'll believe anything is about you won't you.

>> No.9458625

absolute nonsense

>the state of this fud

>> No.9458638
File: 101 KB, 643x476, Screen Shot 2018-05-15 at 7.22.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


orly? Cryplets are confirmed to be running on Chain, not Chainlink.

>> No.9458661
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the article is about chainlink that's all that matters
The nonsense is you talking about cryplets, not the subject at all

>“ When the node initially deposits LINK to a matching contract, they establish an “available deposit”. The available deposit is held by the matching contract,
but is available to be withdrawn by the oracle whenever they desire. When an oracle makes an offer on an SLA request and is selected, the amount of LINK required by the SLA is moved by the matching contract out of the available deposit and designated for the SLA deposit.At the end of the SLA, the LINK deposited that was not penalized is moved back into the available deposit, as well as the LINK received for services.”


>> No.9458669

1,327 commits
17 contributors

Now, I believe we are really gonna make it. Will double my stack this week. This shit has already done really well without any marketing.

>> No.9458681

This is a pretty decent overview. It's neat that there's a Microsoft employee doing this, but if you look him up you'll see that he's a very recent employee. Definitely not a bad thing and may be a hint at the holy Microsoft partnership we talk about but nothing is confirmed obviously.

It's a good write up that covers the scope of what is currently possible on the test network. This includes the following:
>ChainLink node details, the application node operators will be running to launch a node on LINK network which then connects to the Ethereum blockchain to be ready to accept smart contracts
>Given that LINK is first going to run on Ethereum's blockchain he goes into how Ethereum smart contracts will need to be written to interact with and get off-chain data using the LINK network. He covers things like the payment of LINK tokens for requesting off-chain data.

I would encourage anyone who wants to learn some details about how the LINK network will function to read through this. I think even without a programming background it shouldn't be too hard to understand the concepts.

>> No.9458690


its not. I already said, its Chain's Link. Two different projects. I know its confusing for a brainlet but you should really try to keep up.

>> No.9458702

Nazarov was killed in russia two months ago

>> No.9458707

>Technical Overview of the Chainlink Testnet Implementation

>Chainlink attempts to bridge off chain data to on chain smart contracts through a decentralized oracle.

>A little while back I got interested in how Chainlink works. This is what I found out.

He's not talking ajout Chainlink at all you're right. Keep making up Chain's Links, ChainzLink's Chain'slin'ks or whatever, you fud is shit

>> No.9458708

This fud is horrible, you had enough Time to accumumate, you can't fud this Medium Post.

>> No.9458711

Oh it's the real astro

>> No.9458732


um could you not

>> No.9458779

> Therefore, requesting smart contracts must be funded by Link tokens.
We all on the same page on this one right? The contract must be paid with Linkies if there's a need to pay gas costs for whatever, then that can be sent too but the contract itself needs linkies. How many linkies and all that we still don't know.

>> No.9458799


This is about Chainz not LINK.

>> No.9458806

>How many linkies and all that we still don't know.
the amount of link tokens paid will be set by/bid on by the contract creator/node operators.

>> No.9458821

He's been there for 2 and a half years wtf you talking about? Before that he was at Lockhead..

>> No.9458831

As in he only graduated about 2 years ago. Just saying that he's not the guy heading up Bletchley or anything. Just trying to be more grounded and critical of what information is available to us.

>> No.9458910
File: 255 KB, 450x450, 4860052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's stop beating around the bush and ask him questions on r/LINKTRADER (No official moderation from SC.com team)

We would like to find out:

1) If there is any talk about Chainlink at his workplace in Microsoft?
2) What he thinks about the chances of widespread adoption?
3) How far away does he think mainnet is?

I would ask but i'm a pussy

>> No.9458913

Yes, but the order of magnitude of LINK for nodes and contracts still seems like a big question mark.

>> No.9458936

>(No official moderation from SC.com team)
Just moderation from bagholders that are much less prone to free discussion

>> No.9458938


This, this is a very nice writeup if you have basic programming knowledge and are familiar with what the team is working on. Thanks aleksy.

That said, this has nothing to do with the chainlink network that is using the tokens. Quit being so fucking desperate

>> No.9458950


this. his github repo has LINK and REQ... and that's it. this dude is a low level engineer just fucking around with side projects. Linktards get too excited about this shit but have clearly never worked as a developer.

>> No.9458951

>The missing link(pun intended) is currently the staking/matching contract which will drive the process of how oracle nodes are matched with requesting smart contracts. This is currently not in the public repo.

Does this imply they've done some work on it in a private repo?

>> No.9458953

the market will decide I guess...

>> No.9458963

exactly, don't be a nob faggot. he has no idea about any of those questions.

