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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9447368 No.9447368 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>be 27 year old ugly beta loser nofriends autist with no friends or social experiences since school, no female attention ever, have never been to a pub, club, or party
>wake up at 11 am
>clean my room (no existential benefits)
>go to gym
>binged yesterday so went jogging as well
>hot and sunny day in London
>Staceys everywhere, which is demoralising as fuck
>go to work, spend less than 30 minutes there, leave
>eat my first healthy meal at home for the first time in maybe 2 to 3 weeks
>go outside to feel sad about life
>go to Kensington
>walk through Kensington High Street and see the wagecucks scurrying out of their jobs
>expensive as fuck houses everywhere, see two Ferraris and multiple Bentleys
>go to Holland Park and see young people enjoying the sun
>walk through Notting Hill gate and see rich, attractive people enjoying life
>now drinking coffee
>tfw don't have the motivation to do anything productive at home- I am lazy and I feel cucked by everything I do
>tfw when I get a job that requires me to do actual work from 9 to 5 my life will be over

I have been procrastinating the start of my "real life of hard work on important stuff" for 3 years. My main hobby for the past 3 years has been walking or driving around outside, feeling sad about life, drinking coffee, and hoping that my 20s spontaneously stop feeling wasted. I can't bear to work hard at home due to laziness, loneliness, seeing everything as work, feeling bitter because everyone else gets everything handed to them, and a docility cultivated within formal education- I have never put significant focused effort in to anything outside of formal education or work- I am a prime example of a consumercuck.

>> No.9448094


>> No.9448211

You seem to be a little lost fren, here, let me help you
You can go to /adv/ for an autist advice
You can go to /r9k/
Or you can go and fucking kill yourself because noone gives a fuck about you

Buy link

>> No.9448293

>be me
>24 years old
>actual third world
>One bedroom apartment
>haven't had electricity in 2months
>room smells shitty because of heat
>no fridge
>eat rice and chicken water everyday
>refresh my freelance page for new jobs
>No luck, try again tomorrow
>eat rice and chicken water
>go to sleep
>can't sleep
>mosquitoe everywhere
>eventually sleep for 2 hours and wake up with slight fever.

I dont know how I still have the will to live but something keeps me going, I smile everyday but I'm dead inside.