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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 520 KB, 758x534, 1515573406217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9442041 No.9442041 [Reply] [Original]

Google Trends confirms ##NO ONE## is looking up crypto anymore.

Market cap reflects that ##NO NEW MONEY## is coming into crypto whatsoever.

Consensus brought no changes in this.

Continued bear market is 100% chance of happening till we reached 3K BTC.

>> No.9442060

time to accumulate

>> No.9442063


we only need the rich to buy our bags, not the normies

the search trends will turn the next time we breach ath

>> No.9442080

Google numbers are manipulated

>> No.9442113

Google trends lagging indicator

>> No.9442119
File: 46 KB, 1160x619, Screen Shot 2018-05-15 at 10.05.00 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They might not be looking up crypto, but they've never been more interested in oracles as they are now. that first spike is September 2017 btw. sound familiar?

>> No.9442121

>trusting google

>> No.9442130

yep the march to sub 1k resumes lads
gg crypto its over

>> No.9442133

Look at me !
We are the Google now !

>> No.9442138

>Trusts Google

Kys normie

>> No.9442147

arent you a trap?

>> No.9442198
File: 423 KB, 640x1136, 210F8A00-E07E-4759-AA64-A3A8BD941ACC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9442451

Quality shitposts, truth is price is still dropping like a stone every day. Bear market till June 2019.

>> No.9442480

Kill yourself

>> No.9442584

1. This is to be expected. The latter half of 2017 was a speculation-filled bubble where you had tons of new money flowing in from uninterested, uninformed "normies" who knew nothing of the technology and were only chasing the ridiculous gains that BTC was posting every day. When the bubble popped in December/January, all of those people lost a lot of money considering most of them bought in between $10-19k. It makes sense and it's to be expected that a lot of these people won't be back for a while. It is why we have already suffered through a multi-month bear market. A lot of normies got burned, and it will take a while to get that to come back.

2. This guy
is correct. If you're one of these December babies, kicking yourself for missing the initial bull run and not buying in when BTC was under $100, you're getting your second bite at the apple right now. If you don't buy in now and you miss the next bullrun, you will only have yourself to thank, and I will enjoy your pink wojaks when BTC is back at $20k

>> No.9442615

are you me?
thank you for knowing what the fuck your talking about its so rare here

>> No.9442691

not true. my mom just bought bitcorns for the first yesterday from a gentleman named Syid Ashkeen. she immediately put it in her purse and is HODLing for dear life.

>> No.9442848


Everyday there is another article how big institutions, like GS/JPM join crypto, yet you care about google searches of the general public.
One big investment firm, will bring more money to the market than the thousands of hairdressers we had joining before xmas combined.

>> No.9442900

Fucking namefag

>> No.9443239


you need some other trend line to reference it

it's going to have to be nearly as obscure a search term otherwise the term will be flattened at zero

>> No.9443252


you are both retarded

>> No.9443358

>gives no reason why he is correct

>> No.9443421

I had a dream Saturday night. That this dip may go to around 8400 but that will be the cheapest anyone will be able to buy bitcoin again. Probably just a dream but I’m gonna buy son and hold this shit till it hits 80k EOY unless chain link gets their shit together before then. Ill trust my subconscious over my conscious state any day.

>> No.9443533
File: 775 KB, 787x841, 1523099953647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuties :3

>> No.9443534

Last time I made 20% on FUN trade thanks to someone in my dream telling me to buy this shit. Don't underestimate the power of dreaming, my fren

>> No.9443567

post pic or you're a faggot larper.

>> No.9444646

Yea it was pretty vivid. If it turns out to be true I may make a post about it.

>> No.9444668

>muh constantly irrational bearish attitude

It's like you don't even believe in any of this

>> No.9445300

What is your personal projection for EOY should we actually see another bull run in that time frame?

>> No.9445542

thanks just shorted 100k with 10x leverage liquidation 9700 wish me luck

>> No.9445729

Are you actually retarded

>> No.9445819


>> No.9446034

Can you elaborate or provide any rationale for that figure?

>> No.9446373

>provide rationale for crypto price prediction
Absolute state