>> No.9458965

We're gonna make it, holy shit. Link fud btfo forever

>> No.9458972

How rich do you think running a node will make us?

>> No.9458981

This isn’t about ChainLink it’s about ChinkLock

Buy Mobius PLEASE. Your life is will be changing! Do be avoiding Sergey. He very, very stupid evil man!

>> No.9458984

>some rando who works as a low level dev makes medium article
>linkies think its partnership with microsoft
is this peak bagholder delusion

>> No.9458995
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>> No.9459001

who are you even talking to? nobody knows.

less shitposts, more discussing the technical overview that we were so gratefully given

>> No.9459011

He can just respond or not respond. Either are telling and we get more info. Stop being a pussy and ask him

>> No.9459024

the singularity is one step closer

>> No.9459040

Well, if any of you fags bother to read the article, its definitely chainlink (dont fall for some retarded FUD), but he never mentions microsoft or any real life application. Seems he is just interested in it.

>> No.9459052

i sent him a friendly pm on reddit, everyone calm down. will post results

>> No.9459055
File: 2.04 MB, 1920x1080, dont die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh its not microsoft its micro's soft.

>> No.9459066

he wouldnt be writing a medium piece about LINK if there wasnt substantial interest in it from microsoft'd end. this is probably the most bullish thing to happen LINk wise in all of 2018. major development.

>> No.9459072



I owe you an apology, the fucking faggots on link trader have taken it down. Spastics

>> No.9459085

just sold 100k. its clear to me that aleksy is working on chain/cryptlets.. anyone who doesnt see this is a deluded fool.

>> No.9459089

Nah, it's the opposite for me desu.

He basically says it is for his own personal interest. That's why I would like him to answer a few questions to get clarification on his involvement.

Then we can dump this shitcoin before the Californians wake up.

>> No.9459090
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Yes, this is actually the biggest news from the post. It means that they've already been working on the staking/matching for some time in private, which is supposed to be one of the most difficult aspects of the project.

Everyone who's been predicting mainnet release being six months or more out just got btfo. This points to mainnet being ready sooner rather than later.

>> No.9459096


oh shit you're right anon, I missed that. great catch! dubs confirm.

>> No.9459118


ya that's actually dankarino news. I was starting to sweat it seeing how much shit is still in the icebox on Pivotal and yet not seeing any mention of the reputation system.

>> No.9459126

People can do what they want in their freetime. If you work at mcdonalds and shill bazingacoin, that doesnt mean mcdonalds has substantial interest in bazingacoin.

>> No.9459134

>He basically says it is for his own personal interest.
if he was being sincere about that, why write an article about it for public consumption? doesnt make sense. what's most likely going on is that this is some sort of "signal" to persons unknown about the project. everything's smoke and mirrors with LINK.

>> No.9459138

We have concluded this for the past week. Have you seen my image above from Steve's GitHub about private repositories?

After I posted it on here, he changed his settings and made it disappear.

All these fucking devs lurk. Hodges and Steve for sure.

Sorry Steve!

>> No.9459148

old news, steve ellis has heaps of commits to private repos on github.

>> No.9459154

If there was a connection, then why write an article about it for public consumption? Now that doesnt make sense.
If its a personal interest he has every reason to write a medium article about it. Medium is pretty much a blog site dude..

>> No.9459172

I'm laughing so fucking hard

>> No.9459174

The one thing I noticed is that he does seem to have a large audience going by the number of 'claps' he received.

When I checked he had 89 claps within the first hour of being posted on reddit where he only had a few upvotes.

That suggests to me that he maybe posted it somewhere else with a lot of interest.

Unless claps can be influenced by bots idk.

>> No.9459183

isnt this his only article on medium? if that's correct, then that's weird in itself. LINK is like some esoteric mystery religion. fuck.

>> No.9459185


so? private repo != reputation system. lots of developers hack on random private repos for various side projects or shared configs. hell, private repos are a great way to keep bash profiles in sync between machines so that alone could easily account for half of those commits.

its one thing to hear there's a separate repo, and then go see commits to a private repo to confirm that information. seeing commits to a private repo and connecting that dot to a separate repo for the reputation system that we've had no confirmation exists is a massive reach.

>> No.9459188

1) Yes/No/haven't heard -> NDA. If he knows anything cool or important he probably can't tell us.
2) Not his competence
3) Guesswork. There are new tasks up for grabs on pivotaltracker all day and it will be ready when it's ready.

> After getting the necessary info from the Callback data structure, the data is sent to the requesting smart contract! This is how requests are fulfilled!
> How are jobs stuck in pending confirmations state re-started?
This is bolded, I don't know if it's a super smart way to do it or a horrible one or it's supposed to be an illuminating moment or what.

>> No.9459202

none of the faucet stuff is in public repositories and we know they're making progress on that, so that's all that is.

>> No.9459210


Ctrl + F 'aklintsevich'. He is a Chainlink developer and also a Microsoft Cryptlet developer

>> No.9459211

it's been posted on every chainlink community online. There's a lot of bagholder out there including 4k on slack, and another 12k on the reddit subforums.

>> No.9459217

But now you can't see that he has been working on private repos.

Doesn't that suggest to you that he doesn't want us knowing that he is working there? Why wouldn't he want us knowing?

And why would this change be made within an hour of me posting the picture on biz?

>> No.9459228

No, we only know he's part of the Azure team and have no evidence he's actually part of cryptlets or even project bletchley.

>> No.9459232

It was surely Ropsten and Parser.

>> No.9459235


>This is bolded, I don't know if it's a super smart way to do it or a horrible one or it's supposed to be an illuminating moment or what.

ya I'm a developer and I'm not really sure what's up with that. Is he excited? about callbacks?

the only thing I can think of is that callbacks are a super common pattern for developers, so maybe by highlighting this is how data is processed its supposed to be like "yo, this shit's easy! you barely have to learn a thing!". maybe? idunno. definitely a strange choice.

>> No.9459254

We could ask him?

>> No.9459274

it's not a great leap in the dark to think it's likely that an MS azure dev who writes articles on chainlink would also have a finger in the the cryplet pie? not saying it's 100%, but i'd say it's a pretty good bet.

>> No.9459287


Yes, I saw that, but this is a public admission. It was a while ago that Sergey mentioned during that presentation he helped with cryptlets. Before that people would have been able to conclude he had worked on the project given that he owned the domains, but him announcing it cuts out all the ambiguity and residual incredulity. Straight from the horse's mouth.

>> No.9459298

Could we ask him?

>> No.9459319


Don't ask him. They're likely trying to keep the two projects separate for a reason. We've already got the connection through Sergey anyways, no need to stir the pot.

>> No.9459330
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>> No.9459340

>unironically fudding this
If you're not on the rocketship at this point might as well just kys

>> No.9459355
File: 1.31 MB, 1125x2436, 14365699-D441-4585-8FA7-D3719E18D3B1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess y’all gonna want me to delete this. Look who wrote the fucking article!

>> No.9459381

We know about this for ages. Get your shit up to speed, anon.

>> No.9459382

Lol newfag, everyone know who he is

>> No.9459393

we knew, but thanks anyway

>> No.9459405

>doubles his 1k stack
>still doesn't make it

>> No.9459415

Ask #3

>> No.9459419

My bad guess since I’ve been holding presibos and knowing im going to make it I missed a few details along the way

>> No.9459420


>> No.9459467


>> No.9459473

Not everyone can be 24/7 on biz, fren

>> No.9459608

Bumping this to make fudders sweat

>> No.9459771


>> No.9459779

let them fud. if anyone has any doubts about the fundamentals of this project at this point, it's their own fault if they aren't on board.

>> No.9459791


$1,000 EOY baby!

>> No.9459988

Jason Parser
We are all in this together
It's happening tonight

>no result

Not related to LINK

>> No.9460066

This is the funniest way to shill this coin lmao
>8 months later price is still 50 cents

>> No.9460091


ya $1000 EOY is the best FUD. deluded linkies will go on believing it right up to the final second of the year, only to finally feel defeated when its still 50 cents kek

>> No.9460106


>> No.9460132

Kys faggot. It's the real Chainlink.

>> No.9460139 [DELETED] 

Go fuck yourself

>> No.9460158

>absolute state of biz
The guy's talking about Chain's (https://chain.com/)) Link project, Chain has a partnership with Microsoft, and is no way related to ChainLink. Keep shilling your shit-tier project tho

>> No.9460184

It's just a pity that we get a really nice update like this and the thread is swarmed by attention seeking retards. Not even posting memes or entertaining fud, just absolute brainlet screaming, nonsense and ancient fud. Fucking sucks.

>> No.9460185

Im dead

>> No.9460214

What is happening in this thread

>> No.9460248

if you don't know by now that network traffic and token staking will determine the token price then you are literally mentally retarded. go invest in some vaporware pnd's

>> No.9460251

>What is happening in this thread
A microsoft dev wrote a comprehensive technical introduction to chainlink. Larpers and datadash retards flooded the thread looking for attention. Thread is kill.

>> No.9460260

Yeah you are right, thats Why he posted it on ChainLinks reddit
Just kys already

>> No.9460267

senpai, why the fuck the price is still below ICO then ?

>> No.9460272

This thread has now been hijacked by the astro team

>> No.9460290

Guys just letting you know, aleksey is the leader of Delphi. Just want you guys to Know that. Also, my hormones are going well, developing boobs, anyone want to see this tranny put sharpies in my pooper?

>> No.9460300

Because staking has not begun yet.

>> No.9460376

Very bullish.
Also the "dashboard for node operator" keeps creeping up on pivotaltracker

>> No.9460399
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>> No.9460514
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>He's talking about Chain's Link SDK, not Chainlink.

>> No.9460580

it means nothing except that a single Microsoft developer is interested in Chainlink as a side project... If they are under NDA this dev would know that, and he wouldnt risk posting any article about chainlink... think about that.... wouldnt that break their NDA ?

>> No.9460619

no because it's already public knowledge that he is involved the the project and his post didn't reveal any partnerships, thus NDA not broken

>> No.9460666

If you can't even post a trip fuck off retard

>> No.9460694

Having your own Chainlink node will pretty much be considered the ultimate status symbol in the coming decades. It'll be the way to tell everyone that you've made it.

>> No.9460738

Hi Astro

>> No.9460766 [DELETED] 


>> No.9460818

Lol. The Author has 3 followers. Those bags must be heavy for someone to Larp this up. Make me sick you indian fucks.

>> No.9460960

Fake trip. Not really him

>> No.9461020


>> No.9461023
File: 38 KB, 585x329, jump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the absolute state of this fud
I thought you Wall Street types were supposed to be smart. Why can't you make believable FUD?

>> No.9461155

gtfo faggot
>fking brainlets cant even see this article is about another project

>> No.9461345

Shut up Astro

>> No.9461646

"The missing link(pun intended) is currently the staking/matching contract which will drive the process of how oracle nodes are matched with requesting smart contracts. This is currently not in the public repo."

Obvious as day Steve has been working on this in a private repo...not to mention the anon that noticed Steve had a bunch of commits on a private repo last week.

>> No.9461764

Do you have a link to this thread? I can't recall this.

>> No.9461813

here >>9458995

>> No.9461825

>Microsoft engineer writes a blog post about project
>price tanks


>> No.9461937

I am awake!

>> No.9461945

leap after leap

>> No.9461954


dump commencing.... now

>> No.9461978

No, he wrote about Chain.com, not Link, stinky linkie

>> No.9461993


Thank you /biz/ for finding ChainLink.

>> No.9462017

>this level of delusion

>> No.9462312

advanced bait

>> No.9462461

So Chain's Link has in implemented testnet? Is that what you're saying?

>> No.9462498

as well as end to end GUI even retards will be able to stake we are going to have our hands held through this!

>> No.9462597
File: 27 KB, 223x225, IMG_0559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repeat after me:
I am rich.
I am wealthy.

>> No.9462599

>The missing link(pun intended) is currently the staking/matching contract which will drive the process of how oracle nodes are matched with requesting smart contracts. This is currently not in the public repo. Steve, on Gitter, described the staking/matching contract to work like this:

Looks like we know what those private repos commit's Steve hid the other day after being posted here... This is exciting. Was thinking they were farther behind.

>> No.9462761
File: 66 KB, 644x500, 1514337071020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yay i love stake. medium well please sir

>> No.9462789

>14 posts in this thread
>Micro's soft is using Chain's Link
>Absolute nonsense
Just give up faggot

>> No.9462832

>medium well
Fucking degenerate

>> No.9463060
File: 6 KB, 240x193, asdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"A little while back I got interested in how Chainlink works. This is what I found out."

I'm sorry but Cryplets is not using Chainlink

>> No.9463180

scumshit crook bill gates said he hates bitcoin, why the fuck do you think microdick is going to do crypto? microsoft is being phased out right now, they will drop more as individuals continue leaving blue screen hell windows for better os. Msft is dead

>> No.9463624

faggot did you read the blog ?
he says he learnt about Chainlink just a while back, even though he's in the cryplets team for more than 3 years now
> stinky linkie btfo

>> No.9463808


>> No.9464511

They are fussing, the medium post is LITERALLY taking explicitly about chainlink functionality.

>> No.9464526

Go suck a dick, I will spread this post to reddit. I don't give a fuck delphi

>> No.9464545

>1 post

>> No.9464706

Capped Astro, glad you finally admitted your own nature. And heads up, there's a fake trip fag using your name.

>> No.9464740

>chain's link

>> No.9464814 [DELETED] 

it's talking about CHAIN not Chainlink.
How hard is that for you retards to understand?

>> No.9465004

ask #3 only