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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9439367 No.9439367 [Reply] [Original]

>he needs more than 2 hours of sleep
You will never even come close to making it.

>> No.9439377

A..a..a..r u human anon?

>> No.9439390

not gonna make it past 40

>> No.9439414
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>tfw sleep for 12 hours and still tired

>> No.9439462

>not giving your brain - the only organ you need to make it - the necessary sleep it requires.
Never gonna make it

>> No.9439467

lucky bastard

>> No.9439592

modafinil my dudes

>> No.9439607

same, what the fuck is wrong with us

>> No.9439609

literally waiting for mine. first time trying it, so excited.

>> No.9439611

i spend 5 minutes a day repositioning my trades and probably have returns better than 90% of anons who spend 12 hours a day staring at their dumb charts, pretending the patterns mean anything

>> No.9440067

hello anon, make sure to have lots of water and stay hydrated for maximum enjoyment

>> No.9440089

You've just become used to having 12 hours, you will be able to reduce the amount if you need to.

>> No.9440096

I can only take it a few times a week without getting headaches at the end of day.

>> No.9440120

Not according to that doctor on joe rogan. You fucked nigga. Enjoy your alzheimers at 60.

>> No.9440136

I sleep in intervals

>> No.9440203

How did you get them?

>> No.9441097

sleep less; oversleeping makes you tired
also, go see a chiropractor or an osteopath—or both

>> No.9441105

I need 9 hours and a cup of coffee every morning

>> No.9441123

enjoy the heart attack at 40

>> No.9441149

Enjoy your permanent tear troughs OP. I'd also say enjoy losing your gains but lord knows none of the retards on this board work out.

>> No.9441230

Speaking from experience, you'll relate to the guy in the video, eventually :(


>> No.9441298

just slept for 11 hours and still yawning and feeling tired, this is a fucking joke

>> No.9441445


Anything below 7 hours and you're killing yourself/doing irreversible brain damage. Have fun with Alzheimer's before 60, dumbass.

>> No.9441467


Where to get some that isn't ordering from fucking India?

>> No.9441480

hop onto modafinil

>> No.9441773


>> No.9441819
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You'll be getting Alzheimer's with that amount of sleep each night.

>> No.9441872

Stack it with magnesium and Choline, should be able to do a full 5 day cycle. Take the weekends off.

>> No.9441964

i literally can't sleep more than 7 hours max and it's typically between 5-6. how the fuck do i stay asleep longer?

>> No.9441978

t. 33 and am noticeably much dumber from 25 years of this shit

>> No.9441992

7 hours is the optimal amount of sleep for average adults in their twenties or above. extra sleep will tire you out

>> No.9442037

enjoy your weakened immune system and chronic illnesses.

>/6hours/ masterrace here

>> No.9442731

Modafinil is not what you need. Armodafinil lasts longer (like 12h long) so you can pull overtime for days.

Amphetamine is more fun though.

>> No.9442763

Also melatonin is a strong antioxidant, a sleep aide and it increases sleep efficiency. Very good supplement.

It generally makes you fall sleep faster but you may find you require 30m-1h less sleep time.

>> No.9442827

Buy adrafinil.