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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9432147 No.9432147 [Reply] [Original]

Just went all in

How retarded am I / How fucking chad am I

>> No.9432159

You'll probably see some good returns

>> No.9432173

just bought 10 neo when i saw it dip outta nowhere, feels pretty strong.

>> No.9432194

This neo dip is easy money, only a retard would think otherwise

>> No.9432199

you're fucked

>> No.9432220

I'm the one who's been fudding with the DApp meta and github stubs. You did good. After yesterday's formal agreement with ONT, NEO is playing out exactly like I thought. It's almost done faking it till it makes it and will begin blowing everyone's cocks off soon.

>> No.9432231

I have an insider at an exchange, and NEO will be listed on a big exchange probably Thursday. So you'll probably see some good short term gains.

>> No.9432235

good for you

will be $1200 EOY

>> No.9432240

Not a bad pick
Dont count out Factom

>> No.9432251

I bought because I know a bithumb listing is just a matter of when

This thread is too positive right now though biz you are worrying me

>> No.9432258


you'll make 50% a year for the next 3 years, and grind your teeth while other low cap coins 50x

>> No.9432271

>buys the one coin nobody is talking about
you're probably ok

>> No.9432274

>buying a coin that already had a fucking colossal price increase and isn't worth holding unless you were an early buyer and are using it to get GAS
Great job OP you'll probably get a solid 100% increase in the next eight months!

>> No.9432283

You will see great returns. Good move.

>> No.9432311

Don't be worried. Enjoy your gains anon.

>> No.9432388

you're buying off pajeets who bought this shitcoin at 10 cents

>> No.9432432
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>Don't buy btc for $200, you're buying it off pajeets who bought at $1

>> No.9432493

This nigger tier thinking is what keeps you poor

>> No.9432549

please explain for a brainlet on what the fuck your talking about?, whats agreement and faking it till it makes it?

>> No.9432559

Not all in on the other cube. I'd say pretty retarded.

>> No.9432605

Like this chink shitcoin can ever reach BTC market cap lmfao

>> No.9432734

ONT and NEO completed a formal declaration that they are collaborating and that ONT is sticking to the tighter scope. There was a worry that ONT was going to end up being an airdropped NEO to escape securities regulation and that we were looking at a very long value transfer and exodus of development and DApps. NEO is now derisked in this regard.

For faking it till it makes it, NEO has been fucking the dog code-wise. All the git activity is around sorting out things that Bittrex was complaining about and stabilizing NEO so it doesn't choke on ICOs. Fuck all has been done on Smart Economy functionality. But. Da Hongfei has been dealing to get Smart Economy functions developed by pushing them out to DApps and leaving the NEO github empty. It made NEO look dead.

Instead, everything is happening and NEO is pushing government and industry adoption of the DApps that will pay it backward. This is faking it till NEO makes it and they are close to being done. The talent wasn't top tier, but the leadership is and they're smart enough to get it right eventually and put bounties out to crowdsource things.

NEO is starting to win amd is going to have a leg up on the competition when regulations drop. China is doing that in 2019-2020 by the way. The year NEO os supposed to be #1 blockchain and coincidently NEO's founder is working with the Chinese government to make those regulations.

It's all good.

>> No.9432760

It can reach a couple hundred billion. BTC will be way higher by then. NEO is about accumulating so it can shit out a 4% payout for claiming GAS.

>> No.9432783

How do u get free GAS when holding NEO?

>> No.9432871
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I also bought to help fill in my NEX allocations

This fucking guy right here... this fucking exchange is going to let me retire by next year.

>> No.9432929

You did good. Anyone that fuds neo is a fucking retard. NEO will be 1k+ by eoy and in the top 5.

>> No.9432980

very insightful post, learned a lot from that, cheers

>> No.9433007

Pretty much. And NEX will make NeoX happen while it does that. So right after the fiat gateway comes online, there will start being interoperable DApps and chains that people sink liquidity into. Picking up a piece of that through NEX os a no brainer.

>> No.9433047

True. People who won the NEX lottery are fucking lucky.

>> No.9433079

It's reasonable to say things like this about low cap coins not something that's number 11 on CMC lmfao

>> No.9433104
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im still annoyed theres pajeets who singed up for like 10 accounts and got it to by $50 worth while im sitting with 60 neo ready to throw in

>> No.9433105

I know it isn't the same, but it's a stupid argument that something wont keep going up because it already went up

Anyways, I'm playing with a significant enough amount of money that I need blue chip cryptos. I did my low cap shitcoin pump time. Now it is just time to be comfy with lower risk.

>> No.9433125

20 NEO and 3000 LINK


>> No.9433471
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You will make it

>> No.9433792
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you sound like you know your shit, anon.

do you trade based on fundamentals only?

>> No.9433904
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>> No.9434179

I only have enough fiat for 15 neo.. WHY!!! WHY WAS I BORN POOR AND IN A 3RD WORLD SHITHOLE OF A COUNTRY.

Look at these light bags ASTT3Z9sPEWNmFauLRsaVU24xftaG8uTw4

>> No.9434222

Fucking truth.

>> No.9434238

>Implying bitcoin isn't the king of chink shitcoins.

>> No.9434309

Don't fall for the NEX meme. Switch to Switcheo!

>> No.9434359
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Switcheo's only use is going to be to list NEX

>> No.9434913

I do most of my stack on fundamentals and ~5% for moonshots. Fundamentals aren't easy in crypto though. I find myself watching interviews, reading github and referencing articles to piece together the meta of a coin. I only use charts to see if the coin goes out of sync with BTC and the news around it when it does. The fundamentals are very different from stocks.

BTW, NEO is at about 1/2 it's ATH in BTC terms and tends to go bull in the tailwind of the market. It's overdue at this point if it gets a good excuse like a tier 1 exchange listing.

>> No.9435016

NEO going to get btfo by VEN

>> No.9435122
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>> No.9435186
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>> No.9435236



I got 215,000 of these shits

See you on the moon nigger

>> No.9435255

>i own it so it will succeed
great argument

>> No.9435311
File: 357 KB, 1200x1200, louis-xvi-9386943-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N-nEX is yet another chink scam as are all the others, how you idiots keeping falling for is hilarious but anyway anyone else feeling a little sleepy?, i reckon we should all have a quick nap.

>> No.9435323

/r/ing that NEO logo with the impossibruh chink embedded in it

>> No.9435429

The dev team for NEX is European. It's a bone thrown to CoZ devs to pay them off for quitting their day jobs to solve atomic swaps and cross-chain consensus in NEO. Switcheo is great too. A guy I respect runs with the team in Vancouver. He's told me enough about their shop to make me unsurprised that it's working. I'm actually surprised the talent on it hasn't hopped the border to set up in the Valley.

>> No.9435555
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Just use the free GAS from NEO from the past 6 months to buy 10ETH worth of FLIX pre-ICO sale.

I’m going to be rich.

>> No.9435565
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Where are my Chad trio anons?

>> No.9435576

Cruel world.
How would you allocate $150k in crypto if you were a relatively wealthy American?

>> No.9435929

40% btc, 40% NEO, 15% normie accepted shitcoins, 5% obscure low cap possible moons

>> No.9436625

with this one there's nothing to be afraid of

>> No.9436651

most of those guys sold at 13 cents maximum

>> No.9436935

Top 1% holder here. Im literally going to retire on these fucking ants

>> No.9436952

You're lucky.

>> No.9437292

I've got enough Neo to pump out about 1 gas per month. Feels comfy enough.

>> No.9437338

154 neo here. I don’t think I’m going to make it.

>> No.9437343

This will unironically make it

>> No.9437366

Recently I dumped 75% of my stack. The gas production is a joke and I can't see neo competing with eth/eos/icx

>> No.9437399

Neo has a great future, and some of the projects in its ecosystem are very promising. It's not at a stage where it's likely to do anything crazy like double in price in a day (not impossible, just very unlikely), but it won't disappear anytime soon either and should continue to grow.

>5% obscure low cap possible moons
QLC Chain <3

>> No.9437435

Know anything about when it will be released into the wild.

>> No.9437548

1 neo = 1 Beach house