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9450540 No.9450540 [Reply] [Original]

BCH added smart contract functionality yesterday

Bictoin Cash will replace ETH in the next month. Buy some BCH right now and gain at least 9000% in the next 4 weeks!!!


>> No.9450561
File: 55 KB, 310x165, FBD59E7F-140D-4961-9F8A-952B1E9B41D5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9450608

kek its probably implemented even worse than eth. why would anyone even bother using it?

>> No.9450822
File: 110 KB, 600x405, smart-contract-600x405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smart contracts are the future of assets transactions

This is an industry with a market cap of 250 trillion USD

>> No.9450842

I just fell in love

>> No.9450851

very good

>> No.9450866


>> No.9450875

Global gdp is only 78 trillion. Where is the money coming from

>> No.9450877
File: 363 KB, 1200x1800, HANNAH-MURRAY-at-Dark-Shadows-Premiere-in-London-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ethereum will be nothing but a minor sidechain of BCH by 2020, screenshot this

>> No.9450904

>Bitcoin CASH
>smart contracts
I swear to god sometimes you cashies have more cognitive dissonance than feminist white males

>> No.9450925
File: 828 KB, 564x701, SKY19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9451082

Developer adoption takes time and effort. There are still cobol developers. Also, it's not clear that these contracts are a better development environment.

>> No.9451142

at Satoshis vision conference one of the lead devs said smart contracts and coloured coins were not going to happen anytime in the near future because bch in its current state cannot do it

>> No.9451174

It didn't. Adding smart contracts into bch would turn it into a poor man's version of ethereum. It's not going to happen.

>> No.9451410

here is the sauce

>> No.9451443


>> No.9451601

>nChain would work towards tweaking bitcoin cash so that it can help solve any existing payment issues.

cashies btfo right here... they whine and cry all day about blockstream while this nChain is warping tf out of their chain exponentially into the abortion that it truly is.

>> No.9451612

LMAO OP. cashies have been insisting on a flippening "ON THE 15TH" "ON THE 15TH""ON THE 15TH""ON THE 15TH""ON THE 15TH" in hundreds of fucking paid bcash shill threads for fucking weeks.
>nothing happens
>bch crashing against bitcoin btc
>cashie shifts goalpoasts YET AGAIN
fucking pathetic OP. fucking pathetic.
>bcash suicide watch

>> No.9451640
File: 475 KB, 1200x805, yelling+.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I hate crypto. all these great projects and nothing but sideway sideways sideways minor dump every week. FUCK THIS SHIT GIVE ME THE BULL RUN OR I'M GONNA FLIP

>> No.9451719

>New Framework Updates: in order to minimize/prevent issues pertaining to BCH and legacy chain, developers have recommended the implementation of an all “new BCH address format”.

they just keep fucking with it.

large kek.

>> No.9451739

blockstream doesn't patent troll either
nchain does

>> No.9451903

Insider tip
Bcash will be hacked soon because they lack the technical expertise to implement any complex upgrades safely
Cap this

>> No.9451945


The difference being Blockstream was funded to kill Bitcoin, not develop it. Nchain seeks to develop it.

Craig Wright said he has more money than the entire Zimbabwean economy like 5 days ago, guess who Satoshi is and guess who's funding nChain.

>> No.9452051


>> No.9452111

Craig wright is not Satoshi
all evidence points to him being a fraud
and Satoshi would never ever put patents on an open source project

>> No.9452329

name please

>> No.9452400


Of course he's obfuscating the issue, he'd be liable for a hefty tax bill. Not to mention a lot more kidnapping attempts.

>> No.9452480

he has edited and back dated posts on his personal blog to make it look like he's Satoshi
he's full of shit
also Satoshi would never patent open source projects...

>> No.9452552



You don't think he's literally that stupid do you? It was entirely deliberate. Holy fuck you are a brainlet.

>> No.9452609

Trips confirm, fake satoshi btfo

>> No.9452759

duur he's just pretending to be a fake!