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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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945011 No.945011 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/ business noobie here been following business and world news since I was a teenager ( now am 20 ) and lived through the dot com bubble of 2000/2001 and the Great Recession and stock market crash of 2008/2009. I know a little bit about the basics of stock markets and business principles and a little bit about how economics and finance and the politics and business of it. Can some of you who are experienced in economics and finance explain to me as simply as you can and in depth and detailed how economics and business works? How does the stock market work? What causes it to go up and down and what is it driven by? How does money work and what controls the global economy and all its tweets and teaKs? What causes economic booms and long periods of prosperity and what causes stock markets to crash and economics to tank and go under and periods of turmoil and the economy to fall in a ditch? I'm currently going To college for international business and studies and want to go into some kind of business or enterprise one day and be a very successful businessman. Please /biz/ help me understand the basics of economics and business and how stock markets and financial systems like banks and the fed and housing markets work and operate, I know I could easily Google a lot of this but I want a different output and to understand it from a different point of view and what you guys think and understand about it all? Thank /biz/ and let's learn about and make some money!!!

>> No.945030

Step 1: Accept you don't know shit about anything, because you don't.
Step 2: Study everything on the subject from accredited sources.
Step 3: Apply what you learned and gain real-world experience.

After you fail step 3 and realize you didn't actually put effort into studying, go back to step 2.

>> No.945032
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ECON101 kiddo

>> No.945206

I'm serious guys... Can u guys please explain to me the basics of economics and world finance and how stock markets and money run and operate...

>> No.945222
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You are now 20 and lived through the .com bubble in 2001? So what were your insights as a 5/6 yrs old? pls share, elaborate...

>> No.945261

I remember it vaguely and I hear stories about it and know people who know people who have ether made a lot of money or lost money from it...

PLEASEEE /biz/ I really want to be rich and be a billionaire or at least make top 1% income...
The stock market is always going through its 8 or 9 year cycle but in the long run and big picture wise it's always moving forwards and going up and I really want to be rich.... Please /biz/ help me out here how can I do business or go to college and get a job so that I can be rich...

>> No.945267

You wont learn anything begging for information, except beggars dont hit it big. Anything you want to know can be learned from lurking MOAR. Your questions are vague and therefore unanswerable. Refine your thoughts and ask concise in depth questions. The markets, and the economy work with money, checks and balances to be exact... there are you glad you took the time to come up with an insightful question?

>> No.945271

I just really want to be rich, whether it's starting a business or learning to invest wisely and carefully or being a banker or lawyer I just want to be rich and be in the top 0.1% - 1% for income and net worth in the world lol it'll make me happy and give me peace of mind and I'm willing to do whatever it takes legally and give up whatever physically and emotionally and use whatever time and resources it takes to get rich...

>> No.945282

kek, go to college or read a book faggot

>> No.945283
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Oh wow. People who knew people....

Well I remember it precisely. I was 20 yrs old, working as a cash equity trader on the desk of a Swiss private bank. We never had as much order flow as back then. They were mainly sell orders, initiated by the credit department resulting from margin calls. It was a bloodbath. Noone who witnessed this refers to it as "remebering it vaguely".

And then there's you.

Wanting to get rich is not a carreer path. Get a job, learn the basics, build your network. If you are smart and/or lucky enough, you will disrupt whatever industry your in. You will work long and hard, bust your balls and maybe, someday you will realize you've become rich. But you will then see it as a side effect, as a collateral damage to the effort you put in your hard work.

But that's a long way. To begin with - get a job.

>> No.945288

No one cares idiot

>> No.945290

I've noticed this a lot too.
The ones who are most obsessed about "just getting rich :^)" tend to do the worst.

I work in tech and it's very clear who is trying to get a paycheck and who has a passion for technology.
The ones who are passionate do universally better, jobwise and with finances.

These kids have to understand, almost everyone wants to be rich, so shut the fuck up and do what's necessary. Work your dick off.
Get the best degree you can, be extremely aggressive with internships. Be frugal, save your money, stack into index funds and other diverse investments.
If you are a capable person and do all the above I promise anyone that they can be a millionaire (in the US)

The funny part is that many of these people think that money equates to happiness. I can promise ANYONE, first hand, that beyond 100k salary will NOT provide any more happiness.
Plenty of rich people are miserable, I've worked at an investment bank and saw it everyday. Many of you are very mistaken and a smaller fraction of that will soon discover so.

>> No.945296

well it all starts when a company makes shares and sell them to the public, the share prices are determined by the company as it represents a % value of the business, the shares increase in value or decrease in value when the company's assets increase or the company faces losses. usually they decide to pay dividends to shareholders at each end of a financial year. also, you can look at a company's statement of retained earning and income statement to determine if they're in a good shape or are loosing, you want to look for an increase in retained earnings at each year end.

>> No.945300

You can start with Khan Academy.

>> No.945303

You smart. I like.

And OP, read this post. Do it. LIVE IT.

>> No.945310

This was the post where I knew for sure you were trolling. You actually got a few people angry. Nice one.