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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9426549 No.9426549 [Reply] [Original]

Why the actual fuck do you hate money?

>> No.9426601

wtf is this shit doing here

>> No.9426621

crypto one stop shitcoin

>> No.9426729

lolol I sold my stack of 15k last week after the fiat fiasco started.
I might actually buy back in in the next few weeks when it goes down to 15cents

>> No.9426898

crypto one JUST solution

>> No.9426912

this shit is never going up again unless they get volume. api bots might help bring it up to 30 cents but that's about it, i think

>> No.9426977

Once volume increases it will obviously be worth 50x current value but the question is when this will occur

>> No.9426990

>release your revshare token before your API so instead of getting paid by building a great exchange you get paid by attracting greater fools
>no API, no volume, no revshare
>fools wise up
The COSS story.

>> No.9426994

I think it can hit a couple buck by the end of the year. I don't think this will ever be a good investment by crypto standards, but I view it as relatively safe. Good place to park some cash if you have extra that you don't want to risk on anything sketchy

>> No.9427047

If you want 10$ a token the exchange will need 150million in volume per day. I don't ever see that happening, way to much competition that aren't high school project tier

>> No.9427057

im sorry but you're an idiot. there is no reason for people to use coss. maybe if youre singaporean corporation but thats about it, and thats when all the api shit is done. coss is literally worse on every point. remember coss wont be out of beta until next year.

>> No.9427188

Coss has been my biggest mistake

>> No.9427194

I'm actually not an idiot. Anyway I'm negative on coss as well, just not deluded..
You have to be a moron not to see the obvious scenario where this can hit 1-2$ in a years time. Not far fetched.

>> No.9427227

As if high schoolers would make something this bad. I used to hold a ton of this. They just keep messing up.

>> No.9427389

this, lost so much money on this shit but at least i learnt some things

tell me why anyone should use coss over literally any other exchange, now or a year from now. its worse than a hundred exchanges.

>> No.9427415

someone said the romanian development team is fucking up on purpose

that wouldn't surprise me, either that or they are absolutely incompetent, and then so is rune for not firing them. did you see the office video? barren and low energy as fuck

>> No.9427433

>niggers in heaven

>> No.9427467

lol anyone here who acts like COSS won't hit $5 before Q3 is blatantly trolling

>> No.9427493

>lost so much money on this shit
Thanks for confirming that you're a salty newfag that knows nothing

>> No.9427495

Exactly. It is like people think by fudding coss they will be able to get it cheaper. It cannot go much lower now. Once volume goes up it will be impossible to buy for under $1 as the dividends will keep people invested.

>> No.9427505

I thought it was going to $20 last year honestly after Rune said they were hiring new people. Then he said there'd be fiat. Then he said there'd be an awesome UI and a new API. The problem is everything kept breaking. If they start getting things back under control I might buy back in, but right now I honestly think this is a terrible buy.

>> No.9427507

Because it might get a highly sought after coin and the volume will skyrocket.

Binance was a nobody until they got NEO. The chance of Coss getting a decent high demand coin in the next year or so is very high. Much better chances of mooning again compared to most projects.

>> No.9427561

>buy high sell low

Waiting until everything is perfect means you will miss out on the low price today. $20 is almost unreasonable, just do the math for it based on dividends. $5 might be achievable in the next 12 months.

>> No.9427568

>The chance of Coss getting a decent high demand coin
Why do you think so? They are incompetent regarding everything and everything they list is utter shite. What makes you think they will list some gem before anyone else? That's a crazy gamble if ever heard one

>> No.9427608

the exchange will never ever be competitive because they are incompetent. you cant improve incompetency. the only reason this could moon is if they were bought up and someone replaced the ceo and at least half the team

>> No.9427667

I bought at 6 cents last time and sold at $2. It was the incompetence that killed it for me. It wasn't the lack of features.

>> No.9427681

Nice meme image Rune, you make that yourself?

>> No.9427718

because COSS is the only crypto exchange focusing on being entirely compliant with all government regulations instead of running away to the fucking Bermuda Triangle or whatever like binance and bittrex

>> No.9427731

thats funny because thats exactly what id expect rune's photoshop work to look like

>> No.9428296

That's not true. There are multiple such exchanges in the works. Gemini is already regulated and up and running. Coinmetro will launch soon and is scheduled to be out of beta before COSS is. It was one of their edges but it's really not anymore now that they havent been able to properly launch the exchange even after a full year

>> No.9428309


>> No.9428326


>> No.9428411

To be fair coinmetro is turning into a shitshow as well

>> No.9428449

API coming in the next month so I'm pretty excited for that. Should help drive volume quite a bit.

>> No.9428459

It's been delayed but a late product is still good if it's properly developed. Let's hope it wont be like coss that it's both late and it sucks

>> No.9428498

>tfw you try to scam people but accidently make a real company

>> No.9428721
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>$20 is almost unreasonable

Cossfags bags are so heavy and still making hilarious comments. Lead guy is way to incompetent to get anything started up and by then they will be way behind in the exchange competition, which they already are. Would not be surprised if he is just kicking back with his money and doing the minimum work so he doesn't get sued or break any business laws in Singapore.

>> No.9429203
File: 58 KB, 454x279, cosstard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, cosstard price predictions are always hilarious to see