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945256 No.945256 [Reply] [Original]

Are temp agencies worth it?

I just graduated college with a useless BA, with no plans to go to grad school. I wanna work in the entertainment industry, so for now I just want entry level office work at any entertainment company. They said they "bill the client" and that I don't have to pay anything.

>> No.945494

Your dreams are stupid.

>> No.945498

>Are temp agencies worth it?

I went to a temp agency once, had to fill out a bunch of paperwork and watch some dumb ass videos about safety then answer questions.

After sitting and looking at the people who were in there and hearing them talk I left the paperwork and went home. FUCK that shit, for absolute degenerates and subhumans.

>> No.946450

Ha. I had this exact expericance when I was in college and looking for a summer job.

Then a slightly better one after graduating when I was having trouble finding a job. They did get me a job offer but I turned in down, having decided I could get that company to hire mw directly for a better job.

>worth it
Eh. Depends. It will be a shit job. They will crow about how it's "temp to hire" but that's only true maybe half the time.

In the mean time you get billed out and the temp agency is taking a cut of what the employer pays for your work. So basically kek work.

But if you need something, they are usually always hiring