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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 21 KB, 600x600, Trying_to_find_a_nice_hentai_that_1__aab1ef76edd2b62f9455f1e2eb8d18d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9457615 No.9457615[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>New girl at work
>dismiss her as a roastie to begin with because she's beautiful as hell
>turns out she's a fucking band geek
>loves reading
>browses tumblr for the lolcows
>is very traditional and modest

I need to request shifts where I am not with her, I can't be falling for a coworker. How the fuck do I remain professional?

>> No.9457620

Dont pee where you eat.

>> No.9457647

Why not? What kind of a job do you have? If she's wife material it would be stupid not to try.

>> No.9457654

I fucking live by that. I don't dip my pen in company ink.

But this girl is making it difficult.

>> No.9457665

>What kind of a job do you have?

The kind of job I can't afford to lose.

>> No.9457668

Kek you could just date and if it works out then look for an other department or job

>> No.9457694
File: 156 KB, 982x1024, IMG_0392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is getting plowed by Chad as we speak, if you are not a 8/10 it's over.

>> No.9457696

hello op my name is simranjot i tell you my frien do not poo in loo

>> No.9457757

I severely doubt it, but I have been disappointed before.

>> No.9457858

I went to that school USC for a semester. Dropped out because I was in the art school.

>> No.9457867
File: 10 KB, 274x274, 1524667145662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browses tumblr for the lolcows
>browses trumblr


>> No.9457940



>> No.9457995

That shit where you eat stuff is gay as fuck, at least try and fuck her faggot.

>> No.9458033

she's a predator posing as a house pet, I guarantee it. This is like a new meme for women these days. They are adapting.

>> No.9458061

Fight ON!

>> No.9458064

red flag indeed anon. dont be a cuck

>> No.9458068

Wtf is a lolcow?

>> No.9458135

What are you 13 with a crush?

>> No.9458355

An eternal source of lulz. Like CwC

>> No.9458373

She browses tumblr to look at porn. She's dtf

>> No.9458374

Kek. Funnily enough, that's how I saw my now-fiancée. Extremely hot, extremely outgoing and a bubbling, fighter's personality. I couldn't imagine her not being railed by half the football team. Turns out she is extremely conservative and was actually a virgin. Feels good man.

Don't pump and dump, but if she's legit, you might as well go for it.

>> No.9458392

Why should you stay professional ? She sounds delicious

>> No.9458432

Also, when the fuck are you supposed to meet and bond with the love of your life if you work 12 hours a day (incl. commute)?

>> No.9458439

>Things that cucks believe

>> No.9458467

>you work 12 hours a day (incl. commute)?
What the fuck.
But I agree on principle. There's nothing wrong with meeting people you end up close with at work.

>> No.9458507

wish i had the social skills to talk and have fun with qt's at work
I am bland, ... not nervous honestly
Just don't know what to talk about, i have become really boring.

Pls help me anon

>> No.9458561

why are you attracted to a girl with teenage interests? what are you, 20?

>> No.9458583

What are the things that interest you anon ?

>> No.9458598

my nigga

>> No.9458624

unironically... degenerate things like drugs
In free time i hike once in a while with my buddy, or go out to eat... and chill

At home, i'm either trading charts , shitposting, or on youtube

O yea... all the while doing heavy stimulants daily. No quitting drugs doesn't help, i'm still a social recluse when it comes to girls i don't know.

>> No.9458642

25, she's 21.

>> No.9458772

this this this.
last gf was exactly like ops description.
turns out she was a mega whore before who cheated on me in the end

>> No.9458795


:P only if you're beta enough to get used.

>> No.9458800

drugs are only degenerate mode if you sit there and consciously abuse them to the point where you're negatively impacting your mental and phyiscal health. Which is sounds like you're doing.

>> No.9458954

She sounds perfect. If she’s really the way you describe her, she would only be interested in a perfect guy. Why do you think that would be you? Just hit on her and she will probably turn you down and problem solved. Every man she met was also trying, and she turned them all down.

>> No.9459013

>turn down opportunity of a lifetime to get to know a decent woman
>because of your loyalty to a fucking soulless corporation
you dont deserve to breed, retard

>> No.9459030

this lol

>> No.9459192

You're chasing women. Stop focusing on women. Focus on improving yourself. Become a better man. Find out what that even means - most people have no idea what it means to be good. Achieve greatness, and women will find you.

>> No.9459214

A person who can be trolled easily to farm their lulzy reactions. On tumblr, I assume this means the rabbid feminists.

>> No.9459221
File: 28 KB, 480x480, im really laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>allowing people to tell you to not fall in love with someone just because she's a co-worker

>> No.9459227

>Waaaaahhh I am falling for some vapid wet hole. Help meh /biz/
Grow a pair and stop being such a fucking faggot. If you can't live without putting your tiny peepee into some whore then you should just end your life right now.

>> No.9459257

You need to jerk off when you get to work in the bathroom or even in your car before you step foot in the office. If you're full of cum you stand no chance jerking off will solve that.

>> No.9459698

This. Don't be a slave

>> No.9460543

>bang hotcoworker
>accumulate 100k LINK
>get fired for fraternizing with colleague
>sell LINK for $100 wot
>marry excolleague with prenup.
>literally solve the making it and wife problem simultaneously

>> No.9460607

>browses tumblr


>> No.9460839

bandgeek, lolcows. the only reason shes into these things is because a guy she fucked in the past introduced them to her

>> No.9461173
