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9425942 No.9425942 [Reply] [Original]

>manchild in his 30s does his 50th "big gaming rig setup" video this month

Oh lordy

>> No.9425988
File: 560 KB, 1024x450, J1CboIK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so wet know are you a roastie or a cuck? Where's your wife's son?

>> No.9426150


>> No.9426341

there's a market of other manchildren who watch this, pretty much every popular channel is targeted at 12 year olds or people with brains of 12 year olds

>> No.9426370

Manchild complains on Mongolian baskets exchange imageboard.

>> No.9426388

Good. This makes making money easier when there are idiots like him.

>> No.9426392

car enthusiasts do basically the same thing. that manchild is making more money than you ever will

>> No.9426460
File: 9 KB, 234x215, 1525993356979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan to build something similar but with way more screens.
thought about 8 or so.

>> No.9426869

Manufacturers give these channels free shit all the fucking time for advertising purposes. Just like those 'streamer reactions to me donating $xxxxx'. They still come out on top with YouTube revenue

>> No.9426961

Who gives a fuck, there's demand for such type of content as you can see by the number of views and all he does is speaking about the tech. Easy money.
OP is a jelly fag

>> No.9427203

>itt: triggered manchildren larping and failing
i'm 32 and play video games weekly, nothing wrong with it
if you like it as a hobby you should come to terms with it instead of passive aggressively sperging out at OP
insecurity isn't pretty

>> No.9427294

>watching a manchild in his 30's unbox things on youtube ever
Oh lordy

>> No.9427365

where does this anti-gaming brigade come from i'm curious
you guys all seem to come together

>> No.9427422

how rich do you guys think he is?

>> No.9427476

I'd rather spend that on mining equipment

>> No.9427510

He's definitely on the way to eight figures

>> No.9427534

and unless you're 5 who gives fuck?

>> No.9427921

Are cars manchild onions now?