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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 70 KB, 412x530, A round of applause.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9424965 No.9424965 [Reply] [Original]

A warm thank you to all the SJW bizlets who bought my HOLO at 0,0017$. Protip for next time: don't buy a pump and dump after it already has pumped.

>> No.9425038

How much Holo to sniff those feet?

>> No.9425062
File: 90 KB, 612x942, 349_5577e5ff5b2ac_612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9425070

bad pajeet! No no we dont sniff sjw feel, we kill them.
then you can sniff them ok?

>> No.9425113

10% more every day you wait.

>> No.9425975


>> No.9425987

/pol/ doesn't know how to make money. Dumb nationalist faggots.

>> No.9426077

You are going to regret that op, Mark my words kid

>> No.9426080

This reminds me of Etherium FUD from back in the day.

>> No.9426101

No what, I am saying dumb political ideologues don't know how to make money

>> No.9426146

Oh I misread that. My bad, anon. People literally ignoring this because of that picture are dumb as fuck.

>> No.9426162
File: 134 KB, 768x1024, fullsizeoutput_2224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw still all-in Holo from 60-110 vits but can't help but post deluded pepe

>> No.9426171

I've been fudding on the telegram for fun because it's a funny time to do that

>> No.9426174

Yeah, it doesn't have anything to do with the tech and she doesn't even answer the emails (I emailed them) so it's just fake fud.

Arthur literally answers all serious emails around the project and people that work on it.

>> No.9426179

will fucking scumbags leave my mom alone

>> No.9426188

>implying being able to see behind the veil instead of being a naive normalfag means you don't know how to make money
kek, how them bags doing

>> No.9426227
File: 53 KB, 949x895, d7c2c742660c7aa1156aa740ae97e631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trump is billionaire

>> No.9426312


>> No.9426407

Jokes on you fag, I bought enigma under ico price, gonna ride these Jews for every shekel.
T.ultra pol english nationalist

>> No.9426451
File: 787 KB, 1200x1298, 1519201694903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holochain is actually a technologically legit project. But why in the fuck is so infested by mystic spiritual and magic crap. Pic related whisper to rocks and crystal, look it up. Every one in the team is about consciousness mumbo jumbo, and it activates all my red flags. Even if it dumps further below ICO I am not sure if I would re enter (did a quick 2x in the initial pump and left)

>> No.9426497

What does that have to do with tech on an unpermissioned network? You /pol/ idiots are so fucking stupid jfc.

Like find a real hole but I guess you don't get those skills flipping burgers.

>> No.9426614

It has nothing to do with the tech, and that's exactly what I said. But it is weird that a whole team is in some kind of mysticism. In a professional environment you are professional, and your beliefs stay in the door. With Holochain you can smell the cannabis and the incense by entering in the web. And it is not about ideals, it is about pseudo-science and naivety in the current year, two things I cannot respect.

>> No.9426686
File: 7 KB, 175x175, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9426705

The woman coordinates emails within the company and makes sure the right people are talking to each other internally.

I don't think that anyone cares man. All of this is like when ETH was cheap here and all of these autists thought that all of their liberal politics mattered. No one gives a shit in the real world.

If Arthur or Matthew ever were really public about being a militant new age spiritualist maybe that would be an issue but they just talk about the tech and decentralization. I live and work in the bay and have talked to Arthur by emailing the project before. He answers the emails, there was no namaste in the sig. Die poor.

>> No.9426762

>Die poor
So offensive and aggressive. You are the one looking like a /pol/tard and who doesn't fit with Holo. Enjoy the ride down.

>> No.9427296

I just don't get the aggressive FUD. It's an interesting project and the code and GitHub look great.

>> No.9427563

no one gives fuck about code. Hype is over. Bogdanov made a call its over for holo

>> No.9427588

I'll go ahead and admit I wasn't here when ETH was cheap but that skeleton is a hell of a lot more believable and trustworthy than these fucks

>> No.9427633

Arthur Brock and that other guy who does the videos are just fine. I'm guessing you haven't done any research and are basing your whole opinion on some picture spammed on a Chinese basket weaving forum.

>> No.9427659

So what, money skelly is a communist and pedophilia apologist and ethereum is still worth 80 billion, good tech is good tech no matter who creates it.

>> No.9427678


>> No.9427702

Keep investing based on personal beliefs. You probably also missed the Stellar moon because "fuck niggers". You autists are dense.