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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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9446083 No.9446083 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine beeing a normie in a consumer society.

Buying useless shit the whole time, cause why not?

Scrolling through Amazon, clicking pages, searching for gems at alibaba wasting hours to find stuff you never wanted, but bought anyway, cause why not?

Lets do some math, imagine a normie of that kind watches x - products in y - hours and buys z products per month
Imagine he would watch x+50% products in y hours.
> The outcome of this is a higher z value.

Imagine he would watch x products in y-50% hours.
> The outcome of this is a higher z value.

Imagine he would watch x products in y hours and z would be preselected by his preferencs.
> The outcome of this is a higher z value.

Now lets have a look at this gem, calling Wysker.
> Its a shopping app which makes x higher and y lower, therfore z higher.

Would be pretty cool, as a retailer, to make x fit your preferecences, right?
Would be pretty cool, as a normie, to get money to share your preferences with advertisers, right?
Would be pretty cool, as a normie, to even get paid to share preferences, right?
Would be pretty cool, as a normie, to get discounts for products which fits your preferences, right?
Would be pretty cool, as an advertiser, to pay a normie, to buy his stuff instead buying stuff from a competitor, right?

Now imagine beeing yourself.
Holding WYS token which is the key or the chain which holds all this connections together.

Would be pretty cool, to profit from this circle, right?

Buy Wysker, idiots.

> We are IDEX now.
> iOS approved, thats allready fucking rare in cryptotown
> soon 2.0 to be released with gamification to make normies even more addicted.
> volume slowly picking up on IDEX, soon its too late
> want lambo? buy wysker

>> No.9446137

Enough shilling let it drop so I can accumulate ffs

>> No.9446140

No. Imagine being a retail company and using this consumer data for god tier ad placement. Marketing is the biggest company expense.

>> No.9446232

Apple itself is gonna fucking shill it on the appstore. This is not gold, it's diamond

>> No.9446238
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The memes with this coin just dont stop getting better, this is propably the number one reason I have confidence in this shit

>> No.9446253


>> No.9446279

you should have already accumulated this.

>> No.9446314
File: 641 KB, 954x541, hardcorememe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're trash, what are you talking about? They would hire me for 40k per year if they really wanted to make an impact.

>> No.9446325
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>> No.9446358
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>> No.9446538
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Kek knows when he sees sth sexy

>> No.9446685
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>> No.9447622

Imagine how the japanese people will like it. I think they will be the biggest user's

>> No.9447666
File: 33 KB, 500x301, 126e0bp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wys will be well over a dollar before the end of the year, screencap this. I've never been more certain of something

>> No.9447715

I might have to start fudding, want to accumulate a little more.

But yea WYS and MTC are the best low cap coins.

>> No.9447765

Satan confirm

>> No.9447813
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>> No.9447858


>> No.9448016
File: 185 KB, 897x1280, FE605E46-3FCF-4034-A641-CD0FA42980A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today they leaked some first footage of Wysker 2.0

See this little vid: https://mobile.twitter.com/CryptosBatman/status/996374390773309440/video/1

>> No.9448082

Pajeet shill discord group dumping their ICO bags at biztards suspectible to propaganda induced FOMO. Stay away or loose your shekels.

>> No.9448110

You'd have to be a fool to buy into this, only moments before that missile blows this coins to smithereens.

>> No.9448262
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>> No.9448324
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Kek can‘t look through the sheer brilliance of Wysker

>> No.9448461
File: 9 KB, 400x400, CatBox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring 'em, we'll buy those cheap coins.

>> No.9448489

I bought 2500 wyskers at 70K just for the memes. If this shit coin goes to $10 I could live comfy 2-3 years without working.

>> No.9448523
File: 78 KB, 1080x713, 5D38CEC6-3015-4E5E-A846-5CC4914EA222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Then congrats anon!

>> No.9448525


Step your FUD game, holmes. I've got bags to fill.

>> No.9448566


When? Where did you hear this?

>> No.9448595

It's in the 2.0 announcement message, a hint at least.


>> No.9448616

What is mtc?

>> No.9448619

Meme game is honestly pretty stronk.

They might not have to put anything into marketing if we keep this up.

>> No.9448802
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Such comfort

>> No.9448935
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Thanks for the shilling, I just sold the rest of my WYS at +50%. I’ll buy back in with my whole stack if you ever shut the hell up and let the price drop.

Working product kek. Everything outside of crypto has a damn working product. Ooh boy a new way of shopping on the Apple store, it’s a revolution!

Not buying high, period. We’re in the middle of alt season and I’m not getting stuck with bags while other stuff is mooning. Enjoy your bags, biz bros.

>> No.9449095

Did the same. Dumped my ICO bags at a 2x when the pajeets started shilling this thing like crazy over here. Already made solid gains elsewhere with the funds.

>> No.9449136

>Working product kek. Everything outside of crypto has a damn working product.

That's the point dude. Notice how you had to add on "outside". If ideas can get to top 20, imagine where this is going.

Nonetheless, grats on your gains. When we get 10x from here, hope (truly) you're keeping up and are still happy with your choices. Missed opportunities are never fun, been there done that.

>> No.9449201


Pretty sure everyone here is shitting in a toilet. I mean... I am.

>> No.9449290

Everyday at work I shill Wysker from the work toilets. It's my way of sticking it to the wagecucking lifestyle.

>> No.9449369

Wysker is targeted for narcissistic normies who post selfies on instagram and snapchat.
Not the average /biz/tard who pirates everything and doesn't spend a dime on self-improvement.

>> No.9449399

Non say

>> No.9449565


Thanks for dumping as this provides liquidity.

>> No.9449576
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Buy Wisker sir

>> No.9449644
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Spooky post AF

>> No.9449690

I don't like the app, I think it's a shitty ass way to buy products, why do you think it's better?

>> No.9449960
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thx satan bought 100k

>> No.9450074
File: 121 KB, 500x500, WyskerBeach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, when I know I want a pair of shoes, shorts are a shirt I tend to go to a store online and scroll through various products, quickly sorting out things at first glance and stopping only for those things I like.

I practically already shop with Wysker.

What it adds to this for me is that instead of seeing one store, I see all of them, and real quickly and efficiently. Lets me find stuff to my liking much better.

>> No.9450093


>> No.9450277

exactly, that is a huge reason to buy it you brainlet