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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 107 KB, 550x550, equality-for-all-550x550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9437770 No.9437770 [Reply] [Original]

Hey my fellow /biz/ians! Mikkel here. I just hopped on over from reddit. I was doing a discussion over there on /r/cryptocurrency that didn't seem to get as many upvotes as I wanted and I thought I could ask it here! I am currently planning a pretty sizeable protest and have a ton of signatures that I'm going to send politicians by next month, but I just wanted to spread the word and also gauge everyone's thoughts since I love maintaining an open and free-thinking space.

I was wondering what all of you thought about how skewed crypto and crypto trading is today and what we can do in a society to make it more fair for other genders and races. It seems that right now we have a serious problem with crypto. The huge hairy claws of the white male patriarchy has taken root and planted its neo-conservative seed. One of the ideas I am proposing was to impose regulations similar to ones required from employers. I think all ICOs need at least 50% women and a sizable amount of POC in order to be allowed to be trade-able in the US (I'm from Vancouver, but I'm sure once the US adopts this, it will move to other countries).

Please discuss. Does anyone have any other ideas? I would love to share them with my group. We have a lot more planned too so if you would like to join us then let me know! Unfortunately, we are based in Vancouver, but if you would like to sit in on one of our chill sessions, we can totally set up a facetime for you. We are also organizing pump and dump groups so we can have majority holding in a lot of cryptos (We're sorry, we know it's illegal, but it's the only way to restore equality. It's for a really good cause!). We've been super successful so far. We believe we hold majorities in the Request Network coin as well as the Holochain coin (we even have some friends working there too which is so exciting!). I would love a rational discussion on this serious problem. Love you all!

>> No.9437779
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pic related

its you

>> No.9437790


Fuck off SJW cunt.

>> No.9437800
File: 26 KB, 481x222, Basic bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9437802

I didn't read your post but I saw you used the name Mikkel in your bullshit, and I think you got it from the show Dark, which is a good show btw
However, please refrain from living any longer.

>> No.9437813
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>> No.9437815
File: 31 KB, 625x626, bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

>> No.9437820

Trying too hard w the bait

>> No.9437840
File: 162 KB, 614x384, hbb30agq056x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh poor roasties/niggers/faggots

>> No.9437846

I'm not sure what this means. Is it a meme?
It's gender neutral. My beautiful mothers named me it so I could keep my name if I thought I wasn't born the right gender. I never had to, but I am so thankful they loved me enough to give me that decision. <3
Not sure what the bait is, friend. I'm not trolling. Look at every group out there: it's all cis white men. You don't think something should be done about this?! Where are the women?! I haven't seen one black man yet.

>> No.9437867

Aww, good for you OP

>> No.9437914

People like you deserve to spend the rest of your life living in some African shithole.

>> No.9437915

Honestly though OP I will level with you, why did you choose to take the time to write alllllllll that text?
You could've taken out the third paragraph (which I still haven't read yet) and gotten the same number of (You)s, if not more

>> No.9437927
File: 64 KB, 495x297, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit bait faggot.

Also there is only 2 genders.

Also fuck Canada. Jordan Peterson is your only saviour.

Go tidy your room.

>> No.9437938

Edit: I forgot to capitalize "Black", sorry. Is there a way to edit comments on here? I tried the triangle thing but it didn't have it.

Thanks friend! They are so special to me. Happily together for 25 years. Growing up with two women in my life has really taught me a lot about the incredible potential of strong female leaders. As a male, I think I've only grown stronger :)

I also thought a good idea was to give tax breaks to people who diversified. Oh! and start teaching women-exclusive classes on crypto. Thoughts?

>> No.9437961

Oh! Well I wanted to welcome people to join our group. Just wanted to stay inclusive to everyone.

Careful what you say, Africa is quickly catching up to the rest of the world. Maybe someday you'll be begging to get a visa there.

>> No.9437967

You should 100% kill yourself even if this thread is ironic.

>> No.9437985

Canada will be like Africa soon. May as well start shitting in the streets of Vancouver too.

>> No.9437991

you are welcome to have your beliefs but please do not try and shill that pc nonsense here. the affirmative action rubbish will face a backlash sooner rather than later equally so the forced woman agenda. if a woman or ethnic is any good they will rise anyway and shame on them that ride this bullshit pc affirmative action crap. water finds its own level and by pushing this shit you alienate normal guys with no agenda trying to make it who are discriminated against precisely because of the shit you and governments are peddling.

>> No.9437992

This is unintelligent bait

>> No.9438006

I think it's the government's job to educate the POCs and Women about how important crypto is and to put money into bitcoins. A good start would be for the government to seize 10% of all POC and Female wealth and invest that into bitcoin.

>> No.9438008

>the white male patriarchy
I thought most of all new coins mined/generated/created are coming out of asia.

>> No.9438010

Suicide is serious, friend. My friend was suicidal once. We had to really work to get her better.

All love here, friend. It's funny, if you say there's only two genders, then what would you call my friend Summer? She's such a beautiful, brave and smart woman!

If you mean diversity-wise then I hope so! There's so many different people in Africa, it's such a beautiful continent. I spent a couple years over there helping out.

Can we get back to the discussion guys? Lets start hearing some positive feedback!

>> No.9438014

I support this

>> No.9438021

>My friend was suicidal once. We had to really work to get her better.
Who cares, should have told her to do a flip.

>> No.9438033

Can you poop in my butt and then i squeeze it back out and then we go back and forth until the butt butter gets creamier and creamier and the gspot stimulation causes us both to have full body orgasms and then we lay there touching each other licking up the cream and gazing into the sunset while endorphins wash upon our sweet body and we buy holochain. Thanks.

>> No.9438044

As a gay POC I greatly appreciate someone doing something to rectify the inequality we see in the bit coin market these days. I just started trading and learning about the different types of bit coin and everywhere I go to research all I can see are white faces.

>> No.9438054

Helping out by shitting on the streets.

Your baiting too hard. Almost had me fooled until summer tranny fuck was mentioned.

>> No.9438055

Haha, we told her to do many flips when we took her a trampoline park! She's so much better now and loving life, friend!

Hmm, I think that would be counter-productive. But, how bout if we switched it up and took money from the richest crypto traders in the US and redistribute them to POC and other genders? I think that might get them really into crypto and they could even choose what coin they wanted!

>> No.9438065

>bit coin
Strong bait

>> No.9438071

That’s because woman and mentally damaged trannies can’t trade, work in technology or invest well.

Tbf their should be a law banning the above from crypto all together.

>> No.9438085

Cryptocurrency is a meritocracy, if your kind is underrepresented, it's because they deserve to be.

>> No.9438089

your friend sumner is a fag and you should both kill yourselves

>> No.9438097

Hi can you please kiss me on the mouth and do asmr until I go to tingle heavan and y bended man pussy cock shivers in anticipation of your sawtooth oak and glistens in the moonlight while i sing a bach bouurre thinking about the old country and my fair maiden and the milking cow that we left behind to come to this country while my parents are still in southern eastonia and i am very cold right now please get a blanket while the woman walking forward towards the git shop at gate B52 looks at me and wonders why I am sitting by myself. Why, hello there mad'am, how can I help you today? Oh, you would like me to show you how to go to Frankfurt? excellent. Please follow the yellow arrows until you reach baggage claim and then speak with an associate agent. Apologies for the delay.

>> No.9438102

That's just because they haven't been given the chance. If all were treated equally by the institution we would see women and the people you call mentally damaged rise to the top where they belong.

>> No.9438110

you should kill yourself too

>> No.9438114

I knoooow, it's ridiculous, isn't it!?!?! Would you like to join our pump and dump group? We are done collecting with the Request Network coin and still collecting Holochain. We have some people on the inside too that help us out :) Our plan is to redistribute it all. We use donation money mostly.

I don't believe that for a second. Cis white people have said that same about most things in finance but everyone can see the directive is slowly changing to promote equality for all.

>> No.9438119

he's trolling you fucking idiot

>> No.9438142

Please don't say that. Just this last year one of my closest friends took xer life due to oppression like this.

>> No.9438149

No troll here, friend. This is a serious discussion. Unfortunately it wasn't as popular on Reddit as I wanted it to be (not enough upvotes to reach the front page). Already discussed it on my Tumblr. Now I'm moving over to 4chan! I know you guys can be a little alt-right but I see the good in everyone! I truly believe people can change. It's in my mantra :)

>> No.9438158

Of course I would love to! This will be very different than the pump and dumps I am used to living in San Francisco!

>> No.9438172
File: 35 KB, 300x268, _2017_EqualityMarch_icon-300x268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I just realized I can post pics on comments too! Cool!

>> No.9438173

this is a /pol/ psy op, dont fall for it friends, op is conditioning you to dislike sjws

>> No.9438181
File: 62 KB, 1600x1080, _love-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I want that?! The world NEEDS social justice, especially in these trying times!

>> No.9438203

>We are also organizing pump and dump groups so we can have majority holding in a lot of cryptos
>We've been super successful so far.
>We believe we hold majorities in the Request Network coin as well as the Holochain coin
>(we even have some friends working there too which is so exciting!)
Thanks for the heads up. I will absolutely steer clear of these shitcoins

>> No.9438218
File: 149 KB, 800x800, _brochure-flyer-paper-poster-art-doodle-drawing-emblem-envelope-greetin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, maybe I can ask you people this: Is there a coin out that is for helping third world countries? I would love to support that! Maybe I can get the government to put money on it? I would have to check out the team, but that could totally be better than Ethereum!

>> No.9438268
File: 25 KB, 520x346, _12593011_f520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! Please support it! It's for a good cause. We wont mass-sell on you. We plan to just give all our profits to inner cities, and gender and womens help groups once they become more successful. If you invest in them, you'll invest in a greater cause! I think Holochain is abbreviated "HOLO" and Request Network is "REQ".

>> No.9438285

again for anyone scrolling this is a /pol/ psy op, do not feed it

>> No.9438291

yo I'm a roastie nigger faggot and I am offended

>> No.9438331
File: 91 KB, 626x626, _cute-background-of-happy-drink-and-donut-characters_23-2147631781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry friends, I'm really trying to reply to everyone, it's just so hard!

I really disagree with that. Unfortunately not everyone has had as easy of a time in N.America as the white man has. We need a sort of affirmative action in order to rebalance power and allow for a more diverse and equal society. I think cis white men just need to get used to it because I really don't think it should or will ever change. This is also coming from a cis white man myself so I definitely know our kind can and will adjust :)

As a side note, I just LOVE how you can post pictures on here! It makes my posts so much cuter! I wish Reddit had this <3<3<3

>> No.9438376
File: 149 KB, 640x631, 1501473091073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way rosties will get my money is if they suck my knob till i cum.

>> No.9438392
File: 523 KB, 1200x1800, GFBingo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you haven't figured out yet,
This is a /pol/ psyop you guys, don't mind it

>> No.9438396
File: 42 KB, 450x450, _1494085820_norbert-therapy-dog-cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that another 4chan thing? I just came here because that's what they pointed to on Reddit. Does this have subreddits like Reddit does? I'm still really new to this. Should I start a discussion over there too?

Um, that's called prostitution and thats really not cool, friend. Pimps horribly abuse women who are only trying to get by.

>> No.9438409
File: 7 KB, 199x253, _images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I found it. It's at the bottom of the page.

>> No.9438456
File: 482 KB, 890x600, _kawaii_cute_wallpaper____by_aleksakura-d5jdcn2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just visited that place. I don't like it at all. Is that what people mean when they talk about 4chan? This place is way better. I feel a lot more love and room to discuss here.

Can we get back on topic though guys? There were some interesting things brought up. Also, I liked the discussion from the aqua guy. Are there any other non-hetero or non-cis or non-white people here that would like to contribute? YOUR OPINION MATTERS HERE <3 It's safe.

>> No.9438503

Just sage it

>> No.9438527

Maybe we could impose a tax on white men? So women and nig- I mean African-Americans don't pay anything, meanwhile white men pay a 75% tax on their earnings which we use to finance education programmes as well as handouts for minorities wanting to get started.

As a white male (sorry) I would completely support this.

>> No.9438617
File: 6 KB, 310x163, _download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've got some of my fellow collaborators - Miri and Cleo - here so they can help answer any questions about our group. Miri oversees our lgbtq protest group activities, I know that aqua guy might have some questions. They're also both women so they can maybe put a perspective on how they deal with inequality every day. Just ask us a question :)

I also need to make an edit: Cleo said our pump and dump group is done collecting the holochain coins and has moved to collecting stellar coins. I think it has an abbreviation "XLM". Anyway, sorry to keep talking about it, we have a pretty strong group - it's about 75 people (of all races and genders). We encourage newcomers and have a ton of fun - there's free wine at our meetings too which always makes it funner haha! If you are white cis male you can totally join but you need to at least have the right mindset!

>> No.9438703
File: 33 KB, 630x630, _1934968_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think 1% is just fine (maybe). Probably more as their earnings increase. I mostly just think it should be white men in power. I think they should have a lot more taxed from them.

Also, I feel like I should correct you on using the n word. I know you were making a goof, but it's still incredibly inappropriate and hurts people. Also, we use the term "Black" now. It provides a wider description of the race and doesn't limit it to one country. Also, the term Black should be something to take pride in.

>> No.9438723
File: 86 KB, 500x500, _sage-on-alter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does sage mean?

>> No.9439181

>equality for all
>=forcing everybody to like things they dont like

>> No.9439321


>> No.9439748

is negro okay?

>> No.9440086

we already have niggercoin and some prostitution coins also gaycoin or whatever

>> No.9440105

look it up in the FAQs new friend

>> No.9440115

hello there new buddy

>> No.9440164
File: 71 KB, 1024x768, 1521284115676m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely true, friend OP

>> No.9440246

Nice larp.
The thing is anyway, in general women and blacks are not cut out for the markets, they are either too hysterical or dumb or most cases both. Things go south they scream and panic and end up living money. It's not some endless gravy train, you will lose money quicker than make it, so why do you want all them bitches and niggers to go broke? It would mean less shoes and less fried chicken respectively

>> No.9440480

btfo cuckles