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9452826 No.9452826 [Reply] [Original]

>buying at ATL
>holding at the ATH
>selling at the ATL

>> No.9452845
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worst feel ever man

>> No.9452857

literally barting yourself

>> No.9452874

What coins OP? I haven't sold anything yet

>> No.9452886

I know that feeling man. I'll buy low, watch it go 15% or so, and come back down; only to sell below my buy in point.

>> No.9453024

this is why hodl is a meme and why taking profits is always key

>> No.9453067

The problem is that the whole market moves in sync. Even if you take profit, you're likely to invest it in another coin/project, and whenever the market crumbles, you'll get justed even if you bought that new coin during a relative dip, since everything always ends up inflated equally. The only way to prevent this is to take profit and keep it in a stable coin or cash out to fiat, but for those of us who don't have huge portfolios, freezing a good part of our investment seems counterproductive. We stand to lose a bit less, but we lose all opportunity to make a lot more.

>> No.9453073
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>> No.9453118

>buy ATH
>dont sell at new ATH
>hold bellow buy price


>> No.9453138

I thought I had learned my lesson about not trying to catch falling knives, so I've been only buying coins that had been trading sideways and found good support, and still, inevitably, each time I buy they rise 1-2% during that day, then tank 10% in a few seconds and stay there for weeks on end before ever moving back up.

>> No.9453247

just stack up those satoshis

>> No.9453283
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We need to talk about your greed problem and how it's hurting you

>> No.9453830

What is a good profit percentage to take profits at?

>> No.9453909

mine too please. I get fomo'd the fuck out and don't take profits because I'm afraid of that one day where it just keeps going up and doesn't stop

>> No.9453915

no one will give u a straight answer because no one will know the direction the market is moving.

you need to set goals and stratgies for when u are happy with the profit you obained. my dad cashes out everytime he makes 100$ it does not matter if it goes to 2000$ the next day he made his money and is happy