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9432535 No.9432535 [Reply] [Original]


>Hyperledger Booth
>Come visit us in the Hyperledger booth (#315), snag a copy of the new Smart Contracts whitepaper, and grab some Hyperledger swag!

Did any LINKmarines on the ground at Consensus 2018 manage to get a copy of the Hyperledger Smart Contracts whitepaper?

We need to dissect this thing.

>> No.9432642

I doubt anyone here has the money to go to consensus. 3k a ticket, no /biz/man in sight.

>> No.9432699


there was someone in a thread last night who was there and streaming it. i told him to get a copy and he said he'd try but i haven't heard anything else

>> No.9432700

Beg one of the arkies to go get a copy. Didn't they get invited?

>> No.9432741


ya i saw a post the other day with ark logos plastered all over everything

>> No.9432803

Actually, is it this?


>> No.9432870

Oh, no, nevermind, this is an old whitepaper.

>> No.9433582


>> No.9433628


>ctrl f chainlink

nothing, as per usual

>> No.9433682

Furthermore, there was a rumour about the "Chaincode" mentioned in that white paper being related to chainlink, but that's just the name of the protocol that Hyperledger uses to write their smart contracts

>> No.9433703

All of the anons who got in on eth and ans can't afford a $3k ticket? I could if I was in NYC

>> No.9433705










>> No.9433725

too long, didn't read, what do you want me to say

>> No.9433757

Your reply says everything